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Module 1 Life in the Future Period 1 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1),. 根据汉语提示和音标写出单词 1. _ (adj. )替换的; 供选择的 2. _ (adj. )都市的; 城市的 3. _ (adj. )冒险的 4. _ (v. )逮捕 5. _ (n. )伤残,alternative,urban,risky,arrest,disability,. 理解并判断下列句中黑体单词的含义 1. People are not allowed to light fireworks within the citys limits. ( ) 2. It is hard for us to make predictions about our life in 100 years. ( ) 3. You shouldnt always study in the room. You should take more exercise outdoors. ( ) 4. Solar energy, which comes directly from the sun, is clean and cheap. ( ) 5. The car which was loaded with ducks hit a big tree yesterday. ( ),范围,预测,户外,太阳的,装载,. 根据词性和汉语写出单词, 并注意拓展词汇 1. _(n. )泥muddy(adj. )泥泞的 2. _(n. )预测predict(vt. )预言; 预料 3. _(vi. )依赖; 依靠reliable(adj. )可依赖的 4. crime(n. )罪; 罪行_(adj. )犯罪的(n. )罪犯; 犯人 5. able(adj. )能够的; 有能力的ability(n. )能力_(n. )失去能力; 伤残,mud,prediction,rely,criminal,disability,. 补全下列短语 1. _ sure 肯定地 2. rely _ 依靠 3. get _ of 除掉; 处理掉 4. _ of charge 免费 5. run _ (某物)用完; 不多了; 没有了 6. _ up 用完 7. load. . . _. . . 用来装载 8. place _ 订购,for,on,rid,free,out,use,with,orders,Step 1 Leading in In the future, we will live in a cleaner, safer, healthier and more comfortable world.,1. What do you think they are? _ 2. How do you find these houses? _ 3. What do you think they are used for?(choose one of them) _ _,I think they are houses in the future.,I think they are fancy, imaginative, practical. . . .,The house with wheels can move freely like cars and take us to any,place we want to go to.,Step 2 Fast Reading . Think it over and summarize the general idea of the passage. The main idea of the passage is _.,what the city of the future will look like,. Complete the following form.,1,the future city,2-12,Predictions,Step 3 Careful Reading . Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. 1. Why will care for the environment become very important in the future? _ 2. How will the senior citizens and people with disabilities be able to go anywhere in the world? _,Because earths natural resources will run out some day.,By using high-tech cameras attached to their head.,3. When will a man get his telephone number in the future? _,Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth.,. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers. 1. What kinds of energy will be used to drive in the future? A. Solar energy. B. Wind power. C. Electricity. D. All of the above. 2. In the future, we wont buy things in the malls because all shopping will be done _ . A. by shopping cars B. by shop assistants C. online D. on space,3. According to the text, the following statements are true EXCEPT _ . A. it is very common for ordinary citizens to travel in space in the future B. smoking will be forbidden in the future C. the future police will arrest criminals by firing nets D. the cars will not be powered by gasoline any more,. Sentence explanation. 1. To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems. 分析: (1)本句是一个简单句。不定式短语_ _在句中作目的状语; 现在分词短语_ _在句中作状语。 (2)load. . . with. . . _; get rid of_。,to get rid of garbage,problems,preventing landfill,and environmental problems,用来装载,清除, 消除, 处理掉,句意: 为了处理掉垃圾问题, 城市将用巨型宇宙飞船装载废弃物并把它们朝太阳发射以杜绝废弃物的填埋及环境问题。,2. All cars will be powered by electricity, solar energy or wind, and it will be possible to change the colour of cars at the flick of a switch. 分析: (1)本句是由_连接的并列句。 (2)后一个分句中, _用作形式主语, 真正的主语是不定式短语 _。 (3)be powered by_; at the flick of_ 句意: 所有汽车都将采用电能、太阳能或风能。只要轻轻一按开关, 汽车就会改变颜色。,and,it,to change the colour of cars at the flick of a switch,以为动力,轻按, 轻拍,3. Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away, with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic. 分析: (1)本句是一个复合句, 包含了as引导的时间状语从句; as意为 “_”。 (2)with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic为 _结构。,随着,with+宾语+宾语补足语,句意: 医生在几千英里以外为病人动手术的远程治疗成为常事, 因为每个城市都有自己的远程诊所。,Step 4 Retelling Fill in the blanks according to the passage. What will the city of the future look like?One thing is 1. _ about future citiesthey are going to get bigger 2. _ they get smaller. Here are some of the 3. _ for running a city of 50, 000 people in the year 2025. To
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