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Unit 8It must belong to Carla.Language Goal【语言目标】Make inferencesKnowledge Goals【知识目标】Key Wordswhose,truck,picnic,rabbit,attend,valuable,pink,anybody,noise,policeman(policemen),wolf,laboratory,coat,sleepy,land,suit,express,circle,Britain,receive,leader,medical,purpose,prevent,energy,position,victory,enemy,periodKey Phrasesrun after,at the same time,belong toKey Sentences1.The magazine must belong to Deng Wen.He loves rabbits.2The book must be Marys.J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer.3Whose volleyball is this?It must be Carlas.She loves volleyball.4Whose hair band is this?It could be Meis hair band.Or it might belong to Linda.They both have long hair.5What did you see that night?Im not sure,but it cant be a dog.Key GrammarLearn to use must,might,could and cant for making inferences.Ability Goals【能力目标】1.Develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills by using the target languages.2Learn to make inferences according to the relative information,using must,might,could and cant.Moral Goals【情感目标】With the help of this units study,students learn to make proper inferences and have a correct attitude towards the mystery in nature.Teaching Time【课时】Five periodsPeriod 1Section A(1a2d)Period 2Section A(3a4c)Period 3Section B(1a1d)Period 4Section B(2a2e)Period 5Section B(3a3b) & Self Check本单元的话题是谈论神秘事件,要求学生能根据相关信息做推理和判断。Section A内容上围绕“推测物品的归属”这一话题,集中呈现和学习表示推断的相关词汇和表达,还复习与本话题相关的物品名词、表达观点的动词等。本单元的功能结构是情态动词表示推断。教学目标是学生能够听懂有关物品归属的对话,能够通过听和读获取相关信息,理解并掌握情态动词must,could,might,cant表示推测的用法。A部分的重点是学习四个情态动词表示推测的不同用法,学会用不同句式表达物品所属关系。本部分的难点是掌握情态动词must,could,might,cant表示猜测的用法,如:The hair band must belong to Carla.It could/might be Mays.It cant be a dog.学生需要在大量语境中体验、感悟和实践,才能正确和熟练运用。Section B通过对疑似外星人事件的讨论,过渡到对巨石阵的介绍,语言输入量较大,是对Section A的巩固、拓展和提升。这部分的重点是进一步巩固和拓展情态动词表推测的用法及连接词的正确运用。难点是连接词在语言输出活动中的恰当使用,在教学中要多提供范例,供学生体会、模仿和参考。The First PeriodSection A(1a2d)20Teaching Important Points【教学重点】Key words & phrases:whose,truck,picnic,rabbit,attend,valuable,pink,anybodybelong to,hair band,the rest ofKey sentences:1.The magazine must belong to Deng Wen.He loves rabbits.2.The book must be Marys.J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer.3.Whose volleyball is this?It must be Carlas.She loves volleyball.4.Whose hair band is this?It could be Meis hair band.Or it might belong to Linda.They both have long hair.Key structure:must/could/might/cantbesomebodysmust/could/might/cantbelong tosomebodyeg:Whose volleyball is this?It must be Carlas.She loves volleyball.Whose hair band is this?It could be Meis hair band.Or it might belong to Linda.They both have long hair.Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】Use must/could/might/cant to make inferences.Teaching Aids【教学工具】A tape recorder,CAI or multimedia courseware.Teaching Steps【教学过程】Step 1Leading in【新课导入】1Greeting2BrainstormingIn three groups,have a competition to write words,collecting words about clothing,fun things and kitchen things.Then ask three students to write their words on the blackboard.3Read aloud the words.Step 2Cooperative inquiry【合作探究】1Finish the task in 1a.Ask students to look at the pictures and write things they see in the correct columns in the chart. 2Finish the task in 1bRead the instructions.Play the recording for the first time.Play the recording a second time.Ask students to match the reasons with the things.Check the answers with the whole class.Play the recording again.3Finish the task in 1c4Finish the tasks in 2a2bAsk the students to review the words of school things.Ask:What do you usually have in your schoolbags?Play the recording for the first time.Students listen and fill in the words in 2a.Ask “Who do you think the schoolbag belongs to?” Get students to use “could/might/must and cant” to answer.Play the recording for the second time.Students listen and fill in the blanks in 2b.Check the answers with the whole class.5Finish the task in 2c6Finish the task in 2dAsk continually about Linda to make a reasonable inference.What might Linda feel?Ask the students to read aloud the conversation in 2d and find the sentences with inferences.Learn the new words and phrases.Explain the sentences:It might still be in the music hall.So it cant be stolen.I think somebody must have picked it up.Get the students to practice reading aloud.Then ask two pairs to roleplay the conversation.Step 3Homework1Roleplay the conversation in 2d.2Make a conversation to talk about things and their owners.And give the reasons of your inferences.3Translate the following sentences into English.(1)这本书肯定是李斌的,这是他的笔迹。(handwriting)_(2)这双鞋不可能是马强的,它们对他来说太小了。_(3)这个时候他有可能
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