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新世纪版三年级英语下册教案 Unit 6 A Fishing Game本课教学内容为新世纪版三年级英语下册教案 Unit 6 A Fishing Game 的 farmland 部分。教学目标1. 基础目标1) To get a lot knowledge of some words.2) To make sentences according to the given patterns3) To do shopping in English2. 发展目标1)To get to know how to contract the singular and plural of nouns in the “to have got” patterns.2) To enable students to use these shopping patterns in proper situation.3.情感目标1) To enable the students to ask information about having or not having;2) To enable kids to feel the euphemism.教学重点、难点教学重点1) To enable kids to get expression of some words.2) To enable kids to speak English freely on a topic教学难点 1) To contract the use of the pattern “to have got” in the plural from of nouns.2) To learn how to do changing dialogue exercises for shopping. 教学设备PPT teaching project教学过程一、课前准备1. Warming up: Sing a song “How is the weather?”2. Review:1) To recite some words.2) To say some phrases in English.3) To do some ask-and-answer exercises in oral.二、课上任务1. Show Picture 1: What can you see? Say as the pattern:Youve got _. Ive got _, too.2. Show Alices room: What can you see?Say as the pattern:Alice hasnt got _.I havent got _, either.3. Show the third picture: Who can you see in the picture?Say as the pattern: A: What has _ got?B: Hes/Shes got _.4. Show Jims room: What can you see?Say as the pattern:A: Has Jim got _?B: Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt.5. Show the Picture 1: 1) What can you see?2) Fill in the missing letters.3) Read them aloud 4) Learn Dialogue 1:A: What can I do for you?B: Have you got a football?A: Big or small?B: Big.A: Here you are.Do changing exercises with “yellow volleyball”.5) Learn Dialogue 2: A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please.Have you got any footballs?A: Yes, we have.Do you want big or small?B: Big, please.A: OK. Here you are.Do changing exercises with “big hoops” and “red sports shoes”.6. Show Picture 2:1) What can you see?2) Fill in the missing letters.3) Read aloud the words.4) Listen and fill in the missing words.5) Do a survey like teacher with the pattern “Have you got?”三、课后活动Group activities: introduce the result of your survey in groups.With the pattern:This is Zhou Ju. Shes got_. . But she hasnt got _. . She is my good friend. 四、家庭作业To write more than 10 sentences to introduce what your friend has got or what your friend hasnt got according to your survey.
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