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用心 爱心 专心 - 1 -2011 年高二英语上学期 25 分钟限时阅读天天练第 1 天I 完形填空 Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend? Now you 36 do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks(网络) have become a 37 for many people to shop without 38 having to leave their homes.Some shoppers are 39 of department stores and supermarkets 40 the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes 41 of finding anything they want to buy. Theyd rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and 42 a friendly announcer describe a product 43 a model shows it. And they can 44 around the clock, buying something 45 by making a phone call.Department stores and even mail-under companies are 46 to join in the success of home shopping. Large department stores are busy 47 their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future. 48 can ask questions about products and place 49 , all through their TV sets.Will shopping by television 50 take the place of shopping in stores? Some industry managers think so. 51 many people find shopping at a 52 store a great enjoyment. And for many shoppers, it is still important to 53 or try on dresses they want to buy. Thats 54 specialists say that in the future, home shopping will 55 together with store shopping but will never entirely replace(取代) it. 36A. must B. should C. shall D. can37A. program B. way C. reason D. purpose38A. ever B. never C. still D. once39A. proud B. fond C. tired D. careful40A. fighting B. striking C. treating D. stopping41A. sense B. doubt C. hope D. feeling42A. see B. watch C. let D. notice43A. until B. since C. if D. while44A. shop B. wait C. turn D. deliver45A. suitably B. cheaply C. simply D. hardly46A. nervous B. lucky C. equal D. eager47A. putting up B. making up C. setting up D. looking up48A. Guests B. Assistants C. Managers D. Customers49A. orders B. goods C. books D. answers50A. lastly B. finally C. especially D. fortunately51A. Then B. Yet C. However D. Therefore52A. general B. popular C. real D. true53A. design B. make C. wear D. touch54A. how B. why C. what D. when用心 爱心 专心 - 2 -55A. exist B. practice D. follow D. appear II 阅读理解 A Mom was a teacher most of her life. When she wasnt in the classroom, she was educating her children or grandchildren: correcting our grammar; starting us on collections of butterflies, flowers or rocks; or inspiring a discussion on her most recent “Book of the Month Club” topic. Mom made learning fun. It was sad for my three brothers and me to see her suffering in later years. At eighty-five, she suffered a stroke and she went steadily downhill after that. Two days before she died, my brothers and I met at her nursing home and took her for a short ride in a wheelchair. While we waited for the staff to lift her back into bed, Mom fell asleep. Not wanting to wake her, we moved to the far end of the room and spoke softly. After several minutes our conversation was interrupted by a sound coming from across the room. We stopped talking and looked at Mom. Her eyes were closed, but she was clearly trying to communicate with us. We went to her side. “Whirr,” she said weakly. “Where?” I asked. “Mom, is there something you want?” “Whirr,” she repeated a bit stronger. My brothers and I looked at each other and shook our heads sadly. Mom opened her eyes, sighed, and with all the energy she could master said, “Not was, say were!”It suddenly occurred to us that Mom was correcting brother Jims last sentence. “If it was up to me”Jim leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Mom,” he whispered. We smiled at each other -remarkable teacher. 56. When Mom said, “Whirr”, what did she really want to do?A. She wanted to tell her sons her will.B. She wanted to have something to eat before she died. C. She wanted to correct the mistakes Jim made while talking. D. She wanted to teach her sons more because she was dying. 57. Which of the following statements is NOT right? A. Mom was a good teacher and never wanted to stop her teaching. B. Mom was always making her teaching fun. C. Mom didnt forget her teaching until she died. D. Mom was no longer a teacher when she was at home. 58. What does the writer think of his mother? A. He loved her but was tired of his mothers teaching at home. B. His mother should forget her teaching and enjoyed the rest of her life. C. His mother was great because she devoted herself to teaching. D. His mother was an excellent teacher before she was retired. 59. Which of the following is the best title of this passage? A. Once a teacher, always B. Moms will C. A teachers life D. A teachers devotion用心 爱心 专心 - 3 -BDesert ants on their expeditions for food use clues to lead themselves in the homeward direction, but with few landmarks in the poor land, scientists have wondered how the insects always take the most direct route and know exactly how far to march.The new study shows that coun
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