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酸acid 碱base 醇alcohol 醛aldehyde 酮ketone酯ester 醚ether 苯benzene 酚phenol 碳氢化合物hydrocarbon 碳水化合物/糖类carbohydrate 糖saccharide 一、酸acid无机酸inorganic acid:硝酸nitric acid 盐酸hydrochloric acid 硫酸sulfuric acid 磷酸phosphoric acid甲酸 Methanoic acid = formic acid 乙酸Ethanoic acid = acetic acid 丙酸Propanoic 丁酸Butanoic acid 戊烷 pentane 己烷Hexane 庚烷 Heptane 辛烷Octane 壬烷 Nonane 癸烷Decane甲胺Methanamine 甲醇Methanol甲醛 Methanal = formaldehyde乙醛 Ethanal = acetaldehyde2、 碱base(-OH:-hydroxide)无机碱inorganic base: NaOH sodium hydroxide, KOH potassium hydroxide ,Ca(OH)2 calcium hydroxide有机碱organic base:甲胺methanamine 乙胺ethamine 丙胺Propanamine丁胺Butanamine 。3、 盐类salt (-ate)无机盐inorganic salt: 氯化钠sodium chloride 氯化钾potassium chloride 硫酸钠sodium sulfate 磷酸钠sodium phosphate 海藻酸钠:guluronate有机盐organic salt: 醋酸钠sodium acetate 柠檬酸钾potassium citrate (柠檬酸citric acid)4、 碳氢化合物hydrocarbon(-ane)Methane 甲烷,Ethane 乙烷, Propane 丙烷,Butane丁烷,pentane 戊烷。 5、 醇alcohol(-nol)Methanol 甲醇Ethanol 乙醇Propanol 丙醇Butanol 丁醇pentanol 戊醇 。 6、 醛aldehyde(-nal)甲醛methanal =formaldehyde 乙醛ethanal =acetaldehyde;Propanal 丙醛,Butanal丁醛。7、 酮ketone丙酮acetone=Dimethyl ketone=2-propanone8、 酯ester 甲酸甲酯methyl formate=Methyl methanoate 乙酸甲酯Methyl ethanoate=Methyl actate9、 醚ether 乙醚diethyl ether10、 苯benzene 苯甲酸benzoic acid 苯甲醛benzaldehyde 11、 酚、苯酚phenol 多酚Polyphenol多肽Polypeptides12、 Amide胺:乙酰胺ethanamide N,N-二甲基甲酰胺N,N-dimethyl formamide十三、碳水化合物/糖类carbohydrate单糖monosaccharide 单体monomer低聚糖oligosaccharide 低聚体oligomer多(聚)糖polysaccharide 多聚体polymer十四、糖醛、糖酮丙醛糖aldotriose 阿拉伯糖arabinose 木糖xylose 葡萄糖glucose 甘露糖mannose 半乳糖galactose 乳糖lactose果糖fructose 山梨糖sorbose 木酮糖xylulose 麦芽糖maltobiose葡甘聚糖glucomannan半乳糖醛酸galacturonic acid官能团甲基Methyl.Ethyl,Propyl,Butyl 甲氧基Methoxy-羟基Hydroxyl 羧基Carboxyl 羰基 Carbonyl 氟代Fluoro-,Chloro-,Bromo-,Iodo-蛋白质protein氨基酸amino acid缩氨酸peptide多肽Polypeptide多肽蛋白酶proteinase脂肪酶lipase水解酶hydrolase 油脂lipid 维生素vitamin亲水hydrophilc 亲油oleophylic两性amphiprotic水解作用hydrolysis 腐败变质decomposition 甲醇methanol 脂肪酸fatty acid 羟基hydroxyl 多糖polysaccharide 碳水化合物/糖类carbohydrate 发酵fermentation 硫酸钠Sodium sulphate 羟基hydroxyl 胆固醇cholesterol 冷却/制冷refrigeration脂肪Lipid 纤维素:glucose淀粉:glucose二、科技论文写作格式和包含要求1、 title题目2、 Author information作者信息3、 Abstract摘要:目的,内容,手段方法,主要结果。4、 Key word关键词 :体现文章内容,便于搜索5、 Introduction前言:importance本实验的意义,review前人所做工作,problem尚存问题,make approach解决方法6、 Experimental work实验工作:materials实验材料:来源、组成、性质; methods试验方法:所用仪器,具体操作,分析方法。7、 result and discusssion 结果讨论: 按照研究内容分类陈述,先有引言,再给出结果,介绍结果,分析解释结果。 8、 Conclusion结论9、 References 参考文献三、科技论文写作要求:a/准确 b/简洁,避免使用-tion,-ment,等 c、用日常用动词代替短语动词。 科技文ppt制作:背景background of the study;目的Objectives of the study;结果Results; 生物学意义Biological implications of the study;结论conclusion四、翻译:1、食物短缺现象在世界许多地区存在。随人口的增加,这个问题很可能愈来愈尖锐、普遍。而蛋白质供应不足问题远比碳水化合物或脂肪供应不足更为严重。蛋白质不仅它的产出费用要比碳水化合物和脂肪高,而且每千克每天所需的蛋白质量在整个成年期是恒定的,而每天所需的脂肪和碳水化合物量一般随年龄增长而逐渐减少。Food shortage exist in many parts of the world. With the increase of population, the problem is likely to become more and more sharp and universal. And protein supply shortage problem than carbohydrates or fat in short supply more serious.Protein is not only its output cost than carbohydrates and fats is high, and each kilogram daily necessary protein quality in the whole adulthood is constant, and daily necessary fats and carbohydrates quantity generally grow along with the age and gradually reduce.2、蛋白质与果胶在界面上的交互作用 Interaction of Protein and Pectin in Interface本文探讨了果胶在蛋白质稳定的油-水界面上的特性及其影响因素,论述了在蛋白质,尤其是乳蛋白与果胶的共存体系中两种分子交互作用的性质。乳蛋白与果胶的交互作用以静电交互作用和水化层的阻隔作用为主。本文也探讨了这种交互作用在食品工业中的应用。This study investigated the characteristics of pectin at protein-stabilied interface and influencing factors.It also studied the nature of molecular interaction between protein and pectin, particularly milk protein,which was found mainly to be electrostatic interaction and static interaction of hydrated layer. It discussed the applications of these interaction in the food industry. 3、蛋白质的一个重要特性就是其乳化特性,其通过在油-水或气-水界面上形成粘弹性的网络结构而稳定食品乳浊液,但单纯的蛋白质在稳定体系中是不够的,时常需要在食品体系中添加一些多糖类物质,由于其自身的一些亲水性和乳化特性,并通过与蛋白质的相互作用,使食品乳浊液体系更加稳定。Protein is an important characteristic is its emulsifying property, by in oil - water or gas - hydrosphere surface formation viscoelastic network structure and stable food emulsion, but simple protein in the stable system is not enough, often need in food system to add some polysaccharide substance, because of their own some hydrophilicity and emulsifying property, and through the interaction with proteins, make food emulsion system more stable.
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