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Unit 6,Work quietly! Part B,Read the sentences, then translate.(先读再翻译) He is talking in the library. We are playing a game. She is colouring at her desk. They are writing in class. They are walking on a bridge.,他正在图书馆里说话。,我们正在玩游戏。,她正在她的桌子上涂色。,他们正在课上写。,他们正在桥上走。,We often go to the public place(公共场所).,When we go to the public place, we should follow rules.,在公共场所我们要遵守行为规范。,Talk quietly.,They are talking in the library.,小声说话,Take turns.,We are playing a game.,按顺序来,Keep your desk clean.,She is colouring at her desk.,保持你的课桌干净,Keep your desk clean.,Work quietly.,They are writing in class.,安静的工作,Keep to the right.,They are walking on the bridge.,靠右,Match, say and act.,Work quietly!,Talk quietly!,Keep your desk clean!,Do you know these signs(图标)?,公共场合的行为规范:,Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean.,Keep to the right.,Takes turns.,In the public place we should know more rules we should be more polite.,Lets try,Listen and circle.,Lets talk,阅读对话,画出其中出现的关于图书馆规定的句子。,Talk quietly.,Keep your desk clean,Anything else?,还有其他的吗?,Read the text ,answer the questions.,1. What can John do?,He can show Tom the English books.,2. Can Tom read the English books here?,Yes, he can.,3. What will Tom do?,He will keep his desk clean.,Listen and read,S1: My name is Tom. Whats your name? S2: Shh. Talk quietly. Im John. I can show you the English books. S1: Thanks. S2: Here you are. S1: OK. Can I read the books here? S2: Yes. Of course. S1: Anything else? S2: Yes. Keep your desk clean. S1: OK. I will. Thanks.,Pair-work,1、分角色朗读出对话。 2、两人一组,试着表演出来。,根据自己的情况,选择来做吧!,Role play,Homework: 1、抄写61页对话并翻译,读熟,背会。 2、抄写62页短语3次,译1次,读熟。 3、听读61,62页内容5次。 4、听读预习63页,标中文,填空。,
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