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化疗相关性呕吐治疗进展,提高缓解率,恶性肿瘤治疗目标,延长生存期,延长DFS,根 治,提高生活质量,细胞毒药物在肿瘤治疗中占据越来越重要的地位,CINV Compromises Quality of Daily Life,Group 1: n=166; Group 2: n=30; Group 3: n=157; Group 4: n=332 aGroup 1 vs. Group 4, p=0.007; bGroup 1 vs. Group 4, p=0.0001; cGroup 3 vs. Group 4, p=0.0002; dGroup 3 vs. Group 4, p=0.003; eGroup 1 vs. Group 4, p=0.0001; fGroup 2 vs. Group 4, p=0.0005; gGroup 3 vs. Group 4, p=0.002 Adapted from Osoba D et al Support Care Cancer 1997;5:307313.,Mean changes in functional domain scores of health-related quality of life after eight days of chemotherapy,Mean change in score,Quality of Life Diminished,Quality of Life Improved,Group 1 (no nausea or vomiting) Group 2 (vomiting, no nausea) Group 3 (nausea, no vomiting) Group 4 (nausea and vomiting),20,15,10,5,0,5,10,1.9b,0.6,1.1c,8.4,2.6,0.6,0.5d,8.8e,0.6f,1.1,7.4g,14.2,3.8a,5.7,8.7,10,5.3,5.3,4.9,0.8,Physical,Emotional,Cognitive,Social,Global,Functional domain,Need for Improved Control of CINV,1983 1996 1 Being sick (vomiting) Feeling sick (nausea) 2 Feeling sick (nausea) Loss of hair 3 Loss of hair Being sick (vomiting) 4 Thought of coming for treatment Constantly tired 5 Duration of treatment at the clinic Need for an injection 6 Need to get a needle Constipation 7 Shortness of breat Thought of coming for treatment 8 Constantly tired Affects family or partner 9 Difficulty sleeping Feeling low, miserable (depression) 10 Affects family or partner Feeling anxious or tense,Most distressing adverse effects of chemotherapy before and during 5-HT3 receptor antagonist era,Adapted from de Boer-Dennert M et al Br J Cancer 1997;76(8):10551061; Coates A et al Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1983;19:203208.,肿瘤治疗相关呕吐 对病人生活质量和抗肿瘤治疗的影响,轻微 :不适感 严重 :脱水、电解质紊乱、营养不良、 胃肠道粘膜撕裂出血 治疗依从性降低 治疗贻误 中止有效治疗,肿瘤治疗相关性呕吐,定义: 伴随肿瘤治疗过程中发生的恶心呕吐 CINV 化疗相关性恶心呕吐 Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting RINV 放疗相关性恶心呕吐 Radiation-Induced Nausea and Vomiting,CINV分类,急性呕吐 化疗后24h内发生 延迟性呕吐 化疗后24h or 更长时间 预期性呕吐 曾有CINV经历,化疗前、中、后发生 暴发性呕吐 预防处理后发生 难治性呕吐 CINV预防、解救治疗失败,CINV相关神经递质,*Gamma-aminobutyric acid. Diemunsch P, Grlot L Drugs 2000;60:533546. Grunberg SM, Hesketh PJ N Engl J Med 1993;329:17901796. Hornby PJ Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2001;280:G1055G1060.,呕吐发生的解剖学机制,外周通路: 迷走神经传入纤维 、交感神经节、舌咽神经等 催吐化学感受区(Chemoreceptor triggerzone,CTZ):位于延髓第四脑室两侧,血脑屏障之外 前庭机制 高级皮层中枢的刺激 呕吐中枢(TC):位于延髓 网状结构的侧面,直接调节 控制呕吐的发生,呕吐相关受体及其体内分布,5HT3受体 迷走神经传入纤维、CTZ、孤束核 神经激肽 (neurokinin, NK) 