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(新世纪版)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 5 Whats Going On?教育学生在家做力所能及的家务为家庭成员服务,并为弟弟妹妹做榜样。二、教学目的: 基本要求:1. 学习单词:channel, cupboard, mirror, towel, lamp, push, pull, wash up,能正确朗读及拼写以上单词。2. 学习单词例句会朗读书写。3. 学习句型:Is he(doing)? Yes, he is. /No, he isnt。A. 能用所学的句型根据图片或教师创设的情景表演对话。B. 能把相关词与 Grand Theatre整和起来。4. 听懂、读懂 Questions and answers会做书面及口头回答。5. 能模仿 Pair work 中的内容进行会话操练。6. 会诵读 Rhyme: Little Boy Blue。7. 会朗读 Music Box中的单词,体验 ou字母组/ / / /的读音。发展要求:1. 在学习单词扩展的例句的基础上结合已学的单词造句。2. 能在熟练掌握 Grand Theatre的基础上表演其内容,并根据学生实际情况进行语言的替换整合组成新的语言材料。3. 能把 Rhyme与学过的内容整合,自编儿歌。三、教学重点:1掌握本单元出现的动词词组:ask a question/ learn English/ pull a cupboard/ wash up/ mop the floor/ push a cupboard等。 2句型:Is he(doing)? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.。A. 能用所学的句型根据图片或教师创设的情景表演对话。B. 能与 Grand Theatre 整合起来完成阅读练习。四、教学难点:能根据单词例句的学习进行单词造句。能熟练掌握 Grand Theatre运用已学内容自编对话进行表演。五、教时安排:Five Periods:1st Period:Wonderland 2nd Period:Farmland3rd Period:Music Box,Disneyland4th Period:Grand Theatre 5th Period:Review Grand Theatre,Language Lab ProjectThe 1st PeriodFocus: Wonderland 教学重点:1. 能朗读,书写,听懂单词及词组:channel, cupboard, mirror, towel, lamp, push, pull, wash up并作相应的思维反应。2. 能正确朗读和拼写例句,能正确掌握单词及词组在句子中的正确运用。3. 学会用正确的方法记忆单词和词组 。教学难点:1. 能灵活运用反义词 push 与 pull。2. 根据例句用所学的单词及词组造句。 教具准备:tape recorder / pictures /cards 教学过程:Pre-taskWarming up:(Unit 4 Wonderland)words and sentences While-task:1. New word: ChannelT: listen to the tape and answer my questionsWhos watching a movie on Channel 5?Is Mike watching a movie on Channel 4?Is Mike watching TV news on Channel 5?Whats Mike doing?Write “Channel” on the blackboardS(read it one by one)Pair work:S1: Whos watching a movie on Channel 5? S2: Mike is watching a movie on Channel 5.Make new sentences 2. Word: cupboardT(take out a picture of a cupboard): Whose cupboard is it ? / What colour is the cupboard? / Is the cupboard? / Whats in the cupboard? Write “cupboard” on the blackboardS(read it one by one)Pair work:a. S1: Whose cupboard is that? S2: It is mine.b. Make new sentences3. Word: mirrorT: Whats on my desk?S:镜子T: mirrorT: Whats on my desk?S: There is a mirror on your desk?方法同上4. Word: towelT: What colour is this towel? / Is the towel clean or dirty? / Whose towel is orange? 方法同上5. Word: lampT: Have you got a lamp? / Which lamp do you like? / Whats on the desk? 方法同上6. Word: pushT: 用动作表示含义。方法同上7. Word: pullT: 用动作表示含义。方法同上8. Phrase: wash upT: Can you wash the dishes? 引出 wash up 方法同上Post-task:1. Lets read after the tape.2. Lets turn to page 34. Lets listen and fill in the blanks.1)Read the letters.2)Choose the letters and fill in the blanks.3)Lets check.板书设计:Unit 5 WonderlandChannel (on Channel 5) cupboard (our cupboard)mirror (an old mirror) towel (a red towel)lamp (a new lamp) wash uppush (push the door) pull (pull the door)The 2nd periodFocus: Farmland 教学重点:1. 学习句型 Is he(doing) ? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.能用所学的句型根据图片或教师创设的情景组成对话进行表演.2. 会根据所给的图片进行句型操练3. 能根据图片所给情景,有感情有意义的进行交流.4. 能流利的朗读 Mini Dialogue. 并能用提供的词组进行自编对话. 教学难点:能在 Mini Dialogue的基础上自编出新的对话.教具准备:tape recorder / pictures /cards 教学过程:Pre-task:1. Look at the word cards and read the words.2. Make a sentence use eight new words.While-task:1. Picture 1 T: Whos asking a question to Miss Lynn?S: Norman is.T: Is Norman asking a question to Miss Lynn?S: Yes, he is.板书:Is he(doing)? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.Ask a question.2. Picture 2T: Is Tommy asking a question?S: No, he isnt.T: Is he cleaning his toys?S: Yes, he is. 板书:clean his toys3. Picture 3T: What is Hong Wei doing?S: Shes cleaning her books.S1: Is she cleaning her toys?S2: No, she isnt.S3: Is she cleaning her books?S4: Yes, she is.4. Picture 4S1: Is Alice singing a song?T: No, she isnt.S2: Is she ?板书:learn English5. Pair worksA)Questions and answers from picture 1 to picture 4B)Put the phrase on the blackboardpush a cupboard / pull a cupboard / wash up / mop the floorC)Make mini dialogue by themselves.Post-task:1. Today we have learned Unit 5Farmland. Lets read the mini dialogue together.2. The boy read A and the girl read B.3. Turn to page33, 36-38 do the homework.板书设计:Unit 5 FarmlandIs he (doing)?Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.ask a question clean his toys learn Englishpull a cupboard push a cupboard wash upmop the floorThe 3rd periodFocus: Music Box & Disneyland教学重点:让学生形成音素的概念,为国际音标打下基础.解决小学生记忆词汇比较困难词汇量较少的原因.能流利的朗读 Disneyland 中的 Rhyme Little Boy Blue.教学难点: 能用本课中的儿歌和已学的内容进行整合,创造出新的儿歌。找出其它与 Music Box中字母组发音相同的单词。教具准备:tape recorder / pictures /cards 教学过程:Pre-task:Let read the Rhyme WaterWhile-task:一)Disneyland1. Today we will learn Unit 5 Disneyland open your books and turn to page 38.2. Please look at picture .Can you tell me what can you see in this picture?(Write the important words on the blackboard)horn meadow haystack asleep3. How to read these words? Lets read the whole class.4. Listen to the tape and read after it.5. Pair work 有节奏的诵读。二)Music Box1. Look at these wordsHave they got the same l
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