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,Unit 2 Robots,Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points,.重点单词 一、将下列单词与所对应的英文解释连线 1envy Ato want or hope for sth.very much 2desire Bthe feeling of being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation and understanding how they feel 3cushion Cto go somewhere with someone,especially in order to look after him/her,4sympathy Dto wish you had someone elses possessions,abilities,etc. 5accompany Ea cloth bag filled with soft material that you put on a chair to make it more comfortable 答案:1.D 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C,二、根据所给词性和汉语意义写出英语单词 1 vt.满足;使满意 n满意;满足;令人满意的事物 adj.令人满意的_ adj.满足的;(感到)满意的 2 vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n警报;惊恐 adj.担心的;害怕的 3 adj.优雅的;高雅的;讲究的 n优雅;高雅,satisfy,satisfaction,satisfying/satisfactory,satisfied,alarm,alarmed,elegant,elegance,4 n喜爱;恩惠 vt.喜爱;偏袒 adj.最喜欢的n.最喜爱的东西 5 vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称 n宣言;声明;公告 6 n同情;怜悯 vi.(对某人)同情 _ adj.有同情心的,favour,favourite,declare,declaration,sympathy,sympathize,sympathetic,7 adj.荒谬的;可笑的 n荒谬 8 adj.极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的;(口语)糟透的 adv. 非常;很;十分 9 vt.忌妒;羡慕 adj.忌妒的;羡慕的 10 n柜台;计数器 vi.&vt.点数;计数,absurd,absurdness,awful,awfully,envy,envious,counter,count,.重点短语 根据汉语意思补全短语 1test 试验;考验 2 rather 更确切地说 3reach 伸手去够 4 wonder 惊奇地;疑惑地 5ring 给打电话,out,or,for,with,up,6turn 转向;回转 7fall 从上掉下来 8leave. 不管;别惹;让一个人 待着;和单独在一起 9feel 感到恐惧的 10write 开出,列出,around,off,alone,alarmed,out,desire(P10) (1)n.C,U渴望;欲望;渴求 He has a strong desire to succeed. He has a strong desire for success. 他非常渴望成功。 He expressed his desire that his books(should)reach as many people as possible. 他表达了希望他的书能够被尽可能多的人阅读的愿望。,at sb.s desire应某人的要求 by desire应邀 have a desire for sth.渴望某物 have a desire to do sth.渴望做某事 satisfy/meet ones desire满足某人的愿望,归纳拓展,(2)vt.渴望,期望;希望得到;想要(不用于进行时) He desired a college education. 他渴望受到大学教育。 She desires you to come at once. She desires that you(should)come at once. 她想让你马上过来。,desire to do sth.希望做 desire sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事 desire that.(从句谓语用should动词原形)期望 leave little/nothing to be desired完美无缺 leave much to be desired还有许多不足之处,归纳拓展,即境活用 1完成句子 我们都希望与邻居和睦相处。 We all peace our neighbours. 他有强烈的求知欲。 He has knowledge.,他们希望我参加他们的婚礼。 They that I(should)attend their wedding. 答案:desire to live in;with a strong desire for had a desire(desired),satisfaction nU满意;满足C令人满意的事物 (P11) She smiled with satisfaction. 她满意地笑了。 To our satisfaction,the problems were solved. 令我们满意的是问题得到了解决。,His success is a great satisfaction to his parents. 他的成功让他的父母很满足。 The new dress satisfied her. 那件新衣服令她满意。 The boss wasnt satisfied with my work. 老板对我的工作不满意。,(1)to sb.s satisfactionto the satisfaction of sb. 令某人满意的是 with satisfaction满意地 afford/give satisfaction to sb.满足某人 (2)satisfy vt.使满意,使满足 satisfied adj.(感到)满意的,满足的 be/feel satisfied with对感到满意 (3)satisfying adj.令人满意的 satisfactory adj.令人满意的;令人愉快的,归纳拓展,即境活用 2完成句子 他对结果感到满意。 He the result. 令我感到满意的是,儿子通过了考试。 ,my son passed the examination. 他满意地点了点头。 He nodded 。 答案:found/took satisfaction in/was satisfied with To my satisfaction with satisfaction,test out试验;考验(P11) Scientists test out theories by experiment. 科学家用实验来检验理论。 The new product was tested out in 2012 and launched in 2013. 新产品于2012年通过检测,2013年投放市场。 Im going to test you for diabetes. 我将要检查你是否有糖尿病。 They have decided to test the medicine on cats. 他们已决定在猫身上试验这种药。,(1)test sb.on sth.就某事(物)测试某人 test sth.on sb./sth.在某人/某物身上做试验 test sb.for sth.为某事检查某人 (2)an eye test视力检查 give/take a test举行/参加测试 put.to the test对进行考验,归纳拓展,即境活用 3完成句子 长距离比赛考验游泳者的耐力。 The long race the swimmers endurance. 我奶奶上周接受了心脏病检查。 My grandma last week. 答案:tested out was tested for heart disease,alarm(P11) (1)vt.使惊慌,使不安;使警觉 I dont want to alarm you,but I cant find the key. 我不想惊动你,但我找不到钥匙。 This fish gives off a poisonous liquid from its mouth when alarmed. 受到惊吓时,这种鱼会从嘴里喷出一种有毒的液体。,归纳拓展,(2)n.U惊恐,惊慌;C警报,报警器 Several oilproducing countries expressed alarm at the fall in prices. 当石油价格下跌时,几个产油国都表现出了惊恐之情。 The bank teller pushed the alarm button. 那个银行出纳员按了报警按钮。 The news fills me with alarm. 这消息使我大为惊慌。 He jumped up in alarm. 他惊慌地跳了起来。,give/raise/sound the alarm发警报 ring the alarm敲警钟 in alarm惊恐地,归纳拓展,易混辨析alarm/terrify/frighten,形象助记 She was alarmed at the sudden alarm. 突如其来的警报让她惊恐万分。,即境活用 4用alarm的适当形式填空 I was sleeping soundly in the early morning when a telephone me awake.I was even to hear the news that another bombing had hit London. 答案:alarmed;alarmed;alarming,sympathy n同情;同情心(P11) She wrote a letter expressing her sympathy. 她写了封信,表示了她的同情。 I have a lot of sympathy for her;she had to bring up the children on her own. 我很同情她,她得独自带大孩子们。,(1)express/show sympathy for对表示慰问 feel sympathy forhave sympathy for同情 in sympathy with同情;赞成 o
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