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Unit 4 Dealing with Problems Lesson 11 Online Time 教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语八年级下册教材第4单元的第11课,话题为上网时间。本课是一节听力课,内容涉及单元话题人际关系中的子话题交流。本课的听力材料内容为Mike的妈妈因为Mike上网时间太长而为他担忧,给Smith教授打电话,Smith教授为了帮助她解决她的困惑给她提了三条建议。学习3个提建议句型及3个回应建议的功能句。训练听力获取大意信息、获取事实性信息、推断信息及听力记录信息的基本听力技能。对话较长,也有一定难度。本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时侧重对听力内容的理解,引导学生通过听获取Mike的妈妈的主要问题及Smith教授给她提的建议的信息。在听力活动中,引导学生提取细节信息,并关注提建议的表达方式,最后结合对话信息和语言进行输出性活动。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures【过程与方法目标】1.通过听听力材料的第一部分,获取Mike的妈妈给Smith教授打电话的原因的大意信息及Mike上网所做的事情的事实信息;2. 通过听,在理解的基础上,对符合Mike的信息做出判断。【情感态度价值观目标】初步运用三个提建议句型,给Mike的妈妈提出更多的建议。 教学重难点【教学重点】通过听,获取、理解对话的相关信息。【教学难点】初步运用所学过的语言,对别人的困惑,给出合理的建议。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-upDraw the interest of the students by a picture.Whats he doing? Do you go online? What attracts you online? Step 2 Pre-listeningLead in by questions and activate the background knowledge.Q1: How much time do you spend online? Q2: What do you usually do online?a. Search for information. b. Read new articles. c. Play online games. d. Talk to friends on social media. e. Send and receive emails. f. Watch videos. g. Listen to music. h. _Report:I spend _ a day online. I usually _ and _.Q3: Do your parents limit your online time?Q4: Why?Q5: I suppose they worry about your study.Step 3. Listening1. Help the students get to know the main topic of the dialogue by listening to the first part. 1st. Listening to the 1st part Q: Why is Mikes mother talking to Professor Smith, an expert on Internet addiction?1. Make a prediction. 2. Listen and answer the question orally. Answer: Mikes mother is worried about Mike. Because Mike is really spending too much time on his computer.2nd. Listening to the 1st part1. Students listen and circle the correct answer on the work sheet.Q1: How much time does Mike spend on his computer a day? (Circle one.)a. Less than one hour b. between one and two hours c. More than two hours d. all his spare time Q2: What does Mike use his computer for? (Circle one or more.) a. Search for information. b. Read new articles. c. Play online games. d. Talk to friends. e. Send emails. f. Watch videos. g. Listen to music.Step 4. Work in pairs1 1st Ss listen and read the dialogue by looking at the tape scripts together. 2. Ss work in pairs to read the dialogue. 3. Ss role-play the dialogue in class. One student acts as Mikes mother and she has to describe Mikes online habits. The other acts as Professor Smith and he has to give the suggestions.Step 5.Writing1. Help the students add some suggestions for Mikes mother.2. Discuss in pairs.I am really unhappy these days because I didnt pass the English exam. I often find it hard to understand reading materials. I think its because there are so many difficult words in them. Besides, some materials are really boring for me. What should I do? Can you give me some suggestions?3. Report in class.Q1: Do you think if Professor SmithsSuggestion1 and Suggestion 2 work? Tell your reasons.Step6 PronunciationListen to the two pronunciations of each word and underline the stressed syllables.Step 7 Homework1. Read the Key Expressions of Lesson11 for 2 times.2. Complete the writing in class. 教学反思略。旅游经济价值的大小很大程度上取决于它们与旅游消费市场经济发达地区的距离,经济距离越长,旅游者对旅游目的地的需求越低;靠近发达地区的旅游资源,其开发价值要优于远离发达区的旅游资源。5
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