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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,人教版 选修6,A healthy life,Unit 3,Section Warmingup; Prereading, Reading & Comprehending,Unit 3,.下面是本部分的重点词汇,你能准确填出内容吗? 1根据词性及汉语提示写出单词及其拓展形式 (1)_ (n.& vt.) 滥用;虐待 (2)_ (vt.)禁止 (n.)禁令 (3)_(vt.)停止(做某事);离开 (4)_(n.) 结果;效力 (5)_(adj.)绝望的;拼命的 (6)_ (adj.) 感到惭愧或羞耻的 (7)stress (n.) 压力(vt.) 加压力于 _ (adj.) 产生压力的;紧张的,abuse ban quit effect desperate ashamed stressful,(8)accustom (vt.) 使习惯于 _ (adj.) 惯常的;习惯了的 (9)automatic (adj.) 无意识的;自动的 _(adv.) 无意识地;自动地 (10)mental (adj.) 精神的;智力的 _ (adv.) 精神上;智力上 (11)strengthen(vt.)加强;巩固 _ (n.) 力量 (12)disappointed (adj.)失望的;沮丧的 _ (adj.) 使人失望的 _ (n.)失望,accustomed automatically mentally strength disappointing disappointment,2短语互译 (1)_帮助某人开始某活动 (2)_由于 (3)_放弃,戒掉 (4)_对有瘾 (5)_顺便一提 (6)_习惯于,start sBoff due to give up be/become addicted to by the way be/get/become accustomed to,(7)over and over again _ (8)do damage to _ (9)take sBoff sth. _ (10)decide on _ (11)feel like (doing) _ (12)break the habit of _,再三地,反复地 伤害,损伤 调离,解除(工作、职务)等 对作出决定 想要(做) 改掉的习惯,.根据课文内容填空 Grandpa wrote to James to advise him to _1_smokingHe told James that _2_ his healthy life he lived,he was _3_ to cycle 20 kilometres in one afternoonHe also told him that one became _4_smoking in three important waysFirstly, one could become _5_ to nicotineThat meant after a while ones body became _6_ having nicotine in itSecondly one became addicted _7_For example,if a person did the same thing _8_,he would do it automaticallyThirdly,one could become _9_.,At last he told the grandson the harmful effects of smokingFirst,it could _10_ to ones heart and lungsSecond, if a baby was born, it might have a _11_Third, cigarette smoking could affect the health of _12_. 1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5_ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9_ 10._ 11._ 12._ 答案:1.stop/give up/quit 2.due to 3.fit enough 4.addicted to 5.physically addicted 6.accustomed to 7.through habit 8.over and over again 9.mentally addicted 10do damage 11.smaller birth weight 12.nonsmokers,1.abuse n& vt滥用;虐待 (1)abuse用作名词“滥用;虐待”讲,既是可数名词又是不可数名词。 I will talk about some abuses of the word 我将谈一谈这个词被滥用的一些情况。 Child abuse is not allowed in our country. 在我们国家是不允许虐待孩子的。,提示 abuse作名词还有“辱骂”的含义。 The woman greeted me with a stream of abuse. 那个女人一见了我就破口大骂个不停。 (2)abuse作动词时,是及物动词,作“滥用”讲时,常接authority, position, power, wealth等作宾语。 He never abuses authority/position/power. 他从未滥用职权。 Whoever abuses pets will be punished 无论谁虐待宠物都将受到处罚。,活学活用 用恰当形式填空 In my view, mobile phones are only a tool for communication purpose, just like any other tools which have the potential _ (abuse) and misuseD 答案:to be abused 句意:以我之见,手机只是以交流为目的的工具,就像其他的有滥用和误用的可能性的工具一样。本题考查非谓语动词。根据misused推知此处为被动关系,联系语境“潜能”还没有实现推知用不定式的被动语态。,2stress n压力;重音 vt加压力于;使紧张;强调 Susan was completely weighted down by the stress of examinations. 苏珊被考试的压力压垮了。 We have learned pronunciation and stress. 我们已经学了发音和重读。 The English teacher stressed the importance of reading alouD 英语老师强调了朗读的重要性。,知识拓展 It must be stressed that. 必须强调的是 lay/put/place stress on/under sth.对某事加以强调 under/driven by the stress of 为所迫;为所驱使; 处境紧张(或困难) stressful adj压力重的,紧张的 stressed adj焦虑不安的,心力交瘁的,It must be stressed that this disease is very rare. 必须强调,这种疾病是非常罕见的。 He put stress on the safety of the students. 他强调了学生们安全的重要性。 Worrying over his job and his wifes health put him under a great stress. 忧虑自己的工作及妻子的健康问题使他陷于过度的紧张中。 He was feeling very stressed and tireD 他感觉十分焦虑,疲惫不堪。,Person may suffer from loneliness, fear, anxiety, or other emotional responses to stress. 人们可以因孤独、恐惧、焦虑或其它感情上压抑等而感到痛苦。 Do not put much pressure on the handle; it may break. 不要在把柄上太用力了,它会坏的。,活学活用 用恰当词语填空 (1)(2015真题改编浙江)One of the most effective ways to reduce _ is to talk about feeling with someone you trust. 补全句子 (2)人在压力之下,办事就易出错。 Things can easily go wrong when people are _. (3)他强调了良好教育的重要性。 He _ _ _ of good education.,答案:(1)stress 句意:一种最有效的减压方法就是和你觉得信任的人谈谈你的想法。根据常识可以知道,和别人谈心应该来说是减压。所以答案是 stress意为压力。 (2)under stress (3)stressed the importance,3ban vt禁止;取缔 n禁令;谴责 He was banned from driving for six months. 他被禁止驾驶六个月。 The President supports a global ban on nuclear testing. 总统支持全球性禁止核试验。 提示 ban作动词时为及物动词,其后可直接接宾语;作名词时,其后常用介词on。,知识拓展 ban.from doing 禁止做 lift/remove the ban on 解禁 place/put.under a ban 禁止 under a ban 被禁止;被逐出门,比较网站 ban, forbid与prohibit,活学活用 用ban, forbid或prohibit的适当形式填空 (1)After the accident, he was _ from driving alone. (2)Our school _ us to bring cellphone to school. (3)The law _
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