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Module 5 Unit 1 Listening and speaking,听力教学的目的是培养听的策略,培养语感,并特别强调培养学生在听的过程中获取和处理信息的能力; 口语技能教学的目的是提高说的准确性、得体性、流利性和连贯性,增强语感。,普通高中英语课程标准,Unit 1 Great Scientists,Analysis of the teaching materials,听力内容:两名学生谈论钱学森的故事,了解科学家的生活经历。 说的内容:学生分组讨论将来要选择的科学工作。,听力技能,口语技能,听力微技能培养,提高说的准确性、得体性、流利性,课程 目标,课时 目标,听力内容:钱学森回国之前的经历和回国之后贡献及功绩。 说的内容:以“未来的职业规划”为主题,讨论需要什么品格、经历来实现,并发表演讲。,Analysis of the students,优点:理科生,思维敏捷,气氛活跃,表达欲望强。,缺点:重理轻文,英语基础偏弱、词汇量小,不知如何表达。,充分赋予其展示机会,在任务中获得成就感,在课堂活动中获得良好的学习体验。,引导自主、合作、探究学习。给出表达的示范及词语和句子。,教学目标,The students learn to apply the listening strategy ( prediction). The students will be able to apply some listening skills (generalization, grasping key words and detailed information, taking notes, etc.). The students will be able to talk about a profession from the following four aspects: who, how, why and what.,The students learn the spirits from the national great scientist. The students will know that whatever they are, everyone can make contributions in their career and create a better world. The students learn to work cooperatively.,After this class, students will be able to master the words and expressions: Words: expert, inspire, insitute, patriotic, launch; Sentence structures: a: I want/ plan/ am determined to be . b: inspired/ encouraged/ stimulated me to . c: I will spare no efforts to face . I will do all I can to solve/ help . d: With persistence/ determination/faith/passion/ , I believe I can make it/.,教学重点、难点,How to predict the answers before listening to the recording. How to sum up the gists and acquire detailed information.,How to take notes while listening. How to plan future profession.,教学 重点,教学 难点,教法手段,Task-based Teaching Method Cooperative Learning Approach,多媒体课件、板书、学案,教学 方法,教学 手段,教学过程,Step 1 Preparation Presentation,John Snow was a _ doctor in London. He was so _ that he Queen Victoria as her physician. But he became _when he thought about _ people exposed to cholera the disease of its day. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. So many thousands of people died every time there was an outbreak.,famous,expert,personal,inspired,helping,ordinary,attended,deadly,terrified,John Snow wanted to _the and _this problem. He knew that cholera would never be until its cause was found.,face,challenge,solve,controlled,Dec.1911-Oct.2009,Qian Xuesen,A world famous scientist King of Rockets Father of the Chinese space program,Step 2 Practice,Listen for gists,Its about Qian Xuesens,life experiences,great contributions and achievements,a:,b:,Listen for facts,Qian Xuesen was a _ _. He first studied at university to be an _. Then he was lucky enough to go to _ to study for his _ _. It was then that he began to work on _ there.,rocket scientist,rockets,doctors degree,engineer,America,There was no work on _ rockets in China before he began his institute to _and _ rockets to go into space.,space,design,build,Listen for fun,Teachers,Friends,Family,Chinese government,Step 3 Production,Useful sentence structures,a: I want/ / to be. b: inspired/ / me to . c: I will spare no efforts to face . d: With persistence/ / / / , I believe I can make it/.,plan,am determined,encouraged,stimulated,I will do all I can to solve/ help .,determination,faith,passion,Deliver a speech about your future profession,Speaking,Step 4 Summary& Homework,You can become the best that you can possibly be. Everyone deserves a champion. We are born to make a difference.,We will create a better world!,板书设计,Who: was famous as How: was expert for why: was inspired by What: help, face and solve,Unit 1 Great Scientists Listening & Speaking,expert inspire institute patrotic launch,听力的输入不够充分;(听是说的2倍,是阅读的4倍,是写的5倍。) 指令语应更清晰、简练,分组讨论环节应明确学生的分工; 教师与学生的角色定位应以教师为“主导”,更应突出学生的“主体”地位。,教学反思,教学目标明确、具体、可操作,体现了三维目标的设计理念。 重点、难点的处理符合学生的认知规律; 环节衔接得当,过度自然; 听力材料的整合及口语话题更为合理。,教学建议,四个“实”原则: 1. 目标实(Objective object)教学任务明确具体,客观真实,立体综合,目标多维。 2. 内容实(Content content)知识容量饱满,厚重但不超重超载。 3. 手段实(Practical practice)教学组织得当,手段自然平实,目标手段匹配得体,不生搬硬套。过渡自然,各环节间逻辑联系强。 4. 指导实(Instructive instruction)指令清楚、解释精辟、语言规范、分量适中、表情亲切、姿态优雅、表述幽默、感染力强。,“Tell me, I will forget. Teach me, I will remember. Involve me, I will learn.” Franklin,
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