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,把你们准备好的旅游照片拿出来跟大家分享一下,并介绍一下你或者家人、朋友的旅游见闻吧!,【抛锚】设置情境,引出问题,Today we will go to the beach together. Are you happy?,【抛锚】设置情境,引出问题,Hannah and Wang Fei went to different places last summer. Where did they go and what did they do?,1. Where did Hannah/ Wang Fei golast summer? 2. When did Hannah/ Wang Fei go there? 3.What did Hannah / Wang Fei do there? 4.Who did Hannah / Wang Fei meet there?,Listen then answer,Lets read,Tip:Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.,Read and act,Im Hannah.Last summer,I went to Brighton.I went there in . I played .I ate I made a new there. Her name is Daisy.I often write to her.,Look and say.,Last summer,Wang Fei went to _.He went there in _.He _ the mountain and _ a picnic.He _ his classmates there.They had a really good time together.,Mount Tai,August,climbed,had,met,Complete the passage.,【定锚】交流评价,巩固练习,Brain Storm. (一分钟说句子),Last summer(winter/Sunday) I ,She went to the Great Wall last summer.,She visited the Big Ben last month.,He made a kite yesterday.,Last summer, I went to Qingdao Lake.I went there in May. I visited many lakes. And I took boats. I met my friends. We took photos together. We had a really goo time.,Where did I go last summer?,Please write a letter to your friend to tell him/her about your travelling. (给你的朋友写一封信,告诉他/她你的旅行。) Dear_ , Last summer I went to_. I went there in _. I and _. I had a really good time. See you later! From, _.,【思锚】课后反思,改进不足,Where did sheheyou go last ? When did sheheyou go there? What did sheheyou do there? Who did sheheyou meet there?,昨天 今天 明天,I ate an apple yesterday .,I eat a pear today .,I will eat a banana tomorrow.,过去 现在 将来,He played football yesterday .,He is listening now .,He will run on Childrens Day .,Homework,1. Read the text twice. 2. Write a passage about your last travel.,
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