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第十四节 八年级(下)Unit 9 Unit 10,考 点 聚 焦,【考点1】I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future. 不知道将来电脑还能够做些什么事情呢。 【解析】该句型用以表达对某事感到疑惑,想知道真相。 sb. wonder=sb. want to know意为“感到疑惑;想要知道”,后面常接由what, how, who或if / whether(是否)引导的宾语从句。,【演练】 ( )1. Look at the stone bridge. Im wondering _ it was built. In the 1860s. It is quite old. A. when B. how C. where D. why ( )2. They wondered if their teacher _ them another story the next week. A. would tell B. had told C. will tell D. told,A,A,( )3. We wonder _. Perhaps by bus, but Im not sure. A. how well go to the museum B. which place well visit next Sunday C. when well travel to Disney Land D. why he wont come here,A,( )4. I wonder _ next week. Please call me when they return. A. when will they come back B. when they will come back C. when they come back D. when do they come back,B,( )5. I like Super Brain very much. Do you know _ on show? At 10:00 every Friday evening. Its a good program to make science popular. A. where it is B. where is it C. when it is D. when is it,C,【考点2】On the one hand,more than three quarters of the population are Chinese,so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time. 一方面,超过四分之三的人口是华人,因此大部分时间里你只要讲普通话就足够了。 【解析】three quarters=three fourths,意为“四分之三”。英语中分数的表达方式:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于1时,分母要用复数形式。当分数作主语时,谓语动词要根据分数词后面的名词来确定。“分数of+不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;“分数of+复数可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。,【演练】 ( )1. About _ of the teachers in the school were born in the_. A. two thirds;1980 B. two thirds;1980s C. two third;1980 D. two third;1980 ( )2. _ of the land in that district is covered with trees and grass. A. Fifth two B. Two fifth C. Fifth second D. Two fifths,B,D,( )3. There are fifty students in our class,_ of us _ football. A. two third;likes B. two three;like C. two thirds;likes D. two thirds;like ( )4. _ of the mineral water on the market _ made in this factory. A. Three fourth; is B. Three four; are C. Three quarter; are D. Three quarters; is,D,D,( )5. Lisa, _ of the bananas _ gone bad. Wed better eat up the rest as soon as possible. A. one fifth; have B. one fifth; has C. one fifths; have D. first five; has,A,【考点3】Whether you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food,youll find it all in Singapore!无论你是喜欢印度食物、西方食物或者日本食物,在新加坡你全部都能找到! 【解析】该句型用以引入选择的可能性。whether意为“不管;或者;是否”。当表示“是否”时,whether与if在大多数情况下可以互换。但在与or not连用时,或引导宾语从句且位于句首表示强调时,或作介词宾语时,或在动词不定式之前时,只能用whether。whetheror意为“不管还是”。,【演练】 ( )1. Do you know _? Sorry,I dont know. A. if she will come to the concert or not B. whether she will come to the concert or not C. if will she come to the concert D. whether will she come to the concert,B,( )2. Why did Miss Wang look so worried when we saw her? Because she wondered _. A. where did the other students go B. what have her students done during the trip C. when would the students come D. whether her students had won the match,D,( )3. I wonder _. A. how will you celebrate Thanksgiving B. that the Water Festival is really fun C. what do people eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival D. whether you will make resolutions on New Years Day,D,( )4. My neighbor asked me _ I heard the big noise last night or not. A. whether B. if C. what D. when ( )5. What did Max just say to you? He asked me _. A. if I would like to go skating B. when did I buy this CD C. where I will spend the weekend D. that I had a good time,A,A,【考点4】“It s a shame, but I just don t have the time,” he says. “说起来真惭愧,但是我实在没有时间,”他说。 【解析】在口语中常用Thats a shame! / Its a shame! / What a shame! 意为“真遗憾!多可惜啊!” 其中shame相当于pity。,【演练】 ( )1. You are leaving a good job. _! A. What a shame B. How nice C. Have a good time D. Congratulations ( )2. You missed the early bus. _! A. What a good luck B. Thats a shame C. Thats great D. Thank God,A,B,( )3. Oh, no! Its raining. We cant go skating on the square. _! A. Its a shame B. Well done C. What a surprise D. How wonderful,A,( )4. I tried to pass the driving test, but I failed. _. Good luck to you next time. A. Thats great B. Its interesting C. Thats a pity D. Glad to hear that,C,( )5. Ill have an important meeting this weekend, so I cant go fishing with you. _ I thought we could have a good time together. A. Its a pleasure. B. Youre welcome. C. What a pity! D. I am sure.,C,
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