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,夯实基础,写作基础,十、定语从句which代替整个或部分句子,广东高考链接,(1) 【2012全国卷,申请信:参加夏令营】 I got 7.5 for IELTS early this year, which indicates that I will have little difficulty communicating with others in an English-speaking country.,广东高考链接,(2) 【2015新课标卷,约稿函:校报约稿】 Our School English Newspaper will open a “Foreign Cultures” column, which intends to carry short articles about American festivals and life of the middle school students.,广东高考链接,(3) 【2015四川,寻找交换学习机会】 In addition, I am Chinese, which means Mandarin is a must for me to communicate with others in my daily life.,(1) 庆祝会将会持续一个小时直到晚上9:00,其中的细节如下所示。【2012全国,邀请信:生日聚会】,(1) The details of the celebration, which will last about an hour until 9 pm, are as follows.,(2) 我尤其擅长英语口语,并且打字非常快,我认为这会成为我的一个优势。【2011辽宁,求职信】,(2) Im particular good at spoken English, and can type very fast, which I think will make an advantage for me.,句子翻译,(3) 他有很重的口音,这使我在课堂上很难跟上他。【2011新课标, 求助信:课程遇到困难】,(3) He has a very strong accent, which makes it hard for me to follow him in class.,(4) 生日蛋糕将会被拿上来并切给大家吃,接着我们会唱歌和玩一些小游戏。【2012全国卷,邀请参加生日聚会】,(4) The birthday cake will be presented and cut for all of us to enjoy, following which well sing songs and play some small games.,句子翻译,(5) 为了学好它,除了英语课,我还积极参加英语角和其他课外英语活动,这些都对我益处很大。【2012山东,学习英语经验介绍】,(5) In order to learn it well, apart from English class, I also take an active part in English corner and other after-class English activities, which benefit me a lot.,(6) 作为一个在乡村长大的小孩,我花了大量的时间在附近的森林里玩耍,这使我对大自然极度亲近并十分关爱动物。【2011重庆,申请信:为动物代言】,(6) Being a child growing up on the countryside, I have spent plenty of my time playing in the nearby forest, which makes me extremely close to the nature and care for the animals.,句子翻译,Thank You!,
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