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英语阅读(二),主讲:曹萍,英语阅读(二)是为培养和检验自学者的英语阅读能力而设置的一门实践基础课程,本课程的重点是提高应试者的阅读理解能力,使应试者通过大量阅读,扩大词汇量和知识面,复习和巩固已学过的词汇及基本语法知识,增强语感,逐步提高阅读速度、技能和理解能力,本考试为6学分。 参考教材:英语阅读(二)(2005年版),白永权主编,高等教育出版社2005年出版 参考资料:英语专业自学课程词汇表,刘润清主编,外语教学与研究出版社,课程要求: 通过对课程重点内容的整理概括、知识点的梳理总结,着重讲解考点,分析难点。目的是帮助应试者通过本课程考试,达到考试要求。本次串讲重点讲述: 重点词汇、短语:大纲要求考生能够认知5000-6000个单词,熟练掌握2000个常用词即重点词汇,考试高频词; 阅读技巧:大纲要求考生能够掌握基本的阅读方法和阅读技能,阅读速度达到每分钟80-100个单词,了解中心大意,抓住主要论点,熟悉文章篇章结构,对文章进行分析、归纳、推理,领会作者的态度和观点。掌握四种基本的阅读方法:略读(skimming),寻读(scanning),快速阅读(fast reading),细读(perusing); 常用专业词汇及文化背景知识:涉及不同专业领域的科普词汇,对于增强了解文化背景知识、不同领域的发展,扩大知识面大有裨益,以此提高阅读的理解能力,也丰富了课外知识,生活常识,社会阅历。,阅读技巧:如何找主题句 文章每一段话都有一个主题句,说明段落的主题和大意。一般而言,主题句通常位于段落开头、中间或结尾,偶尔不在文中出现,却隐含在文章中。找到主题句,总结出段落大意,对于理解篇幅较长的文章尤为重要和有利。,unit 1 Health,重点词汇、短语: Text 1 Do We Need Extra Vitamin? carbohydrate contender therapeutic attendant retain supplement excrete toxic protein derive ubiquitous ward off sooner or later in moderation Text 2 Women and Tobacco mortality toll impact halt reverse inducement subtle hazard affluent escalate tackle advocate lifespan tailor revenue glamorous addiction epidemic priority call for be free from attribute to take up take into account,Text 3 Are These the Best Years of Your Life? predictable decline infection bonus ailment statistical neurotic verge veteran pessimism guarantee blissful apparently foster trade-off admission breakdown come up with ups and downs on the verge,常用专业词汇及文化背景知识: WHO: World Health Organization the US Bureau of Public Health MQ: Maturity Quotients IQ: Intelligence Quotients Lady Luck Mozart Mendelssohn,阅读技巧:寻读 当你想要快速找到文章中的特定信息时,你需要掌握寻读的阅读技巧,寻读时你要带着问题读文章以找出答案,忽略其他不相关的信息。 寻读的方法: 1.预先确定你要找的具体信息(即读懂题干); 2.试着预测答案如何出现,以及可以利用什么线索确定答案所在。例如,如果你正找某个特定日期,可以快速阅读文章只看数字部分; 3.利用标题和其他相关信息帮你确定哪一部分可能包含你所要的信息; 4.选择性阅读和跳读文章的各个部分;,unit 2 Environment,重点词汇、短语: Text 4 Our Disappearing Wildlife unprecedented pesticide injurious exterminate livestock decompose tremendous threaten drastic eliminate splendid refuge wipe out interfere with push off care about,Text 5 Pollution is a Dirty Word exhaust junkyard stack vicious dilemma foresight hover invaluable intensify discard convert crucial emit smokestack complain unsightly consumption stumble slogan gigantic bulky concentration dispose of in harmony with deprive of grind on Text 6 Keeping Food on the Table flourish nutrient deplete devastate offspring feat graze pasture radiate prosperity fertile erosion topsoil triple hormone account for call upon,常用专业词汇及文化背景知识: Millennium: a period of 1,000 years Cadillac: a brand of a luxurious car United States Agricultural Department,阅读技巧:寻找主要信息和附加信息 首先,仔细阅读章节或节选文章的题目,确定它能给你提供什么线索,然后特别注意关键词,causes, results, effects等,不要忽略标志词语,如:versus, pros and cons, 它们表达了语句之间的关系,弄清楚语句的关系,可以轻松掌握文章中心,作者的思路观点。 还要仔细阅读文章的标题和其他组织性的线索,从中可以了解作者想要表达的观点。或许你已经习惯忽略黑体的标题和题目,而它们正是最重要的观点的最明显线索,如果你只是注意细节而忽略主题,在获取信息时将会更困难。 此外,尽量找出文章或是不同段落中隐含的附加信息。,unit 3 Psychology,重点词汇、短语: Text 7 How to be Happy superficial enchant perseverance complementary prestigious dejection prophecy mull over ruminate over mess up Text 8 Never be Nervous Again survey newscast momentum spontaneous presentation scan polished memorable wrestle columnist seduce screech resonance quiver animated hostility lunge stage fright ahead of knock down give out,Text 9 Hey, Im the Customer impression acknowledge inattentive veiled retail vehicle payoff clich rapport distraction betray virtually appreciative referral demanding mileage tune in (out) see through keep up with the Joneses as to set the stage for go about cut out 常用专业词汇及文化背景知识: Stanford University,阅读技巧:如何阅读介绍性短语和从句 阅读文章时,介绍性的短语和从句表明句子、段落之间的关系,弄清楚这些关系有助于更好的理解。例如:however, above all, as a result, at first, unless, despite等等。,unit 4 Sports and Body Building,重点词汇、短语: Text 10 How to Camp Out trick rotate flint permanent elaborate compass summit canteen broil kindle shelter year after year apt to go off Text 11 Body Image strive glamorous cue obsession minute deluge makeover enhance counselor sensation plummet ditch outlet demerit asset fit in contribute to measure up strive for be concerned with be deluge with,Text 12 Baseball in America spoil farce dynamics legend stunt propagate myt
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