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U7第I卷:课内知识过关(共5大题,共84分)一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共28分)( )1.Blood poured from the _cut on his arm. A.deep B.deeply C.depth D.deepen( )2.Bobs taller than _in his class. A.any other boys B.any boy C.any other boy D.any boys( )3.Everyone knows Canada is larger than _country in Asia. A.any B.any other C.other D.another( )4.Many cities in China,_BJ,have been deeply affected by the dirty air. A.including B.without C.beyond( )5.About 70% of the population in China _farmers. A.being B.are C.be D.was( )6.The glasses can _our eyes _strong light. A.protect,from B.protect,in C.protect,away D.protect,out( )7.Peter speaks Chinese well indeed,but of course not _a local Chinese speaker.A.as fluent as B.more fluent than C.much fluently than D.so fluently as( )8.The book gives you some information about life in _India. A.older B.elder C.the oldest D.ancient( )9.What a big dog and please tell me how much_. A.it weights B.does it weight C.weights it ( )10.My parents will move back in a year_. A.hardly B.often C.about D.or so E.up to( )11.We have 2 rooms _,but I dont know _. A.to live,to choose which one B.to live in,which one to choose C.live,which one to choose( )12.This table is _that one. A.as twice big as B.twice as big as C.as big as twice D.as big twice as( )13.How do you say 6281000000 in English? A.six million two hundred and eighty-one million B.Six million and two hundred and eighty-one thousand.C.Six billion two hundred and eighty-one million D.Six billion two hundred and eighty-one millions( )14.Tom will sell _stamps to help the poor. A.thousand of B.two thousand of C.two thousand( )15.I prefer science to art.I think art is_than science. A.much useful B.less useful C.more useful( )16.We are faced _ lots of problems.So we should try our best to solve them. A.in B.with C.to D.for( )17.The Changbai Mt runs _ the southeastern part of Jilin province. A.in B.at C.along D.up( )18.The _action move has attracted millions of people. A.130-minute B.130-minutes C.130 minutes D.130 minutes( )19.Dear friends,please read every sentence carefully.Details decide _or not.If you take it seriously,you will achieve your goal. A.success B.successful C.succeed( )20.The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan became_because of the dry weather.A.fewer and fewer B.more and more C.less and less D.little and little( )21.Serious difficulties_freezing weather conditions and heavy storms. A.including B.to include C.include( )22.Mike always does his homework as _as the exams. A.good B.better C.well D.best( )23.One fifth of the population _workers now. A.is B.are C.be D.was E.were( )24._Himalayas run _the southwest of China. A.The,along B.A,at C.The,at D./,along( )25.Shanghai is bigger than _city in Japan. A.any B.any other C.other D.the other( )26.-Did he die _sadness?-No,he died _an accident. A.of,of B.from,from C.of,from D.from,of( )27.You stomach isnt good.You should eat _than three meals a day.A.much time more B.much time less C.many times more D.many times less( )28.-He was chosen to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games.-Great!No one speaks English _him.A.as beautiful as B.as badly as C.worse than D.better than二、句型转换。(21.5分)1、The road is 25 meters wide.(同义句)The road is 25 meters _ _.2、You must on no condition tell them what happened.(同义句)_3、Work hard and you can make your dream come true.(同义句)If you work had,you can _ _ _.4、The box is 20 kg in weight.(同义句)The box _ 20 kg.5、The baby weighted 3gram at birth.(同义句)The baby weighted 3gram _ _ _ _.6、He bought me a book with the money left.(同义句)He bought me a book with the _ _.7、The wall is ten meters high.(同义句)The _ of the wall is _ _.8、The man standing there is about 40 years old.(同义句)The man standing there is 40 years old _ _.9、How many people are there in Nanchang?(同义句)(1)How _ is the _ _ Nanchang?(2)_ the _ _ Nanchang?10、Her boss is more intelligent than her.(同义句)(1)She is _ intelligent _ her boss.(2)She isnt _ intelligent _ her boss.11、No subject is more difficult than maths.(同义句)Math is the _ _ subject _ _.12、Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.(同义句)Shanghai is _ than any _ the _
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