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Chapter Two,Lesson One,clean my teeth,watch TV,go to school,play table tennis,eat fish,use the telephone,ride a motor bike,play the piano,play computer games,Which of these things do you do every day? Which of these things do you do once or twice a week? Which of these things do you never do?,How often do you _? I _ once / twice / three times a week.,Answer these questions,Who is the passage about? When does she get up? How does she go to school? What does she do after school on Fridays? How often does she have violin lessons? Does she go to bed early or late? When do they discuss their business? Does she drive to school? Why or why not?,Choose the right meanings,1 a.m. a before noon b after noon 2 business a a big house b a company 3 popular a many people like them b they cost a lot of money 4 is responsible for a is good at b has the duty for 5 sales a selling things b buying things 6 discuss a eat quickly b talk about,match the words in Column A with the meaning in Colomn B,1 whiz-kid a get, gain 2 simple b a misical instrument 3 achieve c help 4 attend d very easy 5 assist e not often 6 violin f very clever teenager 7 seldom g go to,Write only one to three words for each answer,time she gets up _ what she writes _ how many games they sell every year _ her brothers job _ How she gets to school _ what she does on the way _ what she thinks of some school work _ her usual grade at school _ day she goes to Computer Club _ time she has dinner _ her work after dinner _ time she goes to bed _,6a.m.,computer games,half a million,an accountant,in her car,makes phone calls,boring too simple,A,Friday,7p.m.,writing compter games,2a.m.,Find facts in the passage that tell you the sentences are probably true,Wendy sleeps for less than 5 hours a night. Wendy pass all of her exams. Wendy does well in the Computer Club. The computer games that Wendy writes are very popular.,well done see you tomorrow,
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