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必修一 第五单元 单元教学内容分析单元教学目的和要求:Topic: The qualities of a great person; the lives of some great peopleVocabulary: 音形义 generous, found, principle, selfish, selfless, republic, livelihood, nationalism, peaceful, leap, giant, guidance, Legal, illegal, fee, Hopeful, stage, violence, Violent, willing, unfair, Release, relative, terror, Reward, president, opinion, Attack, escape, quality, However, vote, cruelty, Active, devoted, educated, in trouble, come to power, out of work , be generous with, die for/from 应用 devote, escape, as a matter of fact, encourage, proud, allow, give away, give back, give in, give in to, give off, give up Important sentences:重点句子(P.33) He helped black people get the same rights as white people.(P.33) He was the first man to land on the moon in July 1969.(P.34) Sadly I did not have it.(P.34) The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.(P.34) Only then we decided to answer violence with violence.(P.38) but they did pass their exams.(P.38) Since I was better educated, I got a job working in an office.Grammar:定语从句the attributive clause II -where, when , why, 介词+which/whom) 本单元出现定语从句17句(who P.33, P.38 ; to whomP.34; when P.34 P.38; for which P.34 P.38; in which P.34; where P. 34; which P.34; 省略关系代词P.34 P.38)Daily language:(课本第39页) 1、征求意见(asking for opinion) 2、发表意见(giving opinions)Emotional goal: 了解Nelson Mandela的生平事迹,认识伟人所应具备的优秀品质,学习他们在艰苦的环境下为人类做贡献、不追求享乐的高尚品质,以提高自身的素质。Writing:人物描写(|Description of a famous person)本单元的中心话题是伟人的品格、几位伟人的生平,内容涉及伊莱亚斯的故事,纳尔逊曼德拉的生平简介,威廉廷代尔的故事,比尔盖茨明等,而主要内容是围绕当代英雄纳尔逊曼德拉展开的。教材接穷苦的黑人工人伊莱亚斯的口吻,叙述发生在他身边的纳尔逊曼德拉的故事,这样的写法有别于惯常所采取的平铺直叙,虽然只反映出曼德拉的一个侧面,但读起来却更加的亲切感人,引人入胜,还留给了学生更多的思考空间。伊莱亚斯的故事分成了三部分。第一部分是主课文,伊莱亚斯向我们介绍1952-1963年期间的曼德拉;第二部分是听力短文,伊莱亚斯讲述了他为了争取与白人平等的权利而参加了曼德拉的非洲国民大会青年联盟;第三部分也是阅读短文,伊莱亚斯讲述了他在罗本岛见于服刑期间得到了曼德拉的帮组,在非国大(ANC)掌权后,在曼德拉的安排下,伊莱亚斯又回到了罗本岛见于担任解说,向游客介绍罗本岛的过去。Warming up部分: 列出了24的形容词,要求学生从中选择哪些可以用来描述伟人,引导学生思考伟人应该具有的品格,开展讨论并列表说明。这样的安排既突出了本单元的主题-为人的品格,又体现了本单元的功能项目-发表意见与评论。Pre-reading部分: 设计了讨论题。著名的人物是否也是伟人呢?让学生结合书中所列出的古今中外的六位人物进行讨论,发表意见。Reading部分:题为“伊莱亚斯的故事”由伊莱亚斯向我们叙述曼德拉的故事,时间是从1952年到1963年。伊莱亚斯初遇曼德拉时还是一个年仅12虽的黑人少年,正处于人生的一个非常困难时期,曼德拉开办 了转为黑人服务的律师事务所,帮助黑人解决困难。伊莱亚斯正式在曼德拉的帮助下获得了在约翰内斯堡工作的合法权利。在曼德拉的教育下,伊莱亚斯也体会到了人生的快乐和希望。曼德拉亲切和蔼的态度,宽容博大的胸怀让他深深感动,永生难忘。因此,伊莱亚斯在第一时间加入了曼德拉领导的非洲人国民大会青年联盟,聆听曼德拉的讲演,积极参加他组织的反政府活动,为争取获得黑人与白人平等的权利而战斗。Comprehending部分:设置了四个练习,主要用来帮助学生更好地理解阅读课文的内容。练习1要求学生依据课文内容判断练习所给句子的正误,并说明理由。主要是检查学生对课文中的某些细节内容的理解情况。练习2要求学生根据课文内容回答问题。练习3要求学生按照课文内容列出伊莱亚斯的生活年表。练习4要求学生听磁带模仿读音,注意长句朗读是的听读现象,并对所列出的语句进行分析,在理解的基础上用自己的话复述出来。 Learning about language部分:由词汇学习和语法学习两部分组成,分别对词汇和语法进行练习。 Using language部分:让学生运用本单元所学的语言知识点进行听说读写的综合训练。高中英语教学设计教学课题Unit 5 Nelson Mandela Warming up, pre-reading, reading and comprehending课程类型听说课课时一课时教材分析本课涉及的内容有:Warming up, pre-reading, reading and comprehending,通过一系列活动让学生了解伟人具有的品格,学习有利于自己发展的品德与行为。学情分析 学生对本单元中出现的几位伟人或名人多有所了解,课程内容方面应该不会有太大的问题,但口语交流肯定是一大难关,听力方面的练习仍欠缺。教学重点1.New words 2. Summarize the characters of a great person. 3. Finish the exercises. 4. Improve the listening skills 教学难点1.How to help the Ss express themselves better. 2. How to help the Ss summarize the main quality of a great man.教学目标(一)知识目标 1.New words and expressions: quality, mean, active, generous, self(-less, -ish, -lessly), devoted, willing, found, principle, peaceful, mankind 2. Functions: I think(二)能力目标 1.选取适当形容词描述著名人物,能简单介绍他们的成就; 2.听懂一段人物介绍,并能获取与该人物有关的数字、地点、成就及其影响等信息。 3. 借助上下文推断听力短文中的空缺内容,在听的过程中,能记录所听到的关键词。 4.简单介绍心中的英雄人物,发表自己的见解。 5.初步总结归纳伟人的共性和特点。(三)情感目标 学习伟人不畏艰辛、勇于挑战的精神,重塑自我三观世界。教学方法 1. Discussion 2. Co-operative 3.Task-based activities教学过程设计时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图minStep 1Lead in Ask the Ss to make a guess about the topic of this unit from the title and pics.Read the title and pics and make a guess读前预测能有效的调动学生原有相关知识储备,激发对未知知识的欲望minStep 2Warming up New wordsShow some pics of some famous men ith relative information and words.Describe the men and wordsSeparate the class into groups to make introduction to the famous men.Q Are famous people all great ones?Listen and go over the wordsDiscuss in group Report it outDiscuss选取学生熟悉的人物以激发他们的学生兴趣呈现新词复习利用合作避免个人失误,鼓励后进minStep 3ReadingdiscussionAsk the Ss to go through pre-reading and guess the meanings of the new words.Make the Ss guess the differences between famous and great people.Discussion.Read and guessDiscuss在上下文中猜测词义独立思考合作交流结论minStep 4Listening Ask the Ss to focus on William TyndaleHave you ever heard of him before?Why do you think his work was so important?Play the tape.1.listern and do Ex1. 2.listen again and check the answersListen to the first part again and
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