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单元基础知识过关八,Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us,单元基础知识过关八,基础知识清单,基础知识迁移,Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us,单元基础知识过关八,基础知识清单,重点单词,1称赞;赞扬(v.)_ 2使整洁;使整齐;整理(v.) _ 3碗(n.) _ 4筷子(n.)_ 5匙勺(n.)_ 6叉子(n.)_,praise,tidy,bowl,chopstick,spoon,fork,7社会(n.)_ 8镑;磅(n.) _ 9人(的);人类(的)(n.&adj) _ 10客人(n.) _ 11粉笔(n.) _ 12政府官员(n.)_ 13枪(n.) _,society,pound,human,guest,chalk,officer,gun,单元基础知识过关八,14俄罗斯的(adj.) 俄罗斯人;俄语(n.) _ 15私人的;私有的(adj.) _ 16. 地下的(adj.)_ 17是否;不管;无论(conj.) _ 18. 喧闹的;吵闹的(adj.) _ 19custom (n.) _ 20tradition (n.)_,Russian,private,underground,whether,noisy,习惯;习俗;风俗,传统,单元基础知识过关八,重点短语,1. 压岁钱 _ 2轮流;依次_ 3按照_ 4整理,收拾;归置_ 5人类 _,lucky money,take turns,according to,tidy up,human being,单元基础知识过关八,6temple fair_ 7walks of life _ 8in common _ 9other than _ 10hang up_,庙会,行业;阶层;各行各业,共同的;共有的,不;不同于;除了,挂上,单元基础知识过关八,重点句型,1对于我来说,这种饼干尝起来就像粉笔! The cookie _ _ chalk to me! 2这些天我忙着过圣诞节。 I am so _ _ Christmas these days.,tasted like,busy with,单元基础知识过关八,3当我读你的电子邮件时,忍不住笑了。 I _ _ _ _ when I read your email. 4带一件诸如糖果或者花之类的小礼物。 Bring a small gift, _ _ sweets or flowers.,couldnt help but laugh,such as,单元基础知识过关八,5小孩子们通常得到礼物压岁钱。 Young children usually get gifts_ _ 63%的加拿大人是第一民族。 _ _ _ all Canadians are First Nations people.,lucky money,Three percent of,单元基础知识过关八,7. 根据一项调查,欧洲移民的数量从90%下降到了25% _ _ a survey, _ _ _ European immigrants dropped from 90 percent to 25 percent 8在客人到达之前,收拾屋子。 _ _ your house before your guest arrives.,the number of,According to,Tidy up,单元基础知识过关八,9当中国人外出在餐馆用餐时,他们可能会轮流买单。 When Chinese people_ _ in restaurants, they may _ _ _ _ the meal. 10尽管谚语通常简单易记,但它们蕴含着深刻的含义。 _ sayings are usually simple and easy to remember, they are _ _ deep meaning.,eat out,Although,take turns paying for,full of,单元基础知识过关八,11无论这些谚语是汉语的、英语的还是其他任何语言的,它 们有某些共同之处。 _ the sayings are in Chinese, English, or any other language, they share something _ _ 12给你的客人开门并且挂好他的外套。 Open the door for your guest and _ _ his coat.,Whether,in common,hang up,单元基础知识过关八,基础知识迁移,单词回顾,根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1I found it very important to learn about table _ (礼仪) 2An_(地下) parking lot will be built here next year.,manners,underground,单元基础知识过关八,3Guo Mingyi has made many contributions to our _ (社会) 4I dont know _(是否) she can finish the work at the end of the month. 5It is f_ of you to make the same mistake.,society,whether/if,oolish,单元基础知识过关八,6Chinese eat with c_ while most Westerners eat with knives and forks. 7T_ they were not rich, they tried their best to help the poor children. 8The man comes from Russia. He can speak R_ well. 9Because it was too n_ outside last night, we all found it difficult to fall asleep. 10Its our duty to keep our classroom clean and t_,ussian,hopsticks,hough,oisy,idy,单元基础知识过关八,短语运用,根据汉语意思完成句子 1我越了解李明,就越能意识到我们有很多共同点。 The more I get to know Li Ming, the more I can realize that we have a lot _ _ 2他的毛衣的颜色和我的相似。 The colour of his sweater _ _ _ that of mine.,in common,is similar to,单元基础知识过关八,3咱们在这面墙上挂些家庭照吧! Lets _ _ some family photos on the wall. 4我以前梦想成为一名警官。 I _ _ being a police officer. 5请你告诉我一些美国的餐桌礼仪好吗? Could you please tell me something about the _ _ in the USA?,hang up,dreamed/dreamt of/about,table,manners,单元基础知识过关八,6我们轮流到学校附近的街道上告诉人们遵守交通规则。 We _ _ to go to the streets near our school and tell people to follow the traffic rules. 7这些产品的价格依据质量而不同。 The prices of these products are different _ _ their quality.,take turns,according to,单元基础知识过关八,8这个美丽的村庄就是我的家乡。 This beautiful village _ _ _ me. 9你的房间很乱。请收拾一下吧。 Your room is in a mess. Please _ _ _ 10我不知道如何处理那些垃圾。 I dont know what I should _ _ the litter.,is home to,tidy it up,do with,单元基础知识过关八,句型突破,.连词成句 1chopsticks, use, Chinese, of, instead, knives, forks, and _. 2habits, form, help, sayings, these, people, good _.,These sayings help people form good habits,Chinese use chopsticks instead of knives and forks,单元基础知识过关八,3dress,
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