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华中科技大学 博士学位论文 同质物品网上拍卖的最优设计 姓名:陈胜利 申请学位级别:博士 专业:控制科学与工程 指导教师:罗云峰 20090708 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 IV 摘摘 要要 随着电子商务的飞速发展,网上拍卖变得日益流行。在网上拍卖的实践中,拍 卖机制的好坏将直接影响网上拍卖物品的有效分配,进而影响拍卖商和拍卖网站的 收益,最终影响顾客的购买行为。因此,对网上拍卖机制的研究具有重要的理论和 实践意义。 论文结合网上拍卖时间上的异步性和空间上的分布性等特点,在建立网上最优 拍卖一般优化模型的基础上,从单阶段网上拍卖最优保留价设计、多阶段网上拍卖 最优保留价的设计、多物品单时期网上拍卖最优设计以及混合机制下(并行使用拍 卖和固定价格机制)的最优设计四个方面对网上拍卖问题进行研究。 首先,引入网上拍卖的刊登费、佣金、罚金以及投标者随机到达等因素,构建 网上拍卖公开保留价和秘密保留价下的拍卖商期望收益最大化决策模型,研究网上 拍卖最优公开保留价和最优秘密保留价,并给出最优保留价的一般形式。在此基础 上,对最优保留价进行分析,所得结论表明:拍卖商的最优公开保留价与最优秘密 保留价相等,拍卖商的最大期望收益也相等。 其次,在单阶段网上拍卖模型的基础上对多阶段网上拍卖的最优保留价进行了 研究,给出了多阶段网上拍卖最优保留价序列的一般形式。研究表明,每个相同阶 段的最优公开保留价和最优秘密保留价相等,并且在两种不同的保留价下拍卖商在 相同的阶段所获得的最大期望收益也相等;当拍卖商进行多阶段拍卖时,随着所在 阶段数的增加,拍卖商在该阶段所获得的期望收益单调递减;如果投标者估价服从 均匀分布,那么拍卖商在每阶段的最优保留价是单调递减的。 再次,引入投标者随机到达特点以及物品持有成本、广告成本和监控成本,在 单时期拍卖中重新构建拍卖商的收益函数,分别在公开保留价和秘密保留价下对保 留价、拍卖数量、拍卖时间以及单位广告成本进行了最优设计,并对两种情形下的 研究结论进行了比较分析。研究发现,当投标人数大于拍卖物品数量时,拍卖商公 开保留价时的期望拍卖结束价格小于秘密保留价时的期望拍卖结束价格,并且当拍 卖商设置的保留价在最低水平时,秘密保留价下的期望收益大于公开保留价下的期 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 V 望收益。 最后,通过构造延期成本函数,对混合机制下的基于阈值战略的顾客决策模型 进行扩展,给出一般形式的基于阈值战略的顾客决策模型。研究表明:无论延期成 本为线性形式还是指数形式,只要高估价顾客的延期成本函数为拍卖剩余时间的连 续的严格增函数,那么高估价顾客到达网站时都会根据阈值战略进行决策。在此基 础上,以拍卖持续时间、拍卖物品数量以及固定价格为决策变量,建立基于阈值战 略的混合机制下的拍卖商最优决策模型,通过数值分析,提出了混合机制下的最优 拍卖设计原则和设计策略,并通过算例对所提出的设计原则和策略进行验证。 论文最后对所做工作进行了总结并对有待进一步研究的问题进行了探讨。 关键词:关键词:网上拍卖 最优设计 保留价 单阶段拍卖 多阶段拍卖 混合机制 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 VI Abstract With the great development of the e-business, the online auction becomes increasingly popular. In the practice of online auctions, the character of auction mechanisms will directly affect the efficiency of online auction items allocation, which then makes influence on the revenues of the sellers and auction websites, and determines the customers purchase behavior eventually. Therefore, the study on the auction mechanism is of great significance both in theory and practice. Based on the build-up of general optimized model of the online optimal auction, the dissertation integrates such online auction characteristics as the asynchronism of the time and the distribution of the space, and studies the online auction from four aspects including the design of optimal reserve price in single-stage online auction, the design of optimal reserve price in multi-stage auction, the optimal design in multi-unit single-period auction and the optimal design of dual-mechanism in which auction and posted price mechanisms are used in parallel. Firstly, by introducing the factors of online auction like the entry fee, the commission, the penalties and the stochastic arrival of bidders, the dissertation formulates online auctions decision-make model of maximization of sellers expected revenue in open reserve price and private reserve price respectively, and studies the online auctions optimal open reserve price and optimal private reserve price, and gives the general form of optimal reserve price. On the base of all these above, the optimal reserve price is analyzed, showing that the sellers optimal open reserve price is the same to the optimal private reserve price, and the maximum expected revenues are equal. Secondly, the study of the optimal reserve price in the multi-stage online auction is made on the basis of single-stage online auction model, giving the general form of the optimal reserve price series. The research shows that the optimal open reserve price is the same as the optimal private reserve price in corresponding stages, and the sellers revenues are equal in two different reserve prices in corresponding stages. When carrying out the multi-stage auction, the sellers expected revenues monotone decrease with the increase of stage number, the optimal reserve price of the seller monotone decreases at each stage when the bidders evaluations are distributed uniformly. Thirdly, by introducing the feature of bidders stochastic arrival and holding cost, advertisement cost, and monitor cost, the dissertation reformulates the revenue function of 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 VII seller in single-stage auction, and performs the optimal design of reserve price, auction quantity, auction time and unit-cost of advertisement in open reserve price and private reserve price, respectively, and makes comparative analysis in both situations. According to the research, when the number of bidder is more than the lot-size, the expected auction closing price in open reserve price is less than that in private reserve price, and the expected revenues in private reserve price is more than that in open reserve price when the seller-set reserve price is at the lowest level. Finally, by constructing the delay cost function, the customer decision model based on the threshold strategies in dual-mechanism is extended, deducing the general form of the model based on the threshold strategies. It shows that customers with higher valuation will choose threshold strategies to make decision once arriving at websites when the delay cost function of them continuous strict incre
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