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第 13 课时 Unit 12(九全),PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,harmful,harmless,sleepy,asleep,led,led,leader,unable,disabled,ability,meaning,her,hers,illness,decision,worse,worst,medical,graduation,introduction,whom,wrote,written,writer,examination,Asian,missing,Germans,Germany,lawyer,production,go to the dentist,have no choice but to,be rich in,right away,as a result of,millions of,get into the habit of,succeed in,focus on,pass away,make a lot of progress,make a decision,day after day,set up,based on,get/have a high fever,deep in thought,be well known for,get dressed,be unable to,now that,regret eating so many,important for,to keep,balanced,get into,of smoking,give it up,needs,to stay/keep,is bad for,millions of,encourage,to stop smoking,so that,stay away from,was one of the greatest minds,as a result of,is famous for,became known as,succeeded in developing,was born in,graduated from,as big as, regret v.遗憾 【点拨】 regret的用法:,【拓展】 regret作名词, 为不可数名词, 意为“痛惜; 懊悔”。 She expressed her regret at/over the decision. 她对这个决定表示失望。 【典例】 Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child? Yes. But now I realize I was wrong. I really regret that silly thing to my mum. A.do B.to do C.doing D.did,C, harmful adj. 有害的;导致损害的 【点拨】 harmful是由“harm+形容词后缀-ful”构成,其反义词为harmless,意为“无害的”。常用短语be harmful to,意为“对有害”。 Watching too much TV is harmful to your eyes. 看太多电视对你的眼睛有害。 【拓展】 harm作名词,意为“伤害;损害”。do harm to意为“对造成伤害”,相当于be harmful to,反义短语为do good to,意为“对有好处”。 【典例】 Drinking alcohol(酒) can be brains. So people in China arent allowed to drink it if they are younger than 18. A.good at B.good with C.harmful to D.thirsty for,C, come up with 找到;提出 【点拨】 come up with意为“找到或提出(答案、办法等)”,相当于find或think of。 No one has come up with an exact explanation of why the dinosaur died out. 还没有人能对恐龙的灭绝作出一个确切的解释。 【注意】 come up with不能用于被动语态。 【拓展】 与come相关的短语: come into 进来 come from 来自 come back 回来 come over 顺便来访 come true 实现 come out 出版,【典例】 (1)2017岳阳改编 The government of China the idea of the Belt and Road in 2013. A.came up with B.cheered up C.put up D.made up with (2)2018荆州 Summer vacation is coming! I am thinking about visiting some places of interest. Why not Jingzhou and have a look at the ancient city wall? A.come out B.come along C.come up with D.come over to,A,D, set up 建立 【点拨】 set up意为“建立”,可指建立一切具体或抽象的事物(如学校、机构、医院、设施等)。 The government set up a working group to look into the problem. 政府成立了一个工作小组来调查这个问题。 【拓展】 与up相关的短语: wake up醒来 give up放弃 set up建立 stay up熬夜 put up举起;张贴 eat up吃光 clean up打扫 end up结束 bring up抚养 use up用光 fix up修理 cheer up振作起来 turn up出现;调大(音量) pick up捡起; (开车)接人,【典例】 (1)2017贵港 What should we do for the disabled children? You should a study group to help them. A.take up B.set up C.look up D.put up (2)2018荆州 We are planning a Yangtze River Protection Day this weekend. Do you have any advice? Youd better signs around the school to tell all the students about that. A.make up B.put up C.set up D.show up,B,B, include/including/included,My work includes cooking meals, cleaning the house and so on. 我的工作包括做饭、打扫房间等。 I have much work to do, including cooking meals and cleaning the house. 我有很多工作要做,包括做饭和打扫房间。 Everyone in the class went hiking, our teacher included. 班里所有的人都去远足了,包括我们的老师。,【典例】 2019原创 用include, including或included的适当形式填空 (1)Our plan most of your suggestions. (2)He has bought dozens of books, an English novel. (3)Everyone is going to visit the Great Wall, me .,includes,including,included, wear/put on/be in/dress 这四个词(组)都有“穿”的意思,但用法不同:,【典例】 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,每词或短语限使用一次 wear put on dress be in (1)Danny goes back and a jacket. (2)Mr. Wang, our English teacher, often a pair of glasses. (3)Do you know the girl who red? (4)The little boy is so young that his mother him every day.,puts on,wears,is in,dresses,He got up late today.As a result, he missed the first bus.他今天起晚了,结果没赶上首班车。 The train arrived late as a result of the heavy rain. 由于大雨,火车晚点了。 【典例】 2019原创 Mr. Blacks memory is getting poorer. , he often leaves his keys at home. A.As a result B.Instead C.As a result of D.By the way, as a result of/as a result,A, Need we go there right now? 我们现在需要去那儿吗? 【点拨】 need作情态动词,意为“需要;必要”,通常用于否定句和疑问句;作实义动词,意为“需要”,常用结构: sb. need(s) to do sth. 某人需要做某事;sth. need(s) doing=sth. need(s) to be done 某事需要(被)做。 【拓展】 need的否定形式为neednt,意为“没必要”,相当于dont have to,可用于回答must引导的疑问句。 Must I finish it now? 我必须现在完成吗? No, you neednt/dont have to. 不,你没必要。 【典例】 2019原创 My computer needs . I think I need to ask Mr.Zhang for help. A.fixing; going B.to fix; going C.fixing; to go D.to fix; to go,C, I think we should try hard to form good habits so that we can stay healthy and stay away from the hospital! 我觉得我们应该努力养成好习惯来使我们保持健康,远离医院! 【点拨】 so that是固定用法,意为“以便”,当so that引导目的状语从句时,可与in order that互换,从句常含有情态动词(may/might, can/could, should, would等);引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用情态动词。 【拓展】 (1)sotha
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