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固定化脂肪酶催化大豆油合成脂肪酸短链 醇酯的研究 固定化脂肪酶催化大豆油合成脂肪酸短链 醇酯的研究 鲁吉珂,侯继贤,聂开立,邓利,王芳,谭天伟鲁吉珂,侯继贤,聂开立,邓利,王芳,谭天伟 (北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院,北京市生物加工过程重点实验室,北京 100029) 摘 要摘 要:利用本实验室自制的固定化Candida sp.99-125脂肪酶,研究了水含量、溶剂量、 酶量以及温度等因素对脂肪酶催化大豆油生成脂肪酸乙酯的影响, 并探讨了最优条件下的反 应进程及酶的寿命。结果显示:2 g大豆油在水含量为250 l,溶剂正己烷为6 ml,脂肪酶 为0.4 g,温度为40 的条件下,三次流加乙醇,每次134 l,摇瓶反应12 hr,最高转化 率可以达到96.8 %。进一步测得在这种反应条件下,脂肪酶可以连续使用14批之久,证明 固定化Candida sp.99-125脂肪酶催化乙醇反应生成脂肪酸乙酯有较高的效率,具有较大 的生产潜力。 关键词关键词:生物柴油;乙醇;脂肪酸乙酯;脂肪酶;优化 Study on synthesis of fatty acid ethyl esters from soybean oil by immobilized lipase from Candida sp.99-125 LU Ji-ke HOU Ji-xian NIE Kai-li DENG Li WANG Fang TAN Tian-wei (Beijing Bioprocess Key Laboratory, College of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029, PR China) Abstract: Biodiesel, fatty acid short chain esters, has drawn worldwide attention as an alternative of fossil fuel, because it is biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Biodiesel is mainly produced from vegetable oils (such as rapeseed oil, sunflower oil or soybean oil), animal fats and even waste oil as well. The transesterification process is classified into chemical methods and biochemical methods depending on the catalysts employed in the reaction. On one hand, although the traditional chemical catalyst can achieve high yields in relative short time, more energy requirement and inevitable pollution to the environment are the major bottle necks for large scale industrialization. On the other hand, lipase as an efficient catalyst has found wide applications in the transesterification process for the synthesis of biodiesel as a result of its mild reaction condition and 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(20576013) 、杰出青年基金(20325622) 、973 项目(2003CB716002) 、北京 市自然基金(2071002) 、北京市科技计划项目(D02050040402) 、863 项目(2006AA020203) 通讯联系人:谭天伟 Tel:01064416691,Email:twtan less or even no pollution generated. Consequently, more and more studies are focused on the lipase at present. Immobilized lipase Candida sp.99-125 was established in our lab and it showed high activity in esterification of fatty acid with different alcohols. And this lipase is very effective in synthesis of fatty acid methyl esters from vegetable oil and methanol, which is the most prevailing way for biodiesel production. However, it is known that as a strong inhibitor of the lipase, the presence of methanol would lower the reactions efficiency and shorten the enzyme lifespan, which is the obstacle for its industrialization. Considering ethanol is less polar than methanol, the use of ethanol is less toxic to the lipase. Besides, ethanol is a common fermentation product of corn, rice, fruits et al, while methanol is originally derived from fossil, so the application of ethanol is much greener than methanol, especially for the synthesis of biodiesel. In this study, fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) were synthesized from soybean oil by the immobilized lipase Candida sp.99-125. Different conditions such as water content, solvent content, enzyme amount and temperature on the esterification reaction were studied during the optimizing process. The maximum yield was obtained under following conditions: 250 l water content (12.5w.t % based on the oil weight),6 ml solvent, 0.4 g lipase and temperature 40 . With three-step ethanol added into the reaction system, the best yield of 96.8% was achieved after totally 12 hours transesterification. Moreover, the lipase can be used for 168 hours continuously with high yield (around 80 % or even higher). The conclusion illustrated that the immobilized lipase from Candida sp.99-125 could efficiently catalyze alcoholysis of soybean oil into FAEEs under appropriate conditions, and it showed great potential for the synthesis of biodiesel in industrial production. Key words: biodiesel; ethanol; FAEEs; lipase; optimization 1前言前言 生物柴油指以油料作物、工程微藻1等水生植物油脂以及动物油脂、餐饮垃圾油等为原 料油通过酯交换工艺制成的可代替石化柴油的再生性柴油燃料, 其化学结构主要是长链脂肪 酸的短链醇酯。 传统的生物柴油是由原料油与短链醇在一定的温度下通过碱催化法制成的。 其反应成本 低廉,步骤简单,但反应需要较高的醇油比,还有大量的碱作为催化剂,这些都增加了后期 分离纯化的难度, 构成了实现工业化的最大障碍24。 虽然近几年也提出了很多改良的方案, 包括超临界反应5、纳米磁性固体催化剂6等,但都未取得根本上的突破。 为了从根本上消除碱法的种种局限性, 研究者提出采用脂肪酶作为反应催化剂。 利用生 物催化剂高效率低污染的特点, 在保证较高反应转化率的基础上, 固定化酶的应用也为后期 产品的分离纯化提供了极大的便利。 近年来国内外对此的研究逐渐增多712, 我们实验室也 自制了固定化 Candida sp.99-125 脂肪酶, 并掌握了从发酵到分离以及固定化的整套技术。 这种脂肪酶可以高效催化酯化和转酯化反应,以极高的转化率将动植物油,地沟油等废油与 醇反应转化成脂肪酸短链醇酯,即生物柴油。而且产品具有杂质少、污染小等特点1316。 但是在工业化的进程中固定化脂肪酶目前还面临着成本高,寿命短等问题。此外,目前 研究比较集中的是脂肪酸甲酯, 但由于甲醇对脂肪酶有较大的毒性, 极大地缩短了脂肪酶的 寿命,也面临着亟待突破的瓶颈。而且甲醇目前主要的来源仍是石化原料,所以并不能完全 摆脱石化资源有限的束缚。相对而言,乙醇的来源则更加广泛,可以通过农作物等的发酵获 得;而且毒性小,污染少,相比甲醇而言具有一定的优势17。因此本实验选择乙醇与大豆 油反应生成脂肪酸乙酯,进而研究不同条件下固定化脂肪酶催化乙醇制备生物柴油的情况。 2. 实验实验 2.1 实验材料实验材料 金龙鱼大豆油,北京购得;正己烷、乙醇,分析纯,北京化工厂;固定化脂肪酶,实验 室自制。 2.2 实验仪器实验仪器 摇床,哈尔滨东联电子公司;电子天平,赛多利斯公司;GC2010 气相色谱仪, 岛 津公司;空气发生器, 北京东西电子研究所; 氢气发生器, 北京东西电子研究所。 2.3 实验方法实验方法 2.3.1 固定化酶固定化酶 固定化脂肪酶采用本实验室研究的固定化方法将Candida sp.99-125脂肪酶进行固定 化处理, 下文所指的酶量都为固定化后脂肪酶与载体的总质量, 具体的固定化方法见专利 (申 请号02117614)18。 2.3.2 转化反应转化反应 本实验以 2 g 豆油为基准, 以正己烷为反应溶剂。 因为过量的短链醇对脂肪酶存在一定 的毒性,会大大降低酶催化反应的效率,影响实验结果19。而本实验的目的是优化反
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