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Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 6 Lets Go!,课前自主预习,fresh,follow,count,forty,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,在超市,没问题;别客气,over there,next to,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,wants to buy,am looking for,What can,for,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,will take it,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,Count with,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,1 next to紧邻;挨着,观察 They are next to the carrots.它们挨着胡萝卜。 I sit next to my good friend.我和我的好朋友挨着坐着。,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,探究 next to意为“紧邻;挨着”,相当于beside。,活学活用,萨拉正坐在窗户旁边。 Sarah is sitting _ _ the window.,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,next to,2 follow v. 跟随;明白,观察 Please follow me. 请跟我来。 Sorry, I cant follow you. 对不起,你说的我没有理解。,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,探究 (1)follow为及物动词,意为“跟随,在之后”,后接名词或代词作宾语。 (2)follow还可以译为“理解”。,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,活学活用,Where is the hotel? Its over there . _ me, please. AHelp BFollow CShow DStop,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,B,3 hundred num. 百,观察 I have only two hundred yuan. 我仅有两百块钱。 There are hundreds of people in the hall. 大厅里有数百人。,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,探究 (1)hundred (百), thousand (千)和million (百万)等在表示具体的数量时,用_形式。例如: five hundred 五百 nine thousand 九千,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,单数,(2)hundred, thousand, million 等表示约数时,与of 连用,并且用复数形式。例如: hundreds of people 数百人 thousands of students 数千名学生 millions of farmers 数百万农民,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,活学活用,Its reported(据报道) that people throw _ plastic bags along this street every day. Ahundred Bhundreds Chundred of Dhundreds of,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,D,句型透视,1 Ill show you!我将指给你!,探究 (1)show作动词,意为“带领;引导;指路”。show sb. around意为“带领某人参观”。例如: Thank you for showing me around your school. 谢谢你带领我参观你们的学校。,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,(2)show作动词,意为“给看”。show sb. sth.show sth. to sb.,意为“把某物出示给某人看”。例如: Can you show me your photos? Can you show your photos to me? 你能把你的照片给我看看吗?,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,拓展 show 还可以作名词,意为“展览;节目;演出”。例如: The Spring Festival Gala is a very popular TV show. 春节联欢晚会是一档非常受欢迎的电视节目。,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,活学活用,(1)你能指给我去学校的路吗? Can you _ me _ _ to the school? (2)今晚在央视八套有一个访谈节目。 There is a _ _ on CCTV 8 this evening.,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,show,the way,talk show,2 OK, I will take it. 好的,我买(这件)了。,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,探究动词take在句中译为“买”,后接名词或代词作宾语,相当于_。在口语中,当顾客决定购买某商品时,通常说“Ill take it.”,而不说“Ill buy it.”。例如: He will take the three books. 他将要买这三本书。,buy,活学活用,我将要买两瓶水。 I _ _ two bottles of water.,Lesson 32 At the Supermarket,will take/buy,
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