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Review Unit 7,复习目标 : 1. 掌握重要词汇和句式. 2. 理解并运用重要语法: Would you mind +动名词. ? 3. 能向 对方委婉地提出请求及表达自己的不满.,复习目标1:单词运用,Parents dont _ their kids to stay out at night.(允许) The waitress _ me the wrong food.(拿来) You should be _ to old people. Please speak to them _.(有礼貌) 4. Could you please clean the _?(院子) 5. Would you mind not _ here?(吸烟) 6. I get annoyed when someone cuts in _.(队) 7. We should take care not to _(咳嗽) or sneeze in _.(公众) 8. Its not right to _(掉下) _(垃圾) everywhere. 9. Would you mind _(捡起) it up? 10. If you _(违反) the rules, your teacher will be mad.,allow,brought,polite,politely,yard,smoking,line,cough,public,drop,litter,picking,break,复习目标1:单词运用,11.The waitress _(买)a watch yesterday . 12._(也许)in the future I should try not to be so polite. 13.There are other places where talking loudly is not _(允许) 14.Would you mind keep your _(声音) 15. Would you mind _(洗)the dishes ? 16.Could you please not _(跟着)me around ? 17.I get _(生气)when someone talks to me while Im reading 18.Could you please come_(早一点)next time?,bought,Perhaps,allowed,voice,washing,follow,annoyed,earlier,- Would you mind _(turn) down the music? - No, not at all. / of course not./Certainly not./No problem - Sorry, Ill do it right away / in a minute. 2. Would you mind _(not smoke) here? - No, not at all. / of course not. / Certainly not. - Sorry, I wont do it/that again. 3. Could/Would you please _(turn) down the music? 4. Could/Would you please _(not smoke) here?,Grammar:,复习目标,turning,not smoking,turn,not turn,立刻,马上 一点也不 出来 从出来 帮助某人做某事 在方面帮助某人 大声讲话 觉得不舒适 好象,检测词汇,复习目标3,right away / in a minute not at all get out get out of help sb (to) do sth help sb with sth talk loudly feel uncomfortable seem like,排队等待 插队 变得生气 发生在某人身上 努力不去做某事 小心不去做某事 在公众场合 压低你的声音 违反规定 捡起,检测词汇,复习目标3,wait in line cut in line get annoyed / mad happen to sb try not to do sth take care not to do sth in public (places) keep down your voice break the rules pick up pick it / them up,熄灭 举起 张贴 穿上 把放好 调低 调高 关掉 打开,检测词汇,复习目标3,put out put up put up put on put away turn down turn up turn off turn on,(in/after) Ill go to see my uncle _ a week. _ two hours ,they got to the top of the hill. (turn up/turn down/turn on/ turn off) Its dark, Please _ the light. Dont _ the radio. Its too noisy. (have to/must) Its raining hard outside. I _ stay at home. You _ finish your homework . (a little/ a bit of/a bit) Cant you walk _ faster? Give me _ water to drink,please. There is still _ time left.,Can you choose the correct words?,in,After,have to,turn on,turn up,must,复习目标4:知识链接,a little/abit,a little/a bit of,a little/a bit of,1. My clock doesnt _. Can you mend it for me? A. use B. work C. walk D. move 2. Would you mind opening your window?_. A. Sorry, I dont. B. No, you dont C. No, not at all. D. Thats right. He _ back in a minute. A. come B. comes C. will come D. came 4. I dont _ where to go for our holiday at all. You can decide yourself. A. have B. want C. like D. mind 5. He got _ when he _ the news. A. annoyed, heard B. annoy, hears C. annoying, heard D. annoyed, hears,复习目标5,Exercises :,6.Would you mind _ the litters, please? A. droping B. drop C. dropping D. to drop 7. Would you like _ to my house for dinner?. A. coming B. come C. to come D. dont come 8. The TV is too loud. Could you please _? A. turn it down B. turn down it C. turning it down D. turning down it 9. _ in public is impolite. A. Talking loud B. Talking loudly C. Talk loud D. Talk loudly 10.Will you please _it for me? Sure. to do B. doing C. does D. do 11.Would you mind _ loudly at night? A. not to sing B. not sing C. singing not D. not singing,12.He helped us _the way _ the station. to find, in B. found, of C. find, to D. find, for 13.He saw a pen on the floor and _. A. picks it up B. pick up it C. picked up it D. picked it up 14.Jacky, could you please _ the TV a little bit? Your father is sleeping. A. turn off B. turn on C. turn down D. turn up 15.If that _, I wont go back to that store again. A. happened to me B. will happen me C. happens on me D. happens to me 16. -Could you please _ so much noise? A. not making B. dont make C. not to make D. not make 17. -Would you like to join us ? -Yes,_. I would B. Id love to C. Id love D. Id like,Thanks a lot!,
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