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走向高考 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,人教版(课标卷地区) 高考总复习,语法专项突破,第二部分,专题十 名词性从句,第二部分,一、4大名词性从句的难点 1主语从句 (1)that连接从句时,没有具体意思,不充当句子成分,只是起标志性的作用,但that不能省略。 It never occurred to me that you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. 我从来没想到你会成功地说服他改变主意。 (2)whether连接从句时,表示怀疑,不能省略,意为“是否”,在句首时不能用if替换。 It is still under discussion whether the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not. 旧汽车站是否应该被重建为现代化的宾馆仍然在商讨中。,(3)连接代词、连接副词引导主语从句时不能省略,并在从句中充当句子成分。 It was never clear why the man hadnt reported the accident sooner. 这个人为什么没有尽快报告这个事故,还不清楚。 (4)主语从句要用陈述语序,即主谓语序。,名师点拨 (1)用it作形式主语的常用句型有: It系动词十形容词(necessary/right/likely/unlikely/wrong /important/certain等)that从句 Itbe名词(短语)(a pity/a shame/no wonder等)that从句 Itbe过去分词(said/told/reported/decided等)that从句 It特殊动词(seems,appears,happens,matters)that从句 (2)在It is necessary/important/suggested/advised/orderedthat从句结构中,从句用“(should)动词原形”。,2宾语从句 (1)that连接宾语从句时通常可以省略(但多个并列的宾语从句中只能省略第一个that),没有具体的意思,不充当句子成分,只是起连接作用。 He said that he was from Hunan Province. 他说他来自湖南省。,(2)whether/if连接的宾语从句,whether/if意为“是否”(但在whether.or not结构中,或者宾语从句作介词的宾语时;以及whetherto do结构中只能用whether,不能用if来替换)。 Weve offered her the job,but I dont know whether shell accept it. 我们已经为她提供了这份工作,但我不知道她是否会接受。,(3)连接代词、连接副词引导宾语从句时不能省略,并在从句中充当句子成分。 Our teachers always tell us to believe in what we do and who we are if we want to succeed. 老师总是告诉我们,如果想要成功,就要相信我们所做的事情以及我们是谁。,(4)有些动词或动词短语,如like,hate,appreciate,hide,depend on,see to等,一般不直接跟宾语从句,需要在从句前加上it. I dont like it when you look at me like that! 我不喜欢你那样看我! (5)不论主句为何种句型,宾语从句都用陈述语序。,3表语从句 (1)that连接从句时从句为一个句意完整的陈述句,that不能省略,没有具体的意思,不充当句子成分,只是起连接作用。 Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel,David Copperfield,was that it was rather closely modeled on his own life. 狄更斯喜欢他自己创作的小说大卫科波菲尔的部分原因是小说非常贴近他本人的真实生活。,(2)whether连接从句时从句来源于一般疑问句,为一个句意完整、语气不确定的陈述句。whether不能省略,意为“是否”,不能用if替换。 (3)特殊疑问词连接从句时从句来源于特殊疑问句,特殊疑问词不能省略,在从句中充当句子成分。 Id like to start my own businessthats what Id do if I had the money. 如果我有这么多钱,我会自己做买卖,那就是我想做的事情。 (4)表语从句要用陈述语序,即主谓语序。,名师点拨 常见的表语从句句型: (1)It looks/seems as if.好像;仿佛 (2)This is because.这是因为 (3)The reason why.is that.的原因是 (4)That is why.那就是的原因 (5)The question/problem is whether/when/where.问题是 (6)His dream/suggestion/aim/purpose is that. 他的梦想/建议/目标/目的是,4同位语从句 (1)that连接从句时从句为一个句意完整的陈述句,that不能省略,没有具体的意思,不充当句子成分,只起连接作用。 When the news came that the war broke out,he decided to serve in the army. 当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定到军队中服役。 (2)whether连接从句时从句来源于一般疑问句,whether不能省略,意为“是否”,不能用if替换。 He asked her the question whether they can be friends. 他问她一个问题:他们能否成为朋友。,(3)特殊疑问词连接从句时从句来源于特殊疑问句,特殊疑问词不能省略,在从句中充当句子成分。 He showed us his way how he worked out that problem. 他向我们展示了计算那道题的方法。 (4)同位语从句要用陈述语序,即主谓语序。,名师点拨 (1)suggestion,advice,order,request,requirement等名词的同位语从句需用“(should)动词原形”。 (2)常见的同位语从句直接放在抽象名词之后,分隔式同位语从句是指抽象名词和同位语从句之间出现谓语动词,以平衡句子结构,避免头重脚轻。例如:The fact is clear that he is innocent in the accident.事实很清楚:在这起事故中他是无辜的。,二、易混连接词的辨析,
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