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Unit 1 A land of diversity 单句语法填空1The position _ for by most _ actually requires at least 5 years working experience.(apply)答案:applied; applicants2There is a great deal of evidence_ (indicate) that listening to soft music can reduce stress.答案:indicating3I was taken _ by the salesman whose products turned out to be much less effective.答案:in4(2018西安四校联考)The building facing the big river is likely _ (destroy) by the flood.答案:to be destroyed5Mark _ your mistakes, and find out what causes you to make these mistakes.答案:out6What are we to do next under the assumption that the _ (major) are against the plan?答案:majority7_ (apparent), the iPods, if used properly, are helpful to our study, especially to our English listening.答案:Apparently8I hope the fine weather will keep _ because the crops need much sunshine.答案:up9You see, Im poor in math, but good at English, while you are good at math, but weak in English.Thats _ we should help each other.答案:why10It never occurred to him _ (ask) anyone for advice when he was in trouble.答案:to ask 单句改错1In fact, I didnt realize its importance after I was elected the monitor._ 答案:去掉the2After the explosion, every means have been used to prevent the river from being polluted._ 答案:havehas3The reason why she couldnt come to the meeting was because she had not been invited._ 答案:becausethat4Emerson would always take down new ideas that were occurred to him._ 答案:去掉were5This is believed that hard work can lead to success._ 答案:ThisIt 单元语法名词性从句1(2016江苏卷)It is often the case _ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.答案:that2(2018四川德阳四校模拟)There have been frequent traffic accidents in China recently, and that is _ people are concerned.答案:where3(2018山东省实验中学一诊)She has received the offer from you, but I dont know _ she will accept it or not.答案:whether/if4(2018广东广州期中)_ there are living creatures in outer space as those on Earth hasnt been proved until now.答案:Whether5(2018浙江杭州二中期中)_ is known to us all is that the 2020 Olympics will take place in Tokyo.答案:What 教材与语法填空根据教材课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows. However, it is 1._ (like) that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.Scientists believe that these first 2._ (settler) crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by 3._ (mean) of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. In the 16th century, after the 4._ (arrive) of Europeans, the native people suffered greatly.Thousands were killed or forced into slavery. 5._ addition, many died from the diseases brought by Europeans. However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans 6._ (live) in California than in any other state.In the 18th century, California 7._ (rule) by Spain. Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century, when they fought against the native people and took their land.Two centuries 8._ (late), the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States. Of 9._ first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men, 10._ ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.答案:1.likely2.settlers3.means4.arrival5.In6living7.was ruled8.later9.the10.whose 教材与话题写作()用本单元所学知识完成下列句子。1众所周知,自从1978年改革以来,中国经历了移民大潮。(immigration)_ 答案:As we all know, China has experienced immigration movements since the reform in 1978.2据报道成千上万的农民从农村涌向城市。(It is reported that.)_ 答案:It is reported that thousands of farmers from the countryside crowd into the cities.3尽管辛苦,他们中的多数人都能适应城市生活。(make a life)_ 答案:The majority of them can make a life in the cities despite great hardship.4有些农民甚至申请到了城市居住权,享受和当地人一样的权利。(apply for)_答案:Some farmers even have applied for the right to live in the city and enjoy the same rights as the local people.5他们通过努力工作为城市的繁荣做出了贡献,自己也过上了幸福的生活。(by means of; boom)_ 答案:They have made great contributions to the boom of the cities by means of working hard and live a happy life.()将以上句子连成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。_ _ _
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