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Unit 1 Me and My Class Lesson 4 Best Friends!,New words,Patrick 帕特里克(人名) Grant 格兰特(人名) pea n. 豌豆 pod n. 豆荚 copy v. 抄写;复制 n. 复制品 surprise n意想不到的事 v. 使惊奇 angrily adv. 愤怒地;生气地,New words,lend v. 借给(某人钱或东西);借出 cheat v. & n.作弊;欺骗 following adj.接下来的;接着的 gym n.体育馆;健身房 embarrassed adj.尴尬的;窘迫的 enemy n敌人;仇人 deal n交易 v. 处理;应付,Listen and read,Language points,He stopped to do his homework.,1.argue with sb. ( about/over sth)(因某事)与某人争吵/争论,不要与你的妈妈争吵。,Do not argue with your mum,2.stop doing sth. 停止做某事(停下正在做的事),stop to do sth停下来去做某事(停下来去做另一件事),他停止做他的家庭作业了。,He stopped doing his homework,他停下来去做他的家庭作业。,Language points,“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”句型。,3.each other彼此,互相,他们每天互相交谈。,They talk to each other every day,4.spend+时间金钱+on sth花费时间金钱在某事物上,spend+时间金钱+ ( in) doing sth花费时间金钱做某事,她花费了一整天时间洗衣服。,She spent a whole day( in) washing clothes,【拓展】表示“花费”也可用,Language points,Can you lend a piece of paper to me?,5.to ones surprise令某人感到惊奇的是,经常用于句首作状语。注意ones要用名词所有格或形容词性物主代词。,6.lend sb. sth. =lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人,你能借给我一张纸吗?,Language points,The two countries made a deal at last,7.at the end of. 在结束时(后面接地点或时间名词),at the end of the street在街道的尽头,at the end of this month在这个月月末,8.make a deal 达成协议,这两个国家最终达成了协议。,自主学习要求,学习以上内容,认真完成 1、预习案上的习题 2、老师布置的讨论作业 Who is your best friend? Did you ever argue with your best friend? Why?,再见,
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