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Module 3 Culture and history Unit 6 Ancient stories,关键词汇,知识导航,1. 古代的 (adj.)_ 2. 懂;理解 (v.)_ 3. 差别;不同 (之处) (n.) _ 4. 首领(n.) _ 5. 士兵 (n.) _ 6. 巨大的 (adj.) _,ancient,understand,difference,captain,soldier,huge,关键词汇,知识导航,7. (向某方向)拖;拉动 (v.)_ 8. 主要的(adj.) _ 9. 庆祝;庆贺 (v.)_ 10. 笨的;傻的 (adj.) _ 11. 午夜;子夜(n.)_,pull,main,celebrate,stupid,midnight,关键词汇,知识导航,12. 秘密的 (adj.) _ 13.安静地(adv.)_ 14. 进来;进入 (v.) _ 15. 计谋 (n.) _ 16. 处罚;惩罚(v. )_,secret,enter,trick,punish,quietly,重要词组,知识导航,1. 持续十年_ 2. 放弃_ 3. 将表演出来_ 4. 拿开玩笑;以为笑柄_ 5. 到了午夜_ 6. 除之外_,for 10 years,give up,act out,make jokes about,by midnight,except for,重要词组,知识导航,7. (有)大量的;(有)许多的_ 8. 从爬出_ 9. 一个接一个 _ 10. 成功做某事 _ 11. 最后_ 12. (用于命令)快;加油;加把劲_,(be) full of,climb out of ,one by one,succeed in doing sth.,in the end,come on,典型句子,知识导航,1. 现在,他们放弃了并乘船离开!(sail away) _ 2. 找人帮忙把它拉入城。(pull) _ 3. 他们围着木马又唱又跳,还拿愚蠢的希腊人开玩笑。(make jokes about) _,Now theyve given up and sailed away!,Get some help and pull it into the city.,They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about the stupid Greeks.,典型句子,知识导航,4. 宴会结束后,他们锁上城市所有的大门,然后全都睡觉去了。(go to sleep) _ 5. 到了半夜,除了那个巨大的木马外,中心广场空荡荡的。(by midnight; except for) _ 6. 木马里满是希腊士兵!(be full of) _,After the party, they locked all the gates of the city and then all went to sleep.,By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse.,The horse was full of Greek soldiers!,典型句子,知识导航,7. 他们悄悄地一个接一个地爬出木马。(climb out of; one by one) _ 8. 然而,一夜之间他们通过一个妙计就成功地夺取了它。( succeed in doing) _,In one night, however, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.,They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.,要点精讲,第1课时 Vocabulary,【要点1】 understand 思维导图,要点精讲,举例,We should understand our parents. 我们应该理解我们的父母。 My sister misunderstood me. 我的姐妹误解我了。Thanks for your understanding. 谢谢你的理解。There is a misunderstanding between us. 我们之间有误会。,要点精讲,应用,(1) We need to have a talk in order not to_ (understand) each other. (2) I need your help and your _ (understand).,misunderstand,understanding,要点精讲,第1课时 Vocabulary,【要点2】celebrate 思维导图,要点精讲,举例,Dick celebrated his 30th birthday last Monday. 迪克上星期一庆祝了他的30岁生日。 There was a celebration in our house that night. 那天晚上我们在家里搞了个庆祝活动。,要点精讲,应用,He held a little _ (celebrate) for his wifes birthday.,celebration,要点精讲,第1课时 Vocabulary,【要点3】 except 思维导图,要点精讲,举例,They were all there except me. 除了我以外,他们都在那里。 They went to the park except me. 除了我以外,他们都去公园了。 The movie was good except for the ending. 这部电影除了结尾之外(其他)都很好。 Besides the two novels, I have bought two comics. 除了这两本小说,我还买了两本漫画书。,要点精讲,应用,( )Your writing is good _ some spelling mistakes. A. except B. except for C. besides,B,要点精讲,第1课时 Vocabulary,【要点4】 secret 思维导图,要点精讲,举例,There is a secret door. 有一扇秘密的门。 Dont tell the secret to others. 不要把秘密告诉别人。 He went abroad secretly. 他秘密地出国了。 You should keep our secret. 你要保守我们之间的秘密。,要点精讲,应用,They came into the city _ (secret).,secretly,要点精讲,第1课时 Vocabulary,【要点5】 enter 思维导图,要点精讲,举例,Knock before you enter. 进来前先敲门。 He entered the office.=He came/went into the office.他进入了办公室。 He entered for/took part in the 100-metre race. 他参加了100米短跑比赛。,要点精讲,应用,(1) ( )They entered the city quietly. (选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项) A. came out of B. arrived C. went into (2) ( )They entered for the basketball game. (选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项) A. came out of B. arrived C. took part in,C,C,要点精讲,第1课时 Vocabulary,【要点6】 trick 思维导图,要点精讲,举例,It is just a trick. 这只是个小伎俩。 We should not play a trick on him.=We should not play jokes on him. 我们不应该捉弄他。,要点精讲,应用,( )It is impolite to play a trick on others. (选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项) A. play games with B. play jokes on C. play fun on,B,要点精讲,第1课时 Vocabulary,【要点7】 steal 思维导图,要点精讲,举例,Thieves stole jewellery worth over 10,000. 窃贼偷走了价值1万多英镑的珠宝。 They found the stolen crown. 他们找到了被偷走的皇冠。 He stole a book from the bookshop. 他从书店偷走了一本书。,要点精讲,应用,(1) The police finally found the _ (steal) car. (2) ( )The thief stole some money _ the girl. A. from B. for C. to,stolen,A,要点精讲,第1课时 Vocabulary,【要点8】 punish 思维导图,要点精讲,举例,My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV. 过去我
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