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Unit 2 The United Kingdom李仕才一、阅读理解。(2018唐山一模)When youre walking on your way through one of lifes storms,it is human nature to focus on getting back to normal,to “bounce back” as quickly as possible to a place where things are calm,familiar and comfortable.However,actually it is unrealistic to think we can ever truly return emotionally and intelligently to where we were before the storm because every experience changes us in some way.For example,when we experience a major health scare,possibly involving some hospital time,we can never go back to being the person we were before the event even if we fully recover because we have experienced firsthand the fragility(脆弱) of life,not to mention coming face to face with death.So,now that we can never return,what should we do?Consider this.how is it that two people can be faced with the same hardship and while one becomes hopeless and feels anger and upset,the other is able to overcome their circumstances and grows stronger than ever as a result of the experience?At one extreme,we may choose to accept the role of unlucky victim,or become trapped in the “Why is it always me!” negative and frustrating(令人沮丧的) situations.Either way is the result of a fixed mindset(思维模式) that is resistant to growth and change.If this is your approach to life,you will be far less likely to be active in effectively managing change and recovering from bad situations.But there is another choice.If you are honest enough,you may consider what was once “normal” for you was just the main cause of your storm.You can choose to hug change and uncertainty and learn to grow forward through all of your experiences.Of course,this means doing the work to develop the skills and habits that will enable you to handle lifes occasional storms.In conclusion,it is up to each of us to choose the meaning we apply to our situations at all times.Different choices will lead to different lives.Of course you can grow forward if you are determined to choose to live a positive life regardless of whatever hardships you are facing.【解题导语】在面对生活中的“暴风雨”的时候,人们总是希望回到原来的正常生活轨迹,但是这几乎是不可能的。我们该如何选择,是随波逐流还是积极面对?1.What does the author try to convey with the example in the second paragraph?A.We will understand life much better after an escape from death.B.It usually takes a long time to recover from a health problem.C.Its unlikely to return to where we were after certain events.D.We can recover from an emotional problem much more easily.C解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第一句可知,我们不可能再回到从前,下面的例子是为了支持这个观点。故选C项。2.When faced with hardships,some people choose to be a victim because of _.A.their terrible experiencesB.their negative thoughtsC.their poor healthD.their bad luckB解析:推理判断题。第四段列举出了两种人面对困难时的表现:一种是无助、愤怒、烦躁;另一种是克服困难变得更加强大。第五段对第一种人的表现进行了解释,他们陷于消极和沮丧的处境中难以自拔。由此可知,当面对困难时,一些人把自己看成受害者是由他们消极的思想导致的。故选B项。3.What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A.To advise us to manage bad emotions.B.To persuade us to get back to normal.C.To offer us useful skills to work with.D.To encourage us to overcome hardships.D解析:写作意图题。文章提出了两种人面对困境时的表现,然后进行分析,在文章最后一句点明作者的观点:不管你遇到什么困难,如果你决心积极面对,就会继续成长。故选D项。4.If youre determined to grow forward you have to_.A.experience lifes fragilityB.welcome uncertainty and changeC.develop new skills and habitsD.overcome the fear of deathB解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第三句可知,你可以选择拥抱变化和不确定性,并学会利用你所有的经历继续成长。故选B项。二、单句语法填空1. To his great (delighted),his son passed the College Entrance Examination with firstclass honors.答案:delight2A number of visitors from all over the world are by the scenery.(attract)答案:attracted; attractive3(2018大同质量检测)The printing machines are always breaking , which annoys him a lot.答案:down4It is strange that the wellbehaved gentleman (be) so rude to that old lady.答案:(should) be5Any help from you will be greatly appreciated. Please give me a reply at your earliest (convenient)答案:convenience6With their wedding approaching, they are busy making good (arrange) for it.答案:arrangements7 (divide) into four groups, the whole class began to discuss the topic.答案:Divided8The football team, (consist) of 22 players and three coaches, was set up about 3 years ago.答案:consisting9In the job interviews, job applicants often find themselves (ask) unexpected questions, some very difficult to answer.答案:asked10We paid a visit to Guilin, whose beauty was beyond (describe)答案:description三、完形填空。I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her 60s. When it was her turn to pay, the cashier(收银员) 1 her by name and asked her how she was doing. The woman looked down, shook her head and said, “Not so good. My husband just lost his job and my 2 son is up to his old tricks again. The truth is I dont know how Im going to 3 the holidays.” Then she gave the cashier food stamps.My heart 4 . I wanted to help but didnt
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