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专题01 Great scientist 【高频单词】1scientific (adj.) 科学的science (n.) 科学scientist (n.)科学家2conclude (vt.&vi.) 结束;推断出conclusion (n.) 结论;结束3analyse (vt.) 分析analysis (n.) 分析4attend (vt.)照顾;护理;出席;参加attendance (n.)出席;参加;到场5expose (vt.) 暴露;揭露;使曝光exposed (adj.) 无遮蔽的;不遮挡风雨的exposure (n.) 显露;暴露;揭露;曝光6suspect (vt.) 认为;怀疑 (n.)被怀疑者;嫌疑犯suspicion (n.) 怀疑suspicious (adj.)有疑心的7foresee (vt.) 预见;预知foresaw (过去式)foreseen (过去分词)8pollute (vt.) 污染;弄脏pollution (n.) 污染polluted (adj.) 被污染了的9announce (vt.) 宣布;通告announcement (n.) 宣布;通知10instruct (vt.) 命令;指示;教导instruction (n.) 教育;说明;指导;教训instructive (adj.) 富有教育意义的;启发的11construct (vt.) 建设;修建construction (n.) 建设;建筑物constructor (n.) 建造者;建造商constructive (adj.) 建设性的;积极的12contribute (vt. & vi.) 捐献;贡献;捐助contribution (n.) 捐献;贡献;捐助13enthusiastic (adj.) 热情的enthusiasm (n.) 热情14reject (vt.) 拒绝;不接受;抛弃rejection (n.) 拒绝;抛弃15characteristic (n.) 特征;特性character (n.) 品质;性格;特点16painter (n.) 画家;油漆匠paint (vt.) 在上刷油漆painting (n.) 绘画;油画【重点短语】1put_forward 提出2draw_a_conclusion 得出结论3expose._to 使显露;暴露4be_to_blame 应受责备5look_into 调查;研究6link.to. 将和联系或连接起来7apart_from 除之处;此外8be_strict_with. 对严格9make_sense 讲得通;有意义10at_times 有时【热点句型】1neither. nor.“既不也不”Neither (既不) its cause nor (也不) its cure was understood.2every time作连词引导时间状语从句,意为“每次”So many thousands of terrified people died every_time_there_was_an_outbreak (每次暴发霍乱时)3to do 作目的状语/suggest意为“建议”时用虚拟语气,即“shoulddo”,其中should可以省略To_prevent (为防止) this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies (should)_be_examined (应被检测)4only状语,句子结构发生倒装Only_if (只有) you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make_sense (说得清楚)5“with宾语宾补”复合结构He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with_the_planets_going_round_it (行星围绕着它转) and only the moon still going round the earth.6doing 作状语/who引导定语从句The Christian Church rejected his theory, saying (声称) it was against Gods idea and people who_supported_it (支持这种想法的人) would be attacked. 高频考点一 单词例1、attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加John Snow was a famous doctor in Londonso expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.(P2)约翰斯诺是伦敦一位著名的医生他的确医术精湛,因而成了维多利亚女王的私人大夫。【归纳拓展】attend school/church 上学/去教堂attend a meeting/lecture/wedding/party 参加会议/听演讲/出席婚礼/参加晚会attend (on/upon) sb. 照顾某人attend to 处理;照料【名师点睛】attend侧重“参加”之意。attend to作“处理”讲时,与do/deal with近义;作“照顾”讲时,与take care of, look after近义。【语境助记】I have just found that I have to attend_an_important class meeting that afternoon.我刚发现那天下午我必须参加一个重要的班会。If you had told me beforehand, I would_have_attended your wedding.你如果提前告诉我的话,我就会去参加你的婚礼了。I have an important meeting to attend,_so I cant join you in the discussion.我要出席一个重要的会议,所以我不能加入你们的讨论。The main thing is to attend_to the injured.首要任务是照顾伤者。I may be lateI have got one or two things to_attend_to.我也许会迟到,我有一两件事要处理。例2、expose vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.(P2)但当他一想到要帮助(那些)受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓,他就感到很振奋。【归纳拓展】expose to 暴露;受到风险expose sth./sb./oneself (to.) (向)显露或暴露某事物/某人/某人自己;使某事物/某人/某人自己面临be exposed to 暴露于;接触expose sb. to sth. 使某人接触到某物)【语境助记】Dont expose your skin to direct sunlight, or youll get burnt.不要让你的皮肤直接暴晒于阳光下,否则你会被晒伤。We want to expose our kids to as much art and culture as possible.我们想让孩子们受到尽可能多的艺术和文化的熏陶。Klaus Von Bulow was_exposed as a liar and a cheat.克劳斯冯布洛被揭露是一个说谎者和骗子。例3、absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.(P2)第二种看法是人们在吃饭时把这种病毒引入体内的。【归纳拓展】(1)absorb/attract/draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意absorb.from. 从中吸收absorb.into. 把吸收进be absorbed by/into 被吞并/吸引(be) absorbed in. 全神贯注于(2)absorbed adj. 全神贯注的【名师点睛】表示“全神贯注于”的常见短语还有:be lost in, be buried in, fix/focus ones attention on, devote.to, concentrate ones mind on, apply oneself to, be addicted to等。【语境助记】However, when something did interest me, I could become_absorbed.然而,当某物真的让我感兴趣了,我就能变得很专注。Absorbed_in writing a letter, he didnt even look up when I came in.他在聚精会神地写信,当我进来时他连头都没有抬。Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳并从土壤中汲取水分。Ive just been so busy studying and trying to absorb_all_the_new_things around me.我一直忙于学习,并竭力掌握身边所有的新事物。例4、blame vt.谴责;责备 n过失;责备It seemed that the water was to blame.(P2)看起来水是罪魁祸首。【归纳拓展】(1)blame sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而责备某人blame sth. on sb. 将某事归咎于某人be to_blame (for sth.) (对某事)应承担责任;该受责备(2)accept/bear/take the blame for. 对负责;为承担责任put/lay the blame on sb. 把责任推到某人身上【名师点睛】【语境助记】I often had crazy dreams in which I was to_blame_for Millers accident.我经常会做恶梦,梦中我应该对米勒的车祸负责。I am ready to take_the_blame_for the mistake.我愿意为这一错误承担责任。She stole the money but
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