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华中科技大学 博士学位论文 双源渠道环境下消费者基于信息的搭便车问题研究 姓名:曹磊 申请学位级别:博士 专业:管理科学与工程 指导教师:张子刚 2011-04-28 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 I 摘摘 要要 经过近几年的高速成长,我国的电子商务已经步入大规模发展和应用的阶段。 随着电子商务用户数量的显著增加,并达到了相当规模,许多企业在巩固传统渠道 的同时,已经开始利用新的商务模式来改变其传统渠道结构。众多系统的成功运作 充分地说明了这种将电子渠道与传统渠道相结合的渠道结构,即双源渠道 (dual-channel)是具有挑战性的,又极具应用前景的供应链渠道模式。然而,当传统 渠道和电子渠道并存时,消费者基于产品信息服务的搭便车行为难以避免。 论文从不同的角度对双源渠道中的信息搭便车问题进行了创新性和基础性的 研究,主要包括消费者基于产品信息服务的搭便车行为引起的渠道冲突及协调、搭 便车现象对传统零售商提供信息服务的影响、双源渠道环境下信息搭便车行为与搜 索成本降低的均衡分析及实证研究、信息搭便车行为的动因及基于补偿策略的对策 研究,具体如下: (1)分别在单渠道和双源渠道环境下对制造商、传统零售店、电子商店及整体供 应链的收益进行了均衡分析,给出了供应链各方的价格策略,针对双源渠道中的信 息搭便车现象对制造商、传统零售商及整体供应链的收益产生的影响,提出了基于 产品统一定价的协调策略,通过该策略可以从一定程度上消除由于渠道之间的价格 差异给消费者带来的混淆感以及由此而产生的信息搭便车行为,同时,传统零售店 和电子商店之间不再是恶性的价格之争,而是良性的基于产品信息服务的竞争。 (2)分别构建了市场中存在信息搭便车现象及不存在信息搭便车现象时的三阶 段博弈模型,并在三阶段博弈模型的基础之上,对消费者的购买行为、传统零售店 和电子商店的价格行为进行了分析;重新构建了消费者的购买决策模型;从产品策 略、定价策略、基于市场划分的补偿策略及 drop-shipping 策略四个方面入手,对信 息搭便车行为的预防措施进行了初步探讨。 (3)在双源渠道环境下对搜索成本降低与信息搭便车行为进行了均衡分析, 并对 两者之间的关系进行了理论分析;从微观角度分析了搜索成本降低对卖家之间的价 格竞争及卖家为产品免费提供信息服务的积极性的影响,同时,还从宏观角度分析 了搜索成本降低对社会福利产生的间接影响。研究发现,当传统零售商为产品提供 免费的信息服务的概率下降之后, “非搭便车者”无法通过信息服务解决产品与实 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 II 际需求是否匹配的问题,从而使得“非搭便车者”类型的消费者的剩余下降,结果 导致整体社会福利下降。 (4)采用了定性的深度访谈方法和文献检索初步定义了影响消费者感知搜索成 本降低的四个因素:搜索便利性、卖方努力、个人产品知识及渠道多样化;基于构 建的研究模型,在双源渠道环境下研究了消费者感知搜索成本降低与其前因变量、 结果变量之间的关系。实证结果证实了搜索便利性、卖方努力、个人产品知识及渠 道多样化会对消费者感知搜索成本降低产生正的影响;同时,搜索便利性、渠道多 样化及信息搜索成本的降低能够促成消费者的信息搭便车行为。 (5)从消费环境、 消费者行为和技术局限性角度对搭便车行为的动力因素进行了 分析, 重点讨论了搭便车行为产生的消极影响, 并提出了基于市场划分的补偿策略。 分别建立了传统供应链的单渠道模型及双源渠道的供应链模型,并基于模型对单渠 道和双源渠道下传统零售商、 制造商和供应链系统的期望利润进行比较。 研究发现, 在双源渠道环境下,基于市场划分的补偿策略可以有效地预防消费者基于产品信息 服务的搭便车行为的发生;同时,由于零售商为消费者提供免费的产品信息服务的 积极性没有受到影响,再加上销售范围的扩大,因而,供应链的整体销售量也增加 了。 关键字关键字: 双源渠道;信息服务;搭便车行为;搜索成本;供应链协调;渠道冲突; 补偿策略 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 III Abstract After years of high-speed growth, Chinas e-commerce has entered into the stage of the large scale development and application. As the number of e-commerce users increased significantly, and has achieved significant scale, many enterprises in consolidating the traditional channels at the same time, have begun to use new business model to change the traditional channel structure. The successful operation of many systems fully illustrates this channel structure combining the traditional channel and electronic channel, namely dual-channel is challenging, also be very promising channel mode of the supply chain. However, when the traditional channel and electronic channel coexist, consumers free-riding behavior based on the product information service is hard to be avoided. This dissertation studies the information free-riding problem in a dual-channel with some innovative and basic perspectives, including the channel conflict and coordination caused by consumers free-riding behavior, the impact of free-riding phenomenon on the information service provided by traditional retailers, the equilibrium analysis and empirical research of the free-riding behavior and information search cost reduction, the dynamic factors of free-riding behavior and countermeasures based on returns policy. Details are as follows: (1) Respectively in single channel and dual-channel environment, this dissertation analyzes the equilibrium profit of the manufacturer, traditional retailer, electronic store and the whole supply chain, and the supply chain parties pricing strategy are given. Aiming at the impact of information free-riding phenomenon on the profit of the manufacturer, traditional retailer, electronic store and the whole supply chain, this dissertation presents coordination strategy based on the uniform product pricing. The consumers confusion feeling caused by price differences between different channels and which produces information free-riding behavior can be eliminated in a certain degree through this strategy, at the same time, between the traditional retailer and electronic store is no longer malignant price war, but benign competition based on the product information service. 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 IV (2) We construct respectively three-stage game models when information free-riding phenomenon exists in the market and there is no free-riding, and based on the three-stage game models, we analyzes the consumers purchasing behavior and pricing behavior of the traditional retailer and electronic store. We reconstructed the consumers purchasing decision model. From four aspects of product strategy, pricing strategy, returns policy based on market partition and drop-shipping strategy, the preventive measures of free riding are discussed preliminarily. (3) We conduct equilibrium analysis of the free-riding behavior and information search cost reduction in the dual-channel environment, and the relationship between the two are analyzed theoretically. The impact of search cost reduction on the price competition between sellers and the enthusiasm of free product information service provided by sellers is analyzed from microscopic view, at the same time, the indirect impact of search cost reducti
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