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人教版 PEP 英语六年级下册期中测试题班级姓名分数_听力部分一.听录音,选择你听到的单词.短语或汉语意思。( ) 1. A. tail B. tall C. talk D. taller( ) 2. A. watch B. wash C.wear D. washed( ) 3. A. 兴奋的 B.无聊的 C.忧愁的 D. 疲劳的( ) 4. A. 更重的 B. 更长的 C. 更年轻的 D. 更瘦的( ) 5. A. angry B. happy C.hooray D. play二.听录音,选择问题的正确答语。( ) 1. A. She is 160cm . B. She is 10 years old . C. She is 45kg.( ) 2. A. I feel sick . B. She is tired . C. He is happy .( ) 3. A. I often play football. B. I played football. C. I am playing football.( ) 4. A. Yes, he did . B. No, he did. C. Yes, he does.( ) 5. A. I went fish yesterday. B. I readed books yesterday .C. I studied English yesterday .三.听录音,填空。1.Mr Wang is _ _ Mr Zhao.2._ do you feel? I have a _.3.How are you, Amy? You _ _ .4.What did you do _ Sunday? I _ swimming.5.Did you _ a _ yesterday?四 听短文,将正确的答案序号填入题前的括号里。( )1.A.Peter is a middle school student.B. Peter isnt a middle school student.( ) 2. A. Peter is fifteen. B. Peter is fourteen.( ) 3. A. Jack is fourteen. B. Jack is fifteen.( ) 4. A. They all like English. B. They dont like English.( ) 5. A. They arent good students. B. They are good students.笔试部分一. 判断下列单词的读音是否一致。用 T或 F表示.1.mother father ( ) 2.look cook ( )3.weather bread ( ) 4.read red ( )5bad bed ( ) 6 than thank ( )二. 根据图片和上下文的意思在横线上填空,使句子完整。1. The mothers apple is _.(大的)The girls apple is _. (小的)2. _ _ is the girl? Shes 13 years old. 3. Whats the _ with Lily?Her leg _. (受伤)4. How _ Peter feel?Hes very _. (兴奋地)5. What _ Mike do last weekend? He _ football. 三. 选择。 ( )1. A dog is _ than an elephant.A. heavier B. stronger C. shorter ( ) 2. My leg _.A. hurt B. hurts C. have a fever( ) 3.She _ to school on foot yesterday.A. goes B. went C. go( ) 4.How _Amy feel today?A. do B. did C. does ( ) 5.Where _ you _ last weekend?A. do, go B. did, go C. did, went( ) 6.This dogs tail is long . that dogs tail is _.A. long B. longer C. heavier( )7. What did you do last weekend ?_A. I do my homework B. I went hiking .C. I had a sore throat .( )8. My throat _sore . My nose _.A. is , hurt B. are hurt C . is hurts( )9. How tall are you , Liu Xiang ?A. Im 74kg . B. I wear size 43 . C. Im 188cm.( )10. Sarah: I have a toothache.John: Im _ to hear that.A. glad B. sad C. sorry 四.从 B栏选择 A栏的正确答语。A B( ) 1. How tall are you ? A. Yes, I did .( ) 2. How do you feel ? B. I am bored.( ) 3. Whats the matter with Tom ? C. His leg hurts .( ) 4. What did you do yesterday ? D. I am 170cm tall.( ) 5. Did you clean the room yesterday ? E. I went to the park .五.阅读理解,判断正误。对的写 T,错的写 F。I am Danny.There are four people in my family. My father, my mother , my sister and me. Last Sunday was a fine day. My family went to the Zhongshan Park by subway. We went hiking in the park. At first, all of four were happy and excited. Father is stronger than all of us, so he took many things in his bag. We played games, sang songs and danced in the park. But suddenly, my sister fell down. Her leg hurt. At last, she had to go to see the doctor. We were sad in the end.( ) 1. Dannys family went to the park this Sunday .( ) 2. Dannys father is stronger than his mother.( ) 3. Dannys sister took many things in her bag.( ) 4. They went to the park by subway .( ) 5. Dannys leg hurt .六.写作。请你用几句话来介绍一下你的朋友,如身高,体重等方面。不少于 5句。
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