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模块专项训练.单项选择。1.(2017山东烟台)Look at my new smart phone.Wow,its so cool.When and whereCyou it?A.do;buyB.have;bought C.did;buy D.have;had2.(2017广东)Sue wasnt happy because she B the concert given by her favorite singer.A.missesB.missedC.will missD.is missing 3.(2017四川泸州)Its very dangerous to swim in the pool.Look at the sign.Oh,I D notice it.Thanks for telling me.A.wontB.dontC.haventD.didnt4.导学号62434086(2017云南昆明)Did you do anything interesting last Sunday?Not really.I just B at home.A.stayB.stayedC.will stayD.am staying5.(2017重庆渝北)Who cleaned the room?Li Lei D.A.isB.wasC.doesD.did.根据要求完成句子,每空一词。1.I finished my homework at six.(改为否定句)Ididnt finish my homework at six.2.We moved to London in 2009.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)Didyoumoveto London in 2009?Yes,we did.3.Did they play computer games yesterday?(改为肯定句)Theyplayedcomputer games yesterday.4.Lucy didnt do her homework yesterday evening.(改为肯定句)Lucydidher homework yesterday evening.5.Mother did cleaning after dinner.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)DidMotherdocleaning after dinner?No,she didnt.单项选择。1.(2017海南)After two hours drive,the driver decided B and have a rest. A.stopB.to stopC.stopping2.导学号62434087(2017新疆建设兵团)Thanks to our teachers.A their help,we couldnt make such great progress.A.WithoutB.WithC.AboutD.For3.(2017浙江温州)Simon looks worried because he B a writing competition and now hes waiting for the result.A.entersB.enteredC.will enterD.is entering4.(2017江苏淮安) I feel very D.May I have a cake?Sure,you may take one from the fridge.A.braveB.thirstyC.fullD.hungry5.(2016黑龙江龙东)Look!Whats on the ground?Oh,its my sweater.Please B for me.A.pick up itB.pick it upC.pick it out阅读理解。导学号62434088The Ugly Duckling(丑小鸭)The mother duck had eight little yellow ducklings,but one of them was different from the others.They called him ugly duckling.“You are an ugly duckling,”the other ducklings said.“You dont look like us.We dont want to play with you.”“You have made fun of me since I was born,”the poor duckling said sadly.“You have hurt(伤害)me for years! I dont want to stay here any more.”So he left(离开) them and tried to find a happy place.Finally,he came to a lake.Many beautiful swans (天鹅) were there.The ugly duckling swam to them.“Hello,little one.Ive never seen you before.Where are you from?”One of the swans saw him and asked.“Hello,I came from a place far away.I walked a long way.Now Im tired.Can I join you?”“Sure,you are welcome,my dear child,”the swan answered.“Youre just one of us! ”The ugly duckling was very happy,but a little surprised.He looked at himself in the clear water.Instead of(代替) an ugly duckling,he saw a beautiful swan.It was himself! He became the most beautiful swan of them all.根据短文内容,判断正误(T/F)。1.At first,all the ducklings liked the ugly duckling.F2.Next,the ugly duckling left the ducklings.T3.Then the ugly duckling grew into(长成) a swan.T4.Finally,the ugly duckling didnt become the most beautiful swan of them all.F5.In fact,the ugly duckling is a duck.F旅游经济价值的大小很大程度上取决于它们与旅游消费市场经济发达地区的距离,经济距离越长,旅游者对旅游目的地的需求越低;靠近发达地区的旅游资源,其开发价值要优于远离发达区的旅游资源。3
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