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班级(层) 姓名 英文名 座位号 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 密 封 线 广州市香江中学国际部 2015-2016学年第一学期期末考试_12_年级_物理_(学科)试卷 出卷人 李昭亮 审核人 薛仲伟 说明:1.本试卷共4页,总分100 分。考试时间为90分钟。 2.考生按照要求用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写在答题卷各题目指定区域内 的相应位置,否则不得分。Multiple Choice (4*20=80) 1.A car uniformly accelerates from rest at 3.0m/s2 down a 150m track.What is the cars final velocity?A 30m/s B 90m/s C 150m/s D 450m/s E 900m/s 2.A place kicker kicks a football at a velocity of 10.0 m/s from the ground at an angle of 30 from the horizontal.Approximately how long will the ball stay in the air?A 0s B 0.6s C 0.8s D1.0s E 1.8s3. Bonnie sits on the outer rim of a merry-go-round,and Jill sits midway between the center and the rim.The merry-go-round makes one complete revolution every 2 seconds. Jills linear velocity is:A the same as Bonnies B twice Bonnies C half of BonniesD one-quarter of Bonnies E four times Bonnies 4.An object at rest begins to rotate with a constant angular acceleration.If this object rotates through an angle in time t,through what angle did it rotate in the time 1/2t?A 0.5 B 0.25 C D 2 E 4 5.A bicycle wheel has a radius of 0.5m.When it spins, it completes one full turn in 1.6s.A pebble wedged in the tread has a mass of 10g.What is the centripetal force on the pebble?A 0.01N B 0.08N C 0.1N D 0.8N E 1N 6.A 70-kg man runs at a constant velocity of 2m/s.What is his kinetic energy?A 35J B 70J C 105J D 140J E 210J7.A 10-N force is applied horizontally on a box to move it 10m across a frictionless surface.How much work was done to move the box?A 0J B 10J C 50J D 100J E 1000J8.A constant net force of 500N moves a 1000-kg car 100m.If the car was initially at rest, then what is the cars final velocity?A 1m/s B 5m/s C 10m/s D 20m/s E 100m/s 9.A mover uses a pulley system to lift a grand piano with a mass of 500kg from the ground to a height of 10m.What is the change in the pianos gravitational potential energy?A 5*102J B 5*103J C 5*104J D 5*105J E 1*104J10.A 1000-kg car traveling at 30m/s must stop within 10m to avoid a crash.What magnitude of force must the brakes exert on the car?A 1.5*103N B 3.0*103N C 4.5*103N D 1.5*104N E 4.5*104N 11.A spring with a constant of 400N/m is stretch by 0.5m.What is the potential energy on the spring?A 50J B 100J C 150J D 200J E 300J12.A 1-kg block is attached to a 100N/m spring. The spring is compressed 0.2m from equilibrium.When the block is let go, what is its velocity as it passes the equilibrium point?A 0.4m/s B 1.4m/s C 1.6m/s D 2.0m/s E 4.0m/s 13.A man pushes a 100-kg box with a horizontal force of 100N across a floor for a distance of 60m in 2min.What is his power?A 10W B 20W C 30W D 40W E 50W14.Two toy cars weighing 500g each are on a frictionless track.Car A is moving at 0.2m/s when it collides into Car B ,which is at rest. Both cars stick together,moving away at 0.1m/s.How much energy is lost as heat during the collision?A 10% B 20% C 25% D 50% E 90%15.A 1000-kg car moving at a constant velocity of 11.0m/s strikes a concrete barrier and comes to a complete stop in2.0s. What is the force acting on the car?A -5500N B -180N C 0.02N D 180N E 5500N16.A bullet has a mass of 50g and its momentum is 25 kgm/s.What is the velocity of the bullet?A 2*10-3m/s B 5*10-1m/s C 2.5*101m/s D 5*101m/s E 5*102m/s17.A 260-g cue ball moving at 1.0m/s strikes a 150-g numbered ball at rest.The collision is elastic and the cue ball stops.What is the velocity of the numbered ball?A 0.6m/s B 1.2m/s C 1.5m/s D 1.7m/s E 2.0m/s18.A marksman fires a 7.5-g bullet from a 1.2kg handgun.The bullet travels away at 365m/s. At what velocity does the handgun recoil?A -2.4m/s B -1.2m/s C 0m/s D 1.2m/s E 2.4m/s19.Two skaters,a 70-kg man and a 50-kg woman, are skating on an ice rink.They “push off” from each other and move in opposite directions.After the push off,the woman moves with a velocity of 2.5 m/s.What is the velocity of the man?A -2.5m/s B -1.8m/s C -1.3m/s D 0m/s E 2.5m/s20.A 70-kg stuntman free falls from a building for 2.5s and hits an air bag.The air bag exerts a force on him over a time period of 2.5s and he comes to a complete stop.What was the average force exerted by the air bag?A 100N B 750N C 1250N D 700N E 1400NFree Response Question (20*2=40)1. An 800-kg
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