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At the shop 教学设计 教学目标:1. 听、说、读、写单词tomato,potato,carrot,fish,meat,rice;听、说、认、读单词shop,soup。2. 能用What would you like?询问别人想要什么,并能用Id like .表达自己想要什么。3. 初步运用核心句型来表达意愿,购买食物。教学重点:学会单词tomato,potato,carrot,fish,meat,rice。学会句型What would you like?Id like . 了解Id like=I would like教学难点:区别What would you like?与What do you like?的意义与用法。教学方法:情境教学法、合作学习法。教学过程:I.warn up。1.Sing a song2.复习食品单词,引入课题。T:What do you like?Ss:I like.While-task procedures.1. Learn the new words.2.教学单词,多种形式操练单词。(1) 出现图片,呈现单词的单复数形式。(2) 学生跟读单词,升降调读。(3) 个别读。(4) 快速认读。(5) 拼写单词。3. Play a game. What is missing?4. Play another game. Loudly and lowly 5.。教师板书句型“What would you like?”讲解would like的意思是“想要”。强调 Id like=I would like板书句型“Id like some candy and some orange juice.”6师生分角色对话。.Post-task.1. 学生填写购物单shopping list,操练句型What would you like?Id like .。2. 布置作业。 At the shop 说课稿 1、 说教材。本课是牛津英语上教版四年级上册M3U8At the shop第一课时。教学内容是Look and learn的三个可数名词以及Listen and say涉及到的重点句型What would you like? Id like .我把本课的教学目标定为1听、说、读、写单词tomato,potato,carrot ,meat,fish,rice;听、说、认、读单词shop,soup。2能用What would you like?询问别人想要什么,并能用Id like .表达自己想要什么。3初步运用核心句型来表达意愿,购买食物。教学重点:学会单词tomato,potato,carrot,meat,rice,fish。学会句型What would you like?Id like .教学难点:区别What would you like?与What do you like?的意义与用法。二、说教法和学法:情境教学法、任务型教学法、合作学习法。教学本课单词是在三年级学习了一些食物单词,已经初步认识了可数名词和不可数名词的基础上学习的。至于句型,三年级时已经学过What do you like?I like.和本课的重点句型容易混淆。因此,我采用以旧引新的方法,利用课件引导学生复习食物单词和句型。然后再创设情境引入新句型,对比阐明What do you like?I like.和What would you like? Id like .的不同用法。本着循序渐进的原则,我引导学生利用shopping list填写Kittys shopping list、Mums shopping list、My shopping list.巩固单词,操练句型。三说教学过程:I.Pre-task preparations. 复习食品单词,引入课题。T:What are they? What do you like?Ss:I like.T:We can buy at the shop/in the supermarket.Lets go to the shop.(板书课题).while-task procedures.1.谈话引出购物单shopping list。T:I want to make soup.Id like some eggs.Id like some bread .What would I like?从而引出单词tomato。然后创设情境引出potato,carrot。2.教学单词,多种形式操练单词。3.播放listen and say动画,学生填写购物单Kittys shopping list.Mums shopping list。4.再播放listen and say动画。教师板书句型“What would you like?”讲解would like的意思是“想要”。板书句型“Id like some candy and some orange juice.”5.师生对话操练句型。T:You are Kitty.What would you like?Ss:Id like some candy and some orange juice.T:You are Mum.What would you like?Ss:Id like some tomatoes ,some potatoes,some carrots and eggs.6.创设小情境,复习how much,引出对话。T:Guess!How much are these?Ss:.7.继续播放动画。然后,师生分角色对话。8.播放动画,学生跟读。9.师生分角色对话。10.根据关键词复述课文。.Post-task.1.学生填写购物单shopping list,操练句型What would you like?Id like .。2.布置作业。
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