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10 级单招英语第一轮复习单元知识要点及练习1Unit1 Going PlacesI. Special difficulties1. France China Russia Canada DenmarkJapanese American Australian2. except 除了我需要钱,我没告诉他任何事。besides/as well as/in addition to除了英语外,他还会说法语。除了周日,我们每天上学。except for除了一些拼写错误,你的作文写得很好。We had nothing to do but _.(wait)We had no choice but _.3. must 表示猜测,意为“一定,必定” , 只用于肯定推测,否定猜测用 cantJudging from his accent, he must be a northerner.That cant be Mary-she is ill in hospital.反意疑问句:He must be a teacher, _?Students must have finished the experiment, _?Last night he must have seen the film, _?4. lie/be located/be situated/be set +我们学校位于市东北角。浙江省位于江苏省的南面。日本位于中国的东面。lie-lying-lay-lainlie-lying-lied-liedlay-laying-laid-laid5 offer sb sth/offer sth to sbprovide sb with sth/provide sth for sbsupply sb with sth/supply sth to sb政府给灾区提供了大量的衣服和食物。offer to do我儿子总是愿意帮我做家务。6. seem/sound-连系动词(1)后接形容词和名词作表语He seems strict but kind.(2)后接动词不定式作宾语他们好像知道他们错了。(3)后接句子: 天看起来要下雨了。(4)There seems to be nobody in the room.10 级单招英语第一轮复习单元知识要点及练习27. consist of=be made up ofmake up这个计划有三部分组成。 (3)This plan _ _ 3 parts.This plan _ _ _ _ 3 parts.Three parts _ _ the plan.8. search sp. for sb/sthin search of他们为了寻找金子来到这块新大陆。这位女士在房子里寻找失踪的戒指。9. 直接引语/间接引语的转换. 人称的变化一随_,二随_, 三_. 句式的变化直接引语 间接引语陈述句 (that)+陈述句序一般疑问句 if/whether+陈述句序选择疑问句 whetheror+陈述句序特殊疑问句 疑问词+陈述句序反意疑问句 if/whether+陈述句序祈使句 ask,told,order sb (not) to do感叹句 感叹句序(注意时态的变化). 时态的变化直接引语 间接引语一般现在时 一般过去时现在进行时 过去进行时现在完成时 过去完成时一般将来时 过去将来时一般过去时 过去完成时过去完成时 过去完成时注意:以下情况下,变为间接引语时时态不变:a. 主句动作为一般现在时和一般将来时She says, “I didnt do it.”-She says that _.She will say, “I have done it.”-She will say that _.b. 直接引语中有具体确切的过去时间Our teacher said. “The first ancient Olympic Games were held in 776BC.”Our teacher said that _.c. 转述的是科学整理,名言警句,自然现象My teacher said: “The earth is round.”My teacher said that _. 状语的变化the day after tomorrow-the day before yesterday-. 其他变化从句动词的变化:come-go bring-take主句动词的变化:said to-told(引语为陈述句)10 级单招英语第一轮复习单元知识要点及练习3asked(引语为问句)Exercises:一把下列句子改成间接引语1. The doctor asked the boy, “How often do you eat fast food?”2. Kate told her parents, “I have learned how to swim.”3. The mother said to her son, “The sun sets in the west.”4. He asked his parents, “Will you buy me a computer for my birthday?5. I have read some fairy tales by Andersen,” the little girl said happily.6. “Write your names on your papers.” The doctor said to us.7. He said, “How well you look!”8. The old man said, “Dont smoke in the room.”9. Xiao Li said, “I joined the League in 1994.”10. Mr. Smith asked him: “Which city do you prefer to live in, Shanghai or Nanjing?”11. She said, “Dont sit down before being asked to do so.”12. She said to me, “I saw your sister here yesterday.”二选择题1. Did she tell you _?A. where would they go by air B. where they would go by airC. where will they go by air D. where they will go by air2. Would you please tell me _?A. where is the park B. where the park isC. where was the park D. where the park was3. Mum asked _.A. what is the matter with the dog B. what was the matter with the dogC. what the matter is with the dog D. what the matter was with the dog4. He asked if we _ preparing for the birthday party.A. are B. will beC. were D. have been5. The secretary said that Dr. Li _ in Tokyo to give a speech.A. had arrived B. has arrivedC. would have arrived D. arrived10 级单招英语第一轮复习单元知识要点及练习4II. Dictation1. words行易变的居民划分都市的农村的惊人的多种多样的卓越的结束, 完成继续许多的而且来源非人为的进餐古老的使坐落于狭窄的木匠性别港湾章特色边界跨步美丽人类2. phrases由组成 因而出名 作为而出名 把看作(3)有着 5000 年历史的大国被划分为 出发去 值得做参观 第一眼 问题的答案 take notesa town with a population of 1,000,000 take a leading part inbe named after all over the worldchange from season to season give me a handtake you around the city end at/begin at童话,神话 把和相连 详细情况 景点到某地旅行 靠近某地 值班,值日 位于(4) 被认为是(3)各种各样的(2) 没有生命的地方 在 1997 年 多达 16 天 流经 根据 位于的出口处 步入,踏入居住着贵族 赋予梦幻 般的气氛提供某人某物(3)在广场 进入某地 在暑假3. sentences1. In the harbor sits Denmarks best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid.2. Completed in the mid-18th century, it still houses the royal family.3. The ancient castle may bring you back to hundreds of years ago.4. Each rock layer can be thought of as a chapter in a book.5. At night, the colored night-lights and the beautiful gardens make you feel as if you were in a fairy tale.6. 熟能生巧。7. 天安门广场占地 440,000 平方米。10 级单招英语第一轮复习单元知识要点及练习58. 他们在树林里寻找失踪的孩子。Unit2 Growing UpI. Special difficulties1. 你怎么啦?Whats wrong with you?Whats the matter with you?Whats the problem with you?Whats the trouble with you?Whats up with you?坏了. There is something wrong withSomething is wrong with2. after allabove allfirst of allin allall the timeat all3. in some wayin this wayin the wayin a/one wayall the wayby this wayon the way4.
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