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牛津高中英语,(模块四 高一下学期),Advance with English,Sporting events,Project Entering a new sport into the Olympics,课件描述:,帮助学生掌握其中的一些语言难点。,1. enter v. : go into *When the teacher entered the room, the students stopped talking. _ the teachers _ into the room, the students stopped talking. *enter a sport into the Olympics _ a sport to the Olympics *I shall enter Tom for the 100 meter-race.,On,entrance,add,报名参加,2. require v. 要求,规定,需要 *He requires immediate medical care. *The teacher requires all the students to arrive at school on time. The teacher requires that all the students (should) arrive at school on time. Its required that all the students (should) *The letters require / need / want answering/ to be answered. meet/ satisfy ones requirements,满足需要,3. ensure / insure v. 确保,保证 Hard work ensures your success. These pills should ensure you a sleep. Please ensure that all the lights are switched off at night.,4. involve v. 牵连,牵涉 The problem has involved many people. Dont involve me in your problem. I regret to inform you that your son is involved in the crime.,5. control n. / v. beyond control 无法掌握,无法控制 in control of 管理 in the control of 被控制/管理 lose control of 无法控制,对失去控制 out of control 不受控制,失去控制 take control of 控制,管理 under control 控制,5. control n. / v. 1. 与一个脾气经常失控的人是很难相处的。 Its difficult to deal with a man who often loses control of his temper. 2. 我们必须采取措施使洪水处于控制之下。 We must take some measures to get the flood water under control. 3. 汽车失去了控制, 滚下了山坡。 The car got out of control and rolled down the hill.,5. control n. / v. under attack 遭受袭击 under discussion 在讨论中 under repair 在修理中 under control 在控制中 under construction 在建设中 under consideration 在考虑中 under way (船只)航行中, (计划)进行中,6. remove Please remove your hand from my shoulder. 请把你的手从我肩膀上移开。 He was removed from his position as chairman. 他被免去了主席职务。 She removed her make-up with a tissue. 她用纸巾擦掉脸上的脂粉。 Were removing from London to the country. 我们正从伦敦搬到乡下。,7. make way for 众所周知, 所有的车辆都得给救护车让路。 As is known to all, all traffic has to make way for an ambulance. make ones way for 辛苦地前进,行走 no way 没门,不行 in a way 从某种意义上说 in the/ones way 挡路 on the way 在路上,进行中,8. maintain 1) maintain social stability 维持社会稳定 maintain good relations 维持良好的关系 2) 保养这车花了我好多钱。 It cost me a large sum of money to maintain a car in good condition. 3)一个月300元难以赡养一个家庭。 Its difficult to maintain a family on ¥300 a month.,
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