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?23?6?Vol.23 No.6 2 0 0 9?12?CHINESE JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCHDecember 2 0 0 9 ? ? ? ? 1 ? 2 ? 2 ? 3 ? 1 1.?150001 2.?150001 3.?(?)?110016 ?(?RuCl3?NaOH)?,? ?,?Na?Cl?. X?,? ?Na?Cl?Na+?Cl?.?5?(W 5)?1? ?(W 1)?,?Na+?Cl?.?, W 5?W 1. Na+?Cl? ?,?.? ?.?Na+?Cl?. ?,?,?, X?,? ?O614?1005-3093(2009)06-0628-07 Eff ect of impurity ions on electrochemical super-capacitive properties of amorphous hydrated ruthenium oxide WU Caixia1LIU Gang2FANG Haitao2LI Feng3SHI Pengfei1 1.School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 3.Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016 * Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China Nos.50872026 and 50602011. Manuscript received May 27, 2009; in revised form July 15, 2009. * To whom correspondence should be addressed, Tel:(0451)86413921, Email: htfang ABSTRACTAmorphous hydrous ruthenium oxide was prepared by a chemical precipitation method. Two ruthenium oxide samples with diff erent contents of Na and Cl impurities were obtained by changing the number of times for washing sediments with distilled water. The experiment results showed that the Na and Cl impurities exist as hydrated Na+and hydrated Cl , respectively. Sample W 5 (suffi ciently washed 5 times with distilled water during its preparation) has lower content of Na+and Cl+impurities in comparison with sample W 1 (insuffi ciently washed once with distilled water during its preparation). Cyclic voltammetric measurements indicate that the specifi c capacitance and power performance of W 5 are all higher than that of W 1. Hydrated Na+and Cl impurities not only decrease the specifi c capacitance of ruthenium oxide, but degrade the power performance. The reason for the deleterious eff ect of hydrated Na+and Climpurities on the super-capacitive properties is discussed. KEY WORDS inorganic non-metallic materials, material physics and chemistry, supercapacitor, Xray photoelectron spectra, ruthenium oxide ? *?50872026?50602011?. 2009?5?27?; 2009?7?15?. ?:?,? ?,? ?,? ?.?,? ?,?.?,? ? 1. ? 6?:?6296?:?6296?:?629 ?(? ?)?(?)? ?. ? RuO2+ H+ e RuO26(OH)6,0 2 (1) ?,? ?,?720 F/g25?,? ?.? ?,? ?.? ?,?,? ?. ? 3, ?. ? ? 210 ? 1116 ? 17,18 ? 1921 ?.? ?,?,? ?(?100 m).? ?,?,? ?(150?200?),? ?,?H2SO4?,? ?.? ?, Zheng JP?35 mA/g? ?,?768 F/g2; Sato Y?2 mV/s ?,?606 F/g6.? ?5 mA/cm2?,? 540 F/g10.?,? ?. ?Na?Cl? ? ?,?Na?Cl? ?,? ?. 1? 1.1? ?.? ?RuCl3xH2O?,?0.1 mol/L RuCl3?.?RuCl3? ?0.3 mol/L NaOH,?pH?7.? ?.?1? ?,?5?.?45? ?150?19 h,? ?,?W 1?W 5?. 1.2? ?X?(XRD, D/Max 2400)? ?.?(SEM, HITACHI S4700) ?.?X?(EDS, EDAX Genesis XM2)?X?(XPS, ES- CALAB 250)?.?XPS? ?Pt?,?Pt?4f?. Pt? 4f7/2?71.2 eV?,?XPS? ?.?Cl 2p?, Cl 2p?XPS? ?,?50 eV?(pass energy),? ?20 eV?.? (Netsch STA 449C Jupiter)?. 1.3? ? ?,?8.2 mg,?D=5 mm?,? ?110 m? ?,?600 MPa,?5 min. ? ?.?1 mol/L?,?Ti?. ? ?.? ?,?. ?3 A/g(?) ?,?500?,? ?.?(cyclic vlotammetry, CV)?.? ?01 V.?5 mV/s?10 mV/s? 20 mV/s?35 mV/s?50 mV/s?75 mV/s?100 mV/s. ?S? CP= S/(umV ) = S(um)(2) ?m?(Kg); u? ?(mV/s); V?(1 V).? ?,? ?. 2? 2.1? ?1?,?1?5? ?XRD?,?,? 210. SEM?,?,? ?,?36 m?(?2).? ?3?,?,?, 550? ?.?, ?.?600? ?,?,? 12.3%.?,?
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