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Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 单句语法填空1I am not accustomed to _ (interrupt) when studying or working, so please remember this and dont do it again.答案:being interrupted2The headmaster hurried to the concert hall, only _ (tell) the speaker had gone.答案:to be told3The escaped prisoner got _ (arrest) immediately he turned up at the railway station and was sent to prison again.答案:arrested4There were so many cars held up by the heavy rain on the road that we had no alternative but _ (wait)答案:to wait5_ (assume) that you are chosen to be a volunteer at the Olympic Games, what will you do?答案:Assuming6My neck is aching.No wonder. You _ (play) computer games for four hours.答案:have been playing7For a very long time, people always have been trying to find out the _ (significant) of life.答案:significance8I had gone only a few steps _ I realized that my greeting had been impolite.答案:when9_ (look) ahead, we must expect some changes to be made in our system of government.答案:Looking10In contrast to our ignorance of saving food, many people especially those in povertystricken areas are suffering from _ (starve)答案:starvation 单句改错1It seems of great significance for him to be informed regardless what has happened at home and abroad._ 答案:regardless后加of2Every day a number of tourists take pictures in front of the building, which dated back to as early as 800 years ago._ 答案:dateddates3Im fed up this weather. Its time we had some sunshine._ 答案:up后加with4Which is announced in todays paper, they have succeeded in solving many problems with the new theory._ 答案:WhichAs5If only I looked ahead a few days ago! Then I wouldnt have been feeling so worried now._ 答案:looked前加had 单元语法现在完成进行时1(2018山东济南调研)Over the past decades, sea ice _ (decrease) in the Arctic as a result of global warming.答案:has been decreasing2(2018山东师大附中月考)Oh no! Were too late. The train _ (leave)Thats OK. Well catch the next train to London.答案:has left3Youd better not call the manager between 7 and 8 this evening, for he _ (have) an important meeting then.答案:will be having4The girl has a great interest in sport and _ (take) badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.答案:has been taking5(2015陕西卷)Marty _ (work) really hard on his book and he thinks hell have finished it by Friday.答案:has been working 教材与语法填空根据教材课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A group of students from England has come to the Zhoukoudian caves for a visit. 1._ archaeologist is showing them round. The archaeologists 2._ (excavate) here for many years. After 3._ (find) human and animal bones in those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and other objects, they think it is 4._ (reason) to assume some of the earliest people lived in these caves, regardless 5._ the cold. They discovered fireplaces in the centre of the caves 6._ they made fires. Some evidence suggests that our ancestors did wear clothes 7._ (make) from animal skins. The archaeologist also shows the students a primitive necklace preserved quite well. Indeed, as the botanical analyses have 8._ (special) shown us, all the fields around here used 9._ (be) part of a large shallow lake. Perhaps there was trade between early peoples or they 10._ (travel) to the seaside on their journeys.答案:1.An2.have been excavating3.finding4reasonable5.of6.where7.made8.specially9to be10.travelled 教材与话题写作()用本单元所学知识完成下列句子。1上个月我们非常有幸到周口店洞穴参观。(a great honor)_ 答案:Last month, it was a great honor for us to pay a visit to the Zhoukoudian caves.2这次参观非常有意义。(significance)_ 答案:This visit is of great significance.3这使我们对原始人类生活的认识更加清晰。(primitive; sharpen)_ 答案:It sharpened our thinking about the life of the primitive people.4我们不仅了解了他们在寒冬御寒的一些方法,而且还知道他们除了拼命多找食物防止饥饿外别无选择。(keep.out; alternative)_ 答案:We are not only aware of some of their ways of keeping the cold out during the freezing winter, but also we know they had no alternative but to hunt for more food desperately to prevent starvation.5我被他们所戴的项链吸引住了,我认为尽管生活条件异常艰苦,他们仍很在乎外貌。(regardless of)_ 答案:I was attracted by their necklace and I assume that they cared about their appearance very much, regardless of the terrible living conditions.()将以上句子连成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。_ _ _
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