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(湘少版 )六年级英语上册 期中测试卷班级 姓名 分数 听力部分一.听一听,选出正确的单词 (5) 1. ( ) A.always B.wave 2. ( ) A.tall B.all3. ( ) A.often B.open 4. ( ) A.late B.light 5. ( ) A.bull B.kill 二.听一听,选词填空(10)1.-Lets go to the _( supermarket , restaurant )-Thats great !2.Yesterday we went to the park by _ .( bike , bus )3.I never _ (watch TV, sleep ) in the day .4.Look! The girl is _ (running , singing )5.There are _ (thirsty , thirteen ) boys in the park.三.听录音,补充句子(10)1. Katie always gets up at _.2. Anne usually washes her face at _.3. Lingling often makes her bes at _.4. The family always has lunch at _.5. Peter usually goes to bed at _.笔试部分一 默写(10)(1) 默写英语26 个字母_(2)写出英语中5个元音字母大小写_二 看图写单词 (5)m_ _ncakes ra_ b_ t b_ _ chc_ _ g_ _ pes三 按要求写出下列各词的相应形式(10)sit(现在分词) _ dance(现在分词)_heavy (副词)_ slow(副词)_ have (单数形式) _ wash (单数形式)_go(过去式) _ do (过去式)_ early(反义词)_ tooth(复数形式)_四 选择题(10)( ) 1.Katie always get up _ six oclock .A.on B.at C.on ( ) 2.Sally often makes _ bed in the morning .A.she B.his C. her ( )3.Listen! Mr Li _ song .A.sings B.is singing C.singing ( )4.Its very late .We cant _ anywhere now .A. to go B. go C.going ( )5. -_ is Mid-Autumn Festival ?- It falls on the fifteenth of the eighth lunar month .A.What B.Where C.When ( )6.I went to the zoo _ my parents yesterday. A.and B.of C.with ( ) 7. Lets _ in the bedroom.A.play B.playing C.to play( ) 8.You look _, you should sleep a lot .A.happy B.tired C.angry ( )9.Youre growing quickly, _ you are not very strong .A.and B.or C.but ( )10.-Are they workers? -Yes, .A. they are B. theyre C. they are not五 根据所给的词选择填空(10)in is at are on to1.The children _ playing in the park.2.Lingling _ sitting on a swing.3.There is an old man _ the park.4.He is sitting _ a bench.5.His dog is looking _ the children.六 根据情景,正确搭配(10)1. ( ) Nice to meet you . A.Its 3:50 pm.2.( ) How tall are you ? B.Lets go to the cafe .3.( ) What time is it ? C.Nice to meet you 4.( ) Dont throw stones at the dog. D.She is 162 centimetres .5.( ) I want to drink coffee. E Im sorry . I wont .七 改写句子(10)1.Mingming is listening to the music . (改为否定句)Mingming _ _ listening to the music .2.Does Mary make the bed every day .(作肯定回答)_ _ _.3.The dog is very angry .(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ very angry?4.Are you a boy?(根据本人实际情况回答)_5.The child is playing in the park .(改为复数形式)_ _ _ playing in the park.八 判断,对的画 ( ),错的画 ( ) (10).Its raining heavily now .Lingling and Dongdong are playing in the living room . Their mother is talking to their grandmother on the phone . She cant hear their grandmother clearly . The children are playing noisily .( ) 1.It isnt raining heavily now .(
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