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Vocabulary and Listening,Porgy and Bess,Module 4 Music,I. Words Learning:,start life = come into being 始于 Charleston t:lstnn. misery n. 痛苦 查尔斯顿(美国西弗吉尼亚州首府 ) libretto libret n.(歌剧等的)剧本 lyrics n. 歌词 melody n. 旋律 superstition n. 迷信 cast n. = all actors and actresses Negro = black people fervor n. 热情;热切 put on 上演 element n. 要素,Porgy and Bess is an opera, first performed in 1935, with music by George Gershwin, libretto by DuBose Heyward, and lyrics by Ira Gershwin and DuBose Heyward.,Read the passage on page 47 and finish Activity 1.vocabulary and listening.mp3,Check the answers: novel/ folk song soloist/ composer book/ play opera/ concert theatre/ conservatory all-black/ all-white allowed to perform/ banned from performing excellent/ depressing reviews hit/ miss melodies/ poetry,1. Choose the best words to complete the passage. 2. Listen and check your answers to Activity 1.,3. Answer the questions:,1. Whats Porgy and Bess about? 2. Why did it take a long time to put on the show?,The life of African Americans in Charleston.,Because black actors were not allowed to perform and they had to use white actors.,3. Was the show an immediate success? 4. Whats the effect of the review?,Gershwin died without seeing the opera became successful.,No. It received bad reviews at first.,Summary of the passage:,Porgy and Bess, a _ by Dubose, started_ about the life of African Americans in Charleston. George Gershwin, a _,together with his brother and the writer made it a good opera. It soon became a classic, especially “Summertime” and “I Got Plenty of Nothing” have become _, particularly for the jazz repertoire.,novel,life,composer,standards,At first it wasnt easy to put on the _ because Afro-American actors were _ from performing and Gershwin didnt want it done with white actors _ _ like blacks. At first the opera received depressing _ but it became an extraordinary _. Porgy and Bess combines elements that have never before appeared as _ and it shows the misery and the high spirits of black Americans in the early 2oth century.,production,banned,made up,reviews,hit,melodies,Enjoy the songs,Summertime I Got Plenty of Nothing,
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