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人教版 PEP 英语六年级下册第二单元测试题班级姓名分数_一.短语1.发烧( ) 2. 牙痛( ) 3. 感冒( ) 4.喉咙痛( )5.头痛( ) 6. 受伤( )7.吃药( ) 8. 看医生( )9.喝热水( )10. 休息几天( )11. 生气( ) 12. 高兴( ) 13. 伤心( )14.无聊( ) 15.劳累( ) 16.兴奋( )17.好( ) 二.句型:1. _? I have a toothache.2._? I am happy.3._?(图片是 Mike)He has a toothache.4._? I feel sick .5._? (图片是 Sarah)She feels sad .6._?( 图片是 John)He is bored .7._?My throat is sore.8._?(图片是 Sarah)Her nose hurts.9._? Yes, I have a toothache.10._?No, I have a headache.11. _?Yes, my nose hurts.12._?(图片是 John)No, his (他的) leg hurts.13. _?Yes, I am sad .14._?Yes, I feel happy.15._?No, she isnt tired.16._?Yes, she feels angry.17._?Yes , Sarah has a fever. 18._?I am 164 cm .19._?(图片是 Johns father)He is fifty kg .20._?(图片是 Mike)He is forty years old .21._?My pencil is twenty cm long.22._?(图片是 Chen jie )Yes, her hair is shorter than Amys hair. 23._?I am fine, thank you .24._-?No, he doesnt have a fever.25._?Yes, Amy has a toothache.三. 写作:1.根据表格内容,写出相关的信息.Name Height WeightAgelegHobbyBen164cm50kg13 70cmswimmingJohn150cm45kg12 60cmdiving_2.请写出如果你患上了了流感(flu), 你会有什么症状? (不少于 5 句话)_3.如果 John 患上流感, 他会有什么症状? (不少于 5 句话)_4. 如果你患上了流感, 你应该怎样做?( 不少于 5 句话)_
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