受体 胃肠道、CTZ、孤束核 (P物质作用点位于中枢) 多巴胺受体 胃肠道、CTZ、孤束核,神经递质与呕吐类型,5HT 急性CINV,RINV P物质 急性、延迟性CINV 炎症因子 延迟性CINV 多巴胺 急性CINV,呕吐发生的病理生理学,Adapted from JAMA 2007;298(10):1196-1207,Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone,Vomiting Center,Vestibular System,Peripheral Pathways,迷走神经,Intracerebral projections,前庭神经核,Motion Labyrinth disorders,Sensory input Anxiety、fear memory,D2 5HT3 NK1,5HT3 Chemo- receptors,ACh H1,ACh H1 5HT3,Chemotherapy,CINV发生的危险因素,化疗药物致吐性:高致吐性化疗药物 病史: 既往化疗时发生过呕吐 电解质紊乱 晕动病病史 焦虑 个人因素 年龄 50岁 无乙醇摄入史 孕期呕吐史 女性,止吐药物的发展历史,约50%,0% %,止吐药物分类,5-羟色胺拮抗剂 NK1 R拮抗剂 多巴胺拮抗剂 吩噻嗪类(异丙嗪、氯丙嗪等) 苯丁酮类(氟哌啶醇) 甲氧氯普胺,止吐药物分类,皮质激素 苯二氮卓类(劳拉西泮):皮质机制 大麻酚类(屈大麻酚,大麻隆) 抗阻胺药:止吐和对抗多巴胺受体拮抗剂的张力障碍作用 草药:姜、薄荷,皮质激素的止吐作用机制,不详 中枢:可能通过影响脑内前列腺素的活动、调节血脑屏障、抑制皮质向呕吐中枢发放冲动 外周:通过其抗炎作用抑制肠道释放5-羟色胺或干扰胃肠道5-HT3受体的功能,5-HT3RA的作用机制,迷走神经,化疗,5-HT3 RA的分类,第一代 Ondansetron(枢复宁)-1984年开发,1991年批准上市 Tropisetron-欧洲 Granisetron-1988年开发,1991 及1994年分别在英国及美国被批准上市 Dolasetron-1997年批准上市 Ramosetron-日本及东亚地区 第二代 Palonosetron-2003年,常用5-HT3R拮抗剂的结构,与5HT相似的吲哚环,融合的三环结构,Rojas C, Anesth Analg,2008;107:469 478.,常用5-HT3R拮抗剂的特点,第一代5-HT3RA主要临床研究结果,N Engl J Med 1995;332:1-5. J Clin Oncol 1996,14:2242-2249. Support Care Cancer,2004,2:5863 Anti-Cancer Drugs 2006, 17:217224 Annals of Oncology 2006,17:1441-1449, Cancer 2003;98:247382.,*:呕吐有效率,第二代5-HT3RA 帕洛诺司琼,化学名:2一1一氮杂双环(222)辛一3S一基一2,3,3aS,4,5,6一六氢一1 H一苯并de异喹啉一1一酮盐酸盐 分子式为C19H24N2OHCL 分子量332.87 属第二代高选择性5-HT3受体拮抗剂,III期临床研究: 帕洛诺司琼 vs 恩丹西酮预防 中度致吐性化疗所致恶心呕吐,Study Design: Phase III randomized, multicenter, double-blind, active-controlled, stratified, parallel-arm trial Moderately emetogenic chemotherapy (single dose) Active comparator trial (n = 563) Day 1: Palonosetron 0.25 mg IV Palonosetron 0.75 mg IV Ondansetron 32 mg IV No corticosteroid administered prophylactically Patients were followed for 14 days for evaluation,Gralla R et al. Ann Oncol. 2003;14:1570-1577.,帕洛诺司琼 vs 恩丹西酮: CINV Complete Response,Palonosetron 0.25 mg (n=189) Palonosetron 0.75 mg (n=189) Ondansetron 32 mg (n=185),*97.5% CIs and 2-sided Fishers exact test (significance level = 0.025) indicate a difference between palonosetron and ondansetron. Complete response (CR): no emesis, no rescue medication.,Gralla R et al. Ann Oncol. 2003;14:1570-1577.,帕洛诺司琼/地塞米松vs格拉司琼/地塞米松 日本III期临床研究,帕洛诺司琼0.75mg,Saito M,et al.Lancet Oncol. 2009,10(2):115-124.,帕洛诺司琼预防肿瘤化疗性恶心呕吐的双盲双模拟、随机、阳性药平行对照的多中心临床试验,双盲 随机,试验组=111 帕洛诺司琼0.25mg,对照组=112 格拉司琼 3mg,1次用药 7天观察,研究设计,盐酸帕洛诺司琼注射液 /空白模拟剂 5ml,空白模拟剂 3ml/ 盐酸格拉司琼注射液,生理盐水 12ml,
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