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Unit4 We love animals,PA Lets talk,A game! (游戏)-Sharp eyes,Whats Im ,This,Whats Whats (是什么) this this (这个) Whats Whats this this (这个) Whats this? (这个是什么?) Whats this?,your name?,is Mr ,Can you read?,Chant!,Whats Whats this this Whats Whats this this Whats this? Whats this?,Whats this?,Its a _.,A _.,(它是),(一只/个/.),Whats this?,Its a _.,Pair work,Its a _.,duck,Quack!Quack!,Whats this?,Uu, Uu, /, /, /. Mum Uu, Uu, /, /, /. duck,Its a _ duck.,Whats this?,Its a _.,dog,Woof!Woof!,Whats this?,Its a _.,pig,Whats this? Its a _ _.,Whats this?,Its a _.,bear,Wow, Its a bear!,Look and guess! 上台猜一猜是什么动物,不准偷看哦。,A:Whats this? B: Its a ,Oh, no! Its a bear!,Whats this?,Haha! Its Zoom!,Lets play Hand Shadow.,Wu Yifan and Mike are playing the hand shadows. Listen and tick or cross.,-Whats this? -Its a cat.,-Its a duck.,-Whats this? -Its a dog.,-Whats this? -Its a bear.,-Its Zoom.,Lets act.,Act it out,Show Time 评分标准 1、声音响亮。 2、语音语调正确, 表情自然。 3、语速适中, 动作自然。,Hand Shadow (手影),杭州民间传统儿童游戏。手影游戏十分 简便,且历史悠久。甚至一轮明月,就可以 展开巧妙思维,创造出种种物的形象。因手 影主要作给儿童看,于是兔子、狗、猫等等 就成了主要对象。“像不像,三分样”。,Homework,1、听录音读P3839页5次; 2、练字本:在四线格上规范书写单词: duck, dog, bear, Whats, this 3、跟家人交流传统皮影戏。,Thank you!,Good bye!,
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