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新世纪版三年级上册英语Unit 1 Father or Me?教育目标:1. 让学生学习有关家庭成员的单词,激发对家庭的热爱。2. 引导学生主动与他人交流,增进彼此情感。知识目标:基础目标:1.Words and expressionsFrom Wonderland From Farmland From Grand Theatre*mother Vincent van Gogh photo*father sunflower * look at*aunt lady * grandma*uncle * whoson guessdaughter * me*brother look like*sister注:带*号表示在前面几册课本中已经出现过,但仅作听、说、读要求,全书同。2. Sentence patternsFrom Farmland From Grand TheatreWhos? You look like?Whos? 是谁?/谁是?3根据课文内容回答 Questions and Answers 中的问题,并根据实际情况回答 On your own中的问题。4掌握 Music Box中字母 a和 b在单词中的读音。5根据 Disneyland中的内容,将更多的家庭成员单词编入儿歌,进行替换性练习。Difficult Points1. 提醒学生注意在英语中 uncle, aunt, 一词多义,如:grandfather 和 grandmother可表示爷爷,外公;奶奶,外婆。2. 学会区分 I 和 me的用法。3. 掌握单词 look,see,watch 在句子中的不同含义和用法。发展目标:1. 通过变换人称,掌握 look like的用法:I look like ./You (They) look like ./He (She) looks like . 在一般现在时的句型中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词 look后要加 s。2. 了解更多有关家庭成员与亲戚的单词,例如:niece, nephew 等。能力目标:1. 能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭成员。2能用已学过的单词替换 Grand Theatre的某些部分进行再创造表演。情感、策略和文化等有关目标:1. 让小学生懂得要重亲情,重友情。2. 学习策略:在学习过程中善于学习别人的长处。教学资源:Students book 3A P1P7 Cassette 3A Unit 1Students workbook 3A P1P6 Word and picture cards 3A Unit 1Teaching Transparencies 3A Unit 1 Students photos教学时间:5 课时(每课 3540分钟)课时安排:建议本单元安排 5教时。第一课时:Wonderland & Language Lab第二课时:Farmland第三课时:Grand Theatre & Language Lab第四课时:Language Lab & Music Box第五课时:DisneylandLesson Plan ( 1 )Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationWarming-upRhyme: Hi, hi, hi, my dear mummy.Say the rhyme in chorus. 通过儿歌创设良好的学习氛围。While task procedures Task 1Introduce the new words: father, mother, aunt, uncle, son, daughter, and brother and sister.Task 21. Take a look at the teachers family photo.2. Listen to the teachers introduction of her/his family members one by one.3. Learn the new words. 4. Compare the spelling and pronunciation of mother, father and brother.教师通过自己的家庭照片引出新授内容,激发了学生的好奇心,自然地引发了学生的学习动机。在教授新单词的过程中注意将形近与音近的单词进行对比,帮助学生建立完整的知识结构。通过形象的家谱图表帮助学生理Understand the family relationships by using a family tree.Task 3Finish Language LabPart 21. Draw a family tree.2. Elicit the students to tell the relationships between two people. Eg: Sandy is Carls son. Carl is Sandys father.Spell the new words.解家庭关系,在梳理关系的同时,新授单词又一次得到复现。Post-task activities Say something about the students own family.1. Take out the family photo.2.Introduce the family members to a friend.将所学知识联系实际,让学生在真实的语境中使用学到的内容。Lesson Plan ( 2 )Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationRevisionReview the words about the family member.1. Spell the words.2. Introduce one or two family members.通过复习检查学生是否掌握上节课所学内容,并为新课做准备。While task procedures Task 1Introduce the sentence pattern “Whos?” by guessing who the person isTask 2Distinguish the celebrities.Task 3Know Vincent van 1. The teacher shows a photo of his/her childhood.2. Guess by using “Who is he/she”3. Learn the sentence.1. Show some photos of celebrities.2. Discuss in groups by using “ Whos this/ that?” “Is he/she?”1. Show Sunflower and 由教师孩童时期的照片引出新的教学内容能激发学生的学习兴趣。通过认识名人不仅能操练所学句型,也能更多地了解世界。通过了解凡高及其作品操练Gogh and his masterpiece Sunflower.encourage the students to tell their opinions about it.2. Introduce Vincent van Gogh and his other famous paintings.句型,扩大视野,拓展知识范围。Post-task activities 1.Make a dialogue of talking about the families of both sides.2.Learn the dialogues on the course book.Make a dialogue by using “Whos ” to talk about the families.Listen to the tape and repeat the sentences.Role play the two dialogues.用所学的语言讨论现实中的事物,突出了语言的功能性。通过学习表演课本上的对话感受所学句型的功能。
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