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,The flow of products at a steady, predictable and consistent velocity through production operations. 产品按稳定,可预测和一致的速率通过生产操作,Vs 比较,The ideal is one-piece flow at and between processes. 理想的方法是在工序间实现单件流,Continuous Flow Production(连续流动生产),Continuous Flow(连续流动),JIT Production Characteristics(准时化生产的特性),Work Statement Analysis(工作状况分析) Equipment in order of processes(设备按工艺排列) Small and inexpensive equipment(用小而经济的设备) One-piece flow production(单件流生产) Production in Product Cell (or Fishbone “Rib”) (再独立单元内生产) Multi-process-handling workers(掌握多种技能的工人) Standing operations, moving while working(站立工作,随着工作移动) Ergonomically-correct operations(符合人体工程学-正确的操作) Production paced to takt time (按照节拍时间进行生产) Balance Operations in the cell,“Standard operations” defined and implemented(在独立单元内平衡作业且“标准作业方式”被定义和实施) Level Production(均衡生产),(Usually done by Industrial Engineering with Factory Management)(通常由工业工程师完成) Category 1 60% of production.(类别1 60%的生产) Category 2 next 25% of production.(类别2 随后的25%的生产) Category 3 last 15% of production(类别3 最后的15%的生产),Example (例如) :,Product / Quantity (PQ) Analysis (产品/数量分析),Work Statement Analysis (工作状况分析),Continuous Flow (连续流动),Process Route Analysis (工艺路线分析),Based on usage: Determine standard routings.(决定标准路线) Group part numbers with similar routings.(将相识路线的产品号归类) Determine possible cells for part number groupings.(由产品号归类决定可能的独立生产单元) Evaluate capacity, bottlenecks, and equipment which must be shared.(评估产能,瓶颈和必须共享的设备),Work Statement Analysis(工作状况分析),Continuous Flow (连续流动),13,16,17,17 _,5,8,6,6,6,5,8,Locate Equipment in Order of Processes(按照工艺次序放置设备),Continuous Flow (连续流动),Things to consider: (需考虑的事情) Choose small, dedicated machines.(选择小而专用的机器) Install casters on equipment for flexibility (ability to change layout daily if needed).(为了灵活,为设备装上轮脚) Minimize distance between operations.(减少工序间的距离) Avoid large, fast equipment in a cell (only fast enough).(尽量避免在使用大而快的设备) Store materials, supplies, and tooling at point of use.(将材料,供应和工装放在要使用的地方),Small & Inexpensive Equipment(用小而经济的设备),Continuous Flow (连续流动),Takt time = 75 sec 节拍时间=75秒,Identify and eliminate wastes and constraints which limit one-piece flow.(识别并消除影响单件流生产的浪费和限制) “One-less-at-a-time” drives you to one-piece flow.(以每次减少一件的方式来推动单件流),Strive to Produce and Move One Piece at a Time(争取做到单件流生产),Continuous Flow (连续流动),Product requires three processes that take one minute each(产品需经过三个工序,每个工序需用一分钟) Processing first batch in batches of 10 requires 30 minutes(如以10个为一批生产用时30分钟) Processing first “batch” one-at-a-time requires only 12 minutes(如以单件流进行生产仅需12分钟),Traditional Batch Processing (传统的成批加工),10 minutes,10 minutes,10 minutes,Total Batch A processing time: 30 minutes(所有A 批次的加工时间为30分钟),Continuous Flow Processing (连续流动的加工方法),Total Batch A processing time: 12 minutes (所有A 批次的加工时间为12分钟)Only 3 minutes for 1st part(仅3分钟一个),1,2,3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12,3,Continuous Flow (连续流动),Strive to Produce and Move One Piece at a Time(争取做到单件流生产),Out(出),In(进),One-Piece Flow(单件流),One-Piece Flow(单件流),Batch Process 成批加工 (Requires a Lot Size of 120)批量为120,Batch Conveyance(批量运输),Maximum Total Inventory of 120 at this location (此处的最大库存量为120),Ready,Processed,Dealing With Monuments(针对超大装备),Continuous Flow (连续流动),Enable people to leave machine and move to next process.使人能离开机器并移动到下一个工序) Apply autonomation (automation with a human touch).(应用自动化) Install devices to stop machine when finished or problem occurs (Jidoka). (安装当加工完成或出现问题时能停止的装置) Install mistake-proofing devices.(安装防错装置) Eliminate watching machines and waiting.(消除看管机器和等待的时间) Perform another value-adding task while machine is working.(机器工作时做另一项有价值的工作),After(现在),Uh-oh, theres a problem. Id better stop and signal someone to come here.(有问题,我应该找人来看一下。),Move While Working: Separate People from Machines (工作时移动:将人从机器中解放出来),Continuous Flow (连续流动),What skills are needed to operate the cell? (操作独立工作区所需的技能?) Who performs what tasks? (谁来完成任务?) How will we work together in the cell? (在独立工作区,我们如何协同工作?) Design for mutual assistance and use defined “passing zones.”(以互助的方式设计),Multi-Process-Handling Workers (掌握多种技能的工人),Continuous Flow (连续流动),John Mary Frank,3 3 3 3,2 3 3,5 3 3,6 3 3,4 3 3 3,1 3 3,Process Skills(工序所需技能),People(人),7 3 3 3,Ask: “How fast should we produce?”(问:“我们生产需多快?”) Plan production rate and material flows to match real consumption by the customer (may include some planned stock of finished goods).(生产速率和材料的流动应与顾客的实际需求相匹配(可以包含一些计划内的成品库存) Match production rates and speeds to consumption of finished goods. (使生产速率与成品消耗相一致) Required production rate is the Takt time.(所需要的生产速率即节拍),Plan,Customer Consumption(顾客消费),A Parts 400,B Parts 800,C Parts 600,D Parts 200,Produce Paced to Takt Time (按照节拍时间进行生产),Continuous Flow (连续流动),14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0,Takt time = 10,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,1,2,3,4,5,Operato
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