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沈阳建筑大学 硕士学位论文 大直径桩侧阻、端阻及沉降研究 姓名:徐秀香 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:建筑与土木工程 指导教师:赵俭斌;张文录 2008-02 硕士研究生学位论文 摘 要 摘 要 本文根据作者所做的大直径桩试验及收集来的大量大直径桩静载荷试桩资料,系统地 研究了大直径桩侧阻与端阻的性状及侧阻、端阻和沉降的关系。 首先介绍了桩基实测的方法,并分析了单桩荷载桩顶沉降、桩身压缩曲线的特性 及其在工程中的应用。通过分析桩端沉降与桩顶的理论关系,推导了一个预估单桩在工作 荷载下沉降的简化计算公式。 利用实测的桩顶、桩端荷载沉降曲线,可以计算桩身混凝土可恢复的弹性压缩量、 不可恢复的塑性压缩量、桩身缺陷引起的压缩量以及桩端持力层和沉渣及混凝土混合物的 压缩量;从而能反映桩端沉渣处理与否、持力层的好坏。利用桩顶与桩端沉降的差值还能 判别桩身混凝土是否完好。解决了工程的实际问题判断桩顶沉降量大的原因:是由桩 端沉渣引起或是由桩身压碎引起。 按照桩顶与桩端荷载沉降曲线的特征可将分为端承桩、摩擦桩、摩擦端承桩三类, 其 P- S 曲线分别呈现出缓降型和急进型的特征。 基于大量的桩基静载荷试桩资料,本文分析了嵌岩桩及以砾石、粉土、粘土为持力层 的大直径桩的荷载传递性状及侧阻与端阻的比例关系。与此同时,阐述了利用桩端沉降来 划分桩侧摩阻力和桩端阻力的方法,以及利用桩顶、桩端沉降差值来判断桩身质量的方法。 大直径桩的荷载传递可分为 4 个阶段:桩侧摩阻力发挥段,此时桩端阻力为零,桩 端无沉降。桩端阻力开始发挥,桩顶荷载由桩侧摩阻力和桩端阻力共同承担;桩端开始 出现沉降,初期为沉渣的压实,后期为桩端持力层的压缩。桩侧摩阻力发挥到极限值, 桩顶荷载全部由桩端阻力承担,桩端沉降进一步发展,桩端阻力逐步屈服。桩端持力层 达到塑性状态或桩身被压坏而破坏。 桩侧摩阻力的充分发挥所需的桩顶沉降量不是一个定值。但桩侧摩阻力与桩端的相对 位移量可近似看作是一个定值。 利用有限元软件(3D)对影响单桩桩顶沉降、桩端沉降以及桩的荷载传递特性的各 种因素进行了研究。对大直径桩的桩径、桩长、桩侧土与桩端持力层性状、入持力层深度, 单桩竖向极限承载力,极限荷载下的桩顶沉降,桩侧摩阻力与桩端阻力分担比等参数作了 分析,结果可用于指导工程实践和理论研究。 关键词:大直径桩;桩侧摩阻力;桩端阻力;弹塑性有限元;沉降 硕士研究生学位论文 摘 要 Abstract: This paper is based on the test data of a great volume of large- diameter pile. The behavior of the shaft resistance and base resistance and settlement of large- diameter pile is analyzed. The method of testing the base settlement of pile bottom is introduced in this paper. How to use the characteristic of PSt, Sb, Ss, curve in engineering practice is then discussed. A simple formula to calculate the settlement of pile under the service load is conducted by the theoretical correlation between pile top settlement and pile base settlement. Measured using the pile, the pile- load - subsidence curve can be calculated to resume pile of concrete compression of the flexibility not to resume the plastic compression, and defects caused by the pile and the pile of compressed- bearing layer and sediment and concrete mixtures compression; so that they could deal with the dregs of the tip or not, a layer of quality. Piles and piles of top- discrimination settlement of the difference can pile of concrete is intact. Solve the practical problems of the project - pile judge the reasons for the large amount of the settlement: is caused by the pile- dregs or caused by the crushing pile. Piles and piles according to the top- loading - subsidence curve characteristics can be divided into for- pile, friction piles, piles for three- friction, PS curves are showing a drop of relief and radical type characteristics. Based on the mass field data of large- diameter pile, the characteristics of the load transfer and the proportion of side resistance and end resistance of piles are socketed in gravel, silt clay on soft soil foundation. At the same time, this paper puts forward a new method of using the difference between the top settlement and the end settlement to determine the mass of piles. Large- diameter pile load transfer can be divided into four stages: play by lateral friction, the pile tip resistance at zero, the pile- no settlement. pile tip resistance began to play, pile load from the top side friction piles and piles tip resistance common commitment to end began to pile settlement, the sediment compaction for the early, late for the pile- bearing layer compression. pile lateral friction limit to play, pile load all by the pile tip resistance commitment Pile- settlement further development of the pile tip resistance gradually yield. pile end of the plastic layer to the pile by crushing or damage. Pile lateral friction play for the full pile settlement is not a fixed value. But pile lateral friction with the tip of the relative displacement can be approximated as a fixed value. An elastic- plastic finite elements procedure (3D- ) is set up to analyze the factor influencing the pile top settlement, base settlement, compression of pile shaft and the load transfer of pile, the parameters of large- diameter piles, such as the pile length and diameter, the relationship between the shaft resistance and base resistance, the elastic compression and plastic compression of pile concrete under the ultimate load are then discussed. The result can be used 摘 要 硕士研究生学位论文 in the design and theory research. Key words: large- diameter pile; side resistance, end resistance;elastic and plastic, finite elements; settlement 声 明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是在导师的指导下完成的。论文中取得 的研究成果除加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人已经发表或撰写 过的研究成果,也不包括本人为获得其它学位而使用过的材料。与我一 同工作过的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明 并表示谢意。 学位论文作者签名: 日 期: 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者和指导教师完全了解沈阳建筑大学有关保留、使用 学位论文的规定:即学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的 复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权沈阳建筑大学可以将 学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索、交流。 学位论文作者签名:徐秀香 导师签名:赵俭斌 张文禄 日 期:2008 年 1 月 9 日 硕士研究生学位论文 第一章 绪论 1 第一章 绪论 1 . 1 问题的提出 桩基础是建筑物的主要基础形式之一。随着城市发展的需要,高层、超高层建筑逐渐 增多,城市高楼大厦、大跨度桥梁、火力发电厂等一些高耸建筑物的建设发展,建筑物表 现为体积庞大,城市用地越来越紧张,随着对承载力要求也越来越高,同时,由于场地、 空间的制约,一些重要建筑(如高层建筑、码头、海洋平台、大型厂房、烟囱、桥梁的跨江 塔等)将不得不坐落在工程地质条件较复杂(岩溶发育、软弱地基、软卧层等)的场地上,同 时有些城市
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