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必修五 Unit 5 Vocabulary,Teaching aims:,1.Make the students pay attention to the part of speech of each word. 2.Make the students realize that an effective way to enlarge their vocabulary is to grasp word formation. 3.Make the students realize that it is very helpful to memorize words in a passage.,Step 1:Translation Practice,Part 1: ( n.) 1.帮助 2.伤害 3. 流鼻血 4. 踝关节 5.橱柜 6. 皮;皮肤 7. 器官 8. 层 9.障碍物 10.毒药 11. 光线 12.多样 13. 液体 14.辐射 15.平底锅 16. 炉子 17.(生物)组织 18.水泡 19.神经 20.剪刀 21.盆 22.绷带 23.传染 24. 症状 25.水壶 26. 手腕 27.袖子 28.女衬衫 29.喉咙 30.仪式 31.勇敢 32.款待 33.压力 34.救护车 35.标签,Part 2: ( v.) 36. 帮助 37.流血 38. 噎住;窒息 39.毒害 40.(使)康复 41.(使)膨胀 42.起泡43. 榨;挤 44.倒;灌 45.治疗;对待;款待 46.申请;运用,Part 3: ( adj.) 46.暂时的 47.最重要的48.复杂的 49.轻微的;温和的 50.肿胀的 51.似水的 52.难以忍受的 53.至关重要的 54.潮湿的 55.紧的 56.坚定的 Part 4:(adv.) 57.轻微地;温和地 58.紧地 59.坚固地,Step 2:Write down the right forms of the given words.,1) injury _(vt.) 2) poison _(adj.) 3) infection _(vt.) 4) variety _(vi.) _(adj) 5) mild_(adv.) 6)nerve _(adj.) 7) bravery _(adj.) 8)firm_(adv.) 9)treat_(n.) 10) apply _(n.),injure,poisonous,infect,vary,mildly,nervous,brave,firmly,treatment,various,application,Fill the blanks with the words mentioned above.,1. At school we learn a _ of things . 2. AIDS doesnt _ through air. 3.(1) Its a deadly _ and if he drank it he would probably die. (2) This kind of plant has _ roots. 4. In the traffic accident 16 people were killed and 25 people were _.,variety,infect,poison,injured,poisonous,5.He is an example of _ and wisdom . 他是个智勇双全的典型。 6. He is _convinced that it is vital to do this. 他坚信做这件事至关重要。 7.She was a little _ about the interview. 8.Ill strongly advise Eric to _ for that job, as its a wonderful chance for him. 9. Youll feel _ painful in the first degree burns. 10.Were annoyed at his rude _ of his old friends,nervous,bravery,apply,firmly,mildly,treatment,Step 3: Expressions,Translate the following phrases. 1.急救_ 2.生病 _ 3.电休克 _ 4.榨出;挤出 _ 5.反复;多次 _ 6.在适当的地方 _ 7.若干;许多_ 8.找到_ 9.有影响;起(重要)作用 _,fall ill,squeeze out,in place,electric shock,first aid,over and over again,make a difference,a number of,put ones hands on,Fill the blanks with the phrases mentioned above.,1.You should _ some time to visit your old friends. 2. Please put everything _. 3. You need to practise the song _ until it is perfect. 4. It is necessary to learn how to give _. 5.The famous actor _ because of the long journey.,over and over again,squeeze out,first aid,in place,fell ill,6.A knowledge of first aid can _ real _. 7. He remembered buying some stamps before, but failed to_ them. 8. _kids are playing in the park.,make a,A number of,put his hands on,difference,Step4: Complete the passage with the correct forms of the following words and phrases. stop . from; pour. on; squeeze .out; pour . over; put . on; tie . around Sally had a terrible accident last Friday when she accidentally (意外地) _ some hot water from the kettle _ her wrist and sleeve. In great pain, she needed to _ her wet blouse(罩衫) _ rubbing(摩擦) her skin. So she called me . I went immediately with a good supply of bandages. First, I _,poured,stop,from,over,poured,cold running water _ the burned area. Then I wet(弄湿) some cloths(布) and _ the water _. Next. I _ the cold wet cloth_ her burn and finally _ the bandage neatly (整洁地) _ her wrist. She felt better after I made some coffee for her. I offered to stay with her until she was better. Sally was grateful and said that my offer would make all the difference to her recovery.,out,squeezed,on,tied,put,on,around,
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