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中南民族大学 硕士学位论文 商务英语教师专业素质调查研究 姓名:杨娜娃 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:袁雪芬 2011-05 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 iv 摘 要 随着中国加入世界贸易组织和中国教育的进一步改革发展,商务英语已引起 越来越多的关注。商务英语教师的专业素质作为商务英语教学成功的关键因素之 一不容忽视。本文旨在探讨商务英语教师专业素质的现状及如何提高商务英语教 师的专业素质。 本文的研究问题如下: 1就教师自身的英语语言能力、商科专业背景知识能力、商务实践经验、商 务英语学科教学实践以及对自身专业发展的期望而言,商务英语教师专业素质具 体是怎么样的? 2就所获学位的具体专业而言,有商务背景知识的商务英语教师是否和没有 商务背景知识的商务英语教师在专业素质上存在不同? 3商务英语教师对未来专业发展有什么期望? 为解决这些研究问题,本文采取问卷的方式对湖北省 9 所普通高校的商务英 语教师和商务英语专业大三学生进行了调查。问卷调查分为教师问卷和学生问卷。 教师问卷旨在从五个方面调查商务英语教师的专业素质:教师的英语语言能力, 商科理论背景素养,商务实践经验,商务英语教学实践以及对未来专业发展的期 望。学生问卷基于教师问卷基础上,旨在调查教师英语语言能力、商科理论背景 知识素养,商务实践经验,商务英语学科教学实践的真实表现。 调查结果表明: 第一,商务英语教师的英语语言能力总体上可以满足英语课堂教学的要求。 大多数商务英语教师认可自身的商务理论知识素养,认为自己的商务专业素质能 满足商务英语学科的教学工作的要求。商务英语教师均具备丰富的商务实践经验。 调查结果还表明,学生对教师的专业素质评价低于教师对自身专业素质的评价。 第二,就所获学位的具体专业学习而言,通过对比,有商务背景知识的商务 英语教师和没有商务背景知识的商务英语教师在专业素质上存在不同,但区别不 明显。 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 v 第三,对于专业发展,商务英语教师希望在商科专业知识、商务英语教学方 法以及商务英语课程设置等方面获得更多的培训和提高。 本文旨在提高对商务英语教师专业素质的现状的认识,并对中国高校商务英 语教育改革提供一定的参考。 关键词: 关键词:商务英语;商务英语教师专业素质;教师专业发展 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 ii Abstract With Chinas entry into the World Trade Organization and the further development of Chinas educational reform, the importance of Business English has become one of the focuses of the public. The professional quality of Business English teachers consequently turns out to be the key and should not be neglected for the success of Business English teaching. What the current situation of professional quality of Business English teachers is and how to improve their professional quality have become the focuses of the study. The present study addresses the following three questions: 1. What professional quality do BE teachers hold in terms of English language competence, proficiency in business theories, working experiences in business affairs, and Business English teaching practices? 2. Are there differences in the professional quality between BE teachers with business background and those without business background according to their academic qualification in specific study fields? 3. What is the BE teachers expectation in their professional development? In order to answer the three questions, an investigation through questionnaires was conducted among 37 Business English teachers from Business English departments or Business English Teaching and Research sections under the English department, and 228 Business English juniors from 9 colleges and universities in Hubei province. The questionnaires were designed in two dimensions: Business English teachers and Business English majors. The teacher questionnaire was designed from five aspects: English language competence, proficiency in business theories, working experiences in business affairs, BE teaching practices, and professional development probing into their self-evaluation and expectation. The student questionnaire was designed correspondingly to investigate their BE teachers English language competence, proficiency in business theories, working experiences in business affairs, and BE teaching practices. The results of this research are as follows: Firstly, BE teachers English language competence generally meets the needs of 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 iii English class teaching. Most BE teachers are satisfied with their proficiency in business theories. They recognize that their proficiency in business theories can fulfill the requirements from various BE classes. Most of BE teachers have rich experiences in business affairs. However, the students evaluation on PQBET is lower than the BE teachers self-evaluation on PQBET. Secondly, by comparing the professional quality of BE teachers with business background and those without business background, there are some differences existing according to their academic qualification in specific study fields, but not of significance. Thirdly, most BE teachers were anxious to get chances for further study to enrich their knowledge, such as, the professional knowledge on business and financing, BE teaching methods, and BE syllabus designing et al. This research is expected to be helpful in identifying the current state of Business English teachers professional development and beneficial for the Business English education reform in Chinas universities. Key words: Business English, professional quality of Business English teachers, teachers professional development 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 viii List of Tables Table 1 Basic Information about the Teachers 22 Table 2 Reliability Analysis of the Teacher Questionnaire (Alpha) 23 Table 3 Reliability Analysis of the Student Questionnaire (Alpha) 25 Table 4 KMO and Bartletts Test of the Teacher Questionnaire 26 Table 5 Eigenvalue, Variance, and Cumulative Variance of the Factors. 27 Table 6 Descriptive Statistics of Factor 1 of the Teacher Questionnaire. 28 Table 7 Descriptive Statistics of Item 9-Item 16 of the Student Questionnaire 28 Table 8 Descriptive Statistics of Factor 2 of the Teacher Questionnaire. 29 Table 9 Descriptive Statistics of Item 17- Item 26 of the Student Questionnaire 30 Table
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