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Module 3 English Food,Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.,Noodles and rice, are very very nice. Mmm , Mmm ,Mmm ,very very nice. Ginger and spice, are not very nice, No , No ,No, not very nice.,Chant,Delicious food,Begin!,Stop!,noodles 面条,rice 米饭,milk 牛奶,fish 鱼,sausages 香 肠,Question:,Whats your favorite food?,meat,rice,noodles,My favorite food is/are,Chinese food,dumpling(s) dmpli,饺子,egg(s)eg,鸡蛋,noodle(s) nu:dl,面条,fishfi,鱼,breakfast,早餐,lunch,午餐,dinner,晚餐,have/eat 吃,had/ate (吃的过去式),Module3 English Food,Unit1 She had eggs and sausages.,英国食物,她吃了鸡蛋和香肠,三明治,sandwich(es)sndwit,汉堡,hamburgerhmb:g,chip(s)tip,薯条,What made them?,They are made of pototas.,eggs and sausages,chips and fish,sandwich,cake,English food,hot dogs,热狗,Make a Survey调查表 What did he/ she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? 调查你周围的同学(23名)昨天的三餐都吃了哪些食物,完成下面的表格。,Homework: 请同学们通过查找资料、请教专家等途径了解最有益身体健康、最科学的饮食结构,根据得到的信息完成如下健康饮食表:,sausage s:sid,香肠,新单词:,eggeg,sandwichsndwit,hamburgerhmb:g,traditional trdin()l ,delicious dls,emaili:meil,email,电子邮件,i:meil,1) What it about?,A. English food,B. Chinese food,C. emails,2) What did Lingling have for breakfast?,A. sandwiches,B. fish and chips,C. eggs and sausages,3) What did she have for lunch?,A. sandwiches,B. fish and chips,C. eggs and sausages,4) What did she have for dinner?,A. sandwiches,B. fish and chips,C. eggs and sausages,Questions,?,1)What it about? 2) What did Lingling have for breakfast? 3)What did she have for lunch? 4) What did she have for dinner?,Questions,?,3)Leaning the new lessons:(学习新课文) a)听两遍录音。 b)自己练习阅读。 c)再次听录音跟读。 d)检测。,Daming:Look . Ive got an email from Lingling.Its about English food .,Fanfan: What does it say?,Daming:Yesterday she had an English breakfast.,Fanfan:What did she have.,Daming: She had eggs and sausages.,Fanfan:And what did she have for lunch?,Daming: She had sandwiches.,Fanfan: And what did she have for dinner?,Daming: She had fish and chips.,Fanfan:Fish and chips?,Daming:Yes,Its a traditional English dinner.,Fanfan:Does Lingling like English food?,Daming:Yes, she does.She says its delicious.But its very different.,breakfast 早餐,lunch午餐,dinner晚餐,egg鸡蛋,sandwich三明治,hamburger汉堡,have 吃,had(吃的过去式),What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? She had eggs and sausages.,What did she have for breakfast? She had .,eggs and sausages,What did she have for lunch? She had .,sandwiches,What did she have for dinner? She had .,hamburgers,What did you have for breakfast yeterday?,I had .,breakfast,lunch,dinner,1.完成配套练习P9-12页. 2.朗读M3,U1课文三遍,背诵M3单词. 3.预习M3 ,U2.,Homework,
